frame | framedefinition |
Causation | A <fen>Cause</fen> causes an <fen>Effect</fen>. Alternatively, an <fen>Actor</fen>, a participant of a (implicit) <fen>Cause</fen>, may stand in for the <fen>Cause</fen>. The entity <fen>Affected</fen> by the Causation may stand in for the overall <fen>Effect</fen> situation or event. Those frames that inherit the Causation frame have as their background the idea that some event is responsible for the occurrence of another event (or state). In the inheriting frame, typically an FE like Agent or Causer is proposed in the place of the <fen>Actor</fen>, but in the daughter frames, as in this frame, the <fen>Actor</fen> is semantically dependent on the idea of a <fen>Cause</fen> (an event or state-of-affairs) that the <fen>Actor</fen> is a participant in. Similarly, most inheriting frames profile only the <fen>Affected</fen> entity, not the full <fen>Effect</fen> situation which is often incorporated into the frame or the particular target. So, for example, paint.v in the Filling frame entails the final situation of something (the <fen>Affected</fen>) being covered in paint (the <fen>Effect</fen>).<ex><fex name='act'>He</fex> <t>made</t> <fex name='Effect'>me</fex> <fex name='Effect'>angry</fex>.</ex><ex>If <fex name='Cause'>such a small earthquake</fex> <t>causes</t> <fex name='Effect'>problems</fex>, just imagine a big one!</ex><ex><fex name='Cause'>The strange mutations of the rumor mill</fex> <fex name='Time'>in the end</fex> <t>led</t> <fex name='Effect'>to it being said that he was actually a woman</fex>.</ex><ex><fex name='Actor'>You</fex> 've <t>made</t> <fex name='Effect'>it</fex> <fex name='Effect'>impossible to continue</fex>!</ex><ex><fex name='Cause'>The ending</fex> <t>left</t> <fex name='Effect'>me</fex> <fex name='Effect'>feeling kinda empty</fex>.</ex> |
Communication | A <fen>Communicator</fen> conveys a <fen>Message</fen> to an <fen>Addressee</fen>; the <fen>Topic</fen> and <fen>Medium</fen> of the communication also may be expressed. This frame includes no specification of the method of communication (speech, writing, gesture, etc.). This frame and the frames that inherit the general Communication frame can add elaboration to the <fen>Medium</fen> in a variety of ways (in French, on the radio program, in a letter) or to the <fen>Manner</fen> of communication (babble, rant, shout, whisper). There are also frames related to Communication that either do not inherit all of the FEs of this frame or do not inherit them in a straightforward manner (such as Conversation, in which <fen>Communicator</fen> and <fen>Addressee</fen> alternate roles, and are often expressed by a single, plural NP).<ex>Let's hope <fex name='Communicator'>it</fex> did n't have time to <t>communicate</t> <fex name='Message'>any of its findings</fex> <fex name='Addressee'>to its overlords</fex>.</ex>NB: For many words in this domain (those which do not inherently ascribe cognitive/social processes to a <fen>Communicator</fen>, position a statement within a conversation, or specify <fen>Medium</fen> in detail), there is a metaphorical usage which maps Communication onto an alternate POV of Becoming_aware, with corresponding maps for frames related to Communication. This metaphor is most felicitous with <fen>Means</fen> or <fen>Medium</fen> subjects, which are mapped onto the Evidence FE of Becoming_aware. In many cases this metaphor maps Communication onto the Evidence frame, but not always. Some words from the Communication domain are listed in the Evidence frame since they are deemed to be lexicalized.<ex><fex name='Means'>A flick of his gaze toward the doorway</fex> <t>told</t> <fex name='Addressee'>me</fex> <fex name='Message'>what he really wanted</fex>. (METAPHOR)</ex><ex><fex name='Medium'>This painting</fex> really <t>speaks</t> <fex name='Addressee'>to me</fex>. <fex name='Message'>INI</fex> (MET) </ex><ex><fex name='Means'>Putting his arm around her protectively</fex> achieved nothing but <t>announcing</t> <fex name='Addressee'>to their captors</fex> <fex name='Message'>their vulnerability</fex>. (MET)</ex><ex>It <t>says</t> <fex name='Message'>a lot</fex> <fex name='Means'>that he did n't come back</fex>. <fex name='Addressee'>INI</fex> (MET) </ex> |
Motion | Some entity (<fen>Theme</fen>) starts out in one place (<fen>Source</fen>) and ends up in some other place (<fen>Goal</fen>), having covered some space between the two (<fen>Path</fen>). Alternatively, the <fen>Area</fen> or <fen>Direction</fen>in which the <fen>Theme</fen> moves or the <fen>Distance</fen> of the movement may be mentioned.<ex><fex name='Theme'>That kite you see just to the right of his head</fex> was <t>moving</t> <fex name='Area'>around</fex> <fex name='Speed'>pretty fast</fex> but the camera seemed to catch it ok.</ex><ex>There are several accounts of <fex name='Theme'>the stench</fex> <t>drifting</t> <fex name='Goal'>to shore</fex> <fex name='Source'>from the ships in the middle of the river</fex></ex><ex><fex name='Theme'>Dust particles</fex> <t>floating</t> <fex name='Area'>about</fex> made him sneeze uncontrollably.</ex><ex><fex name='Theme'>The grill</fex>, unsecured, <t>rolled</t> <fex name='Distance'>a few feet</fex> <fex name='Path'>across the yard</fex>.</ex><ex><fex name='Theme'>The swarm</fex> <t>went</t> <fex name='Direction'>away</fex> <fex name='Goal'>to the end of the hall</fex>.</ex>The frames that inherit the general Motion frame add some elaboration to this simple idea. Inheriting frames can add Goal-profiling (arrive, reach), Source-profiling (leave, depart), or Path-profiling (traverse, cross), or aspects of the manner of motion (run, jog) or assumptions about the shape-properties, etc., of any of the places involved (insert, extract).A particularly complex area in the vocabulary of Motion is the depiction of the relation of Vehicles to the Theme. In some cases, no separate Theme is expressed:<ex>The plane <t>flew</t> over the city.</ex> In this case, the sentence is annotated in Self_motion. When the Vehicle is profiled as being operated by a Driver, the sentence is annotated in the Operate_vehicles frame:<ex>Don't try to <t>fly</t> an F-16 without training!</ex>This is very similar to the Bringing frame which covers cases where the Vehicle is necessarily involved, but the movement of the <fen>Theme</fen> (something carried by the Vehicle) is profiled:<ex>It's scary <t>flying</t> hundreds of people over thousands of miles of ocean every day.</ex>Some of the same vocabulary is also used to describe the situation where Passengers Ride_vehicle or Operate_vehicle (each of these a perspective on Use_vehicles):<ex>I <t>flew</t> to Chicago on the red-eye.</ex><ex>I <t>flew</t> my plane across the Canadian border</ex> Finally, there are cases where, despite the use of similar vocabulary, there is no self-propelled Vehicle involved at all:<ex>The ball <t>flew</t> over the fence.</ex>This last type is annotated in the simple Motion frame. |
Perception | A <fen>Perceiver</fen> perceives a <fen>Phenomenon</fen>. The general Perception frame is an inherited background to all frames that have to do with some sentient being responding to changes in the environment, independently of the sensory modalities. The inheriting frames may specify the modalities (see, hear, taste, smell), or may emphasize the experiences or acts of the perceiver (peek, eavesdrop), or the properties of the perceived phenomena (clank, rattle, thump). |
Reciprocality | This frame characterizes states-of-affairs with <fen>Protagonists</fen> in relations with each other that may be viewed symmetrically. When the <fen>Protagonists</fen> are equally prominent, each equally serving to identify the others, they are expressed together as <fen>Protagonists</fen>. When one of the <fen>Protagonists</fen> serves to define the other (more or less as a Ground), it is called <fen>Protagonist_2</fen>, and the other is called <fen>Protagonist_1</fen> (i.e. the Figure). This frame exists as a background for a number of lexical frames, including Chatting, Similarity, Exchange, and Being_attached. The most basic frames inheriting from this one are symmetrical states. (For example, Being_attached is symmetrical, since if A is attached to B, B is attached to A.) Other frames exhibiting reciprocality either have a causative/inchoative relation to such a stative frame (e.g. Becoming_attached), or are stative-like summarizations of multiple events of the same kind. This second type, in which events are performed reciprocally, with two equal participants acting on each other, can be exemplified by the Chatting frame in which two people are effectively both speakers and addressees in a joint act of communication. The basic characteristic of this frame, inherited in the daughters, is the equivalence of <fen>Protagonist_1</fen> + <fen>Protagonist_2</fen> to <fen>Protagonists</fen>, and the further equivalence (modulo figure/ground profiling) of the following: <fen>Protagonist_1</fen> Relation with <fen>Protagonist_2</fen>. <fen>Protagonist_2</fen> Relation with <fen>Protagonist_1</fen>. <fen>Protagonists</fen> Relation. |
Transitive_action | This frame characterizes, at a very abstract level, an <fen>Agent</fen> or <fen>Cause</fen> affecting a <fen>Patient</fen>. This frame is inherited by many lower-level frames. |
Duplication | This frame involves a <fen>Creator</fen> making a duplicate, the <fen>Copy</fen>, of some <fen>Original</fen> entity. A <fen>Source</fen>, the location of the <fen>Original</fen>, and <fen>Goal</fen>, the location of the <fen>Copy</fen>, may be expressed. <ex><fex name='Creator'>The teacher</fex> <t>copied</t> <fex name='Original'>the problem</fex> <fex name='Goal'>onto the blackboard</fex>.</ex><ex> <fex name='Copy'>His handouts</fex> were <fex name='Manner'>poorly</fex> <t>photocopied</t> <fex name='Creator'> by his assistant</fex><fex name='Original'>from my originals </fex>.</ex> |
Feigning | An <fen>Agent</fen> acts in such a way as to give the incorrect impression to observers that a particular <fen>State_of_affairs</fen> holds. <ex><fex name='Agent'>Jordan</fex> <t>feigned</t> <fex name='Original'>a love of jazz music</fex> <fex name='Purpose'>to get her phone number</fex> .</ex> |
Cause_to_amalgamate | These words refer to an <fen>Agent</fen> joining <fen>Parts</fen> to form a <fen>Whole</fen>. (The <fen>Parts</fen> may also be encoded as <fen>Part_1</fen> and <fen>Part_2</fen>.) There is a symmetrical relationship between the components that undergo the process, and afterwards the <fen>Parts</fen> are consumed and are no longer distinct entities that are easily discernable or separable in the <fen>Whole</fen>.<ex><fex name='Agent'>Chuck</fex> <t>merged</t> <fex name='Parts'>the corpora</fex>.</ex><ex><fex name='Agent'>Chuck</fex> <t>merged</t> <fex name='Parts'>the corpora</fex> <fex name='Whole'>into a database</fex>.</ex><ex><fex name='Agent'>Chuck</fex> <t>merged</t> <fex name='Part_1'>the BNC</fex> <fex name='Part_2'>with the AP Corpus</fex> <fex name='Whole'>into a database</fex>.</ex><ex><fex name='Parts'>The two forces</fex> <t>merged</t> <fex name='Whole'>into a single, undifferentiated mass of murderous mayhem</fex>.(Sense 2)</ex><ex>Melt the butter, then <t>blend</t> <fex name='Part_1'>it</fex> <fex name='Part_2'>with the room temperature milk</fex>. <fex name='Agent'>CNI</fex></ex> |
Separating | These words refer to separating a <fen>Whole</fen> into <fen>Parts</fen>, or separating one part from another. The separation is made by an <fen>Agent</fen> or <fen>Cause</fen> and may be made on the basis of some <fen>Criterion</fen>. <ex><fex name='Agent'>I</fex> <t>divided</t> <fex name='Whole'>the class</fex> <fex name='Parts'>into groups</fex> <fex name='Criterion'>in alphabetical order</fex> .</ex> |
Body_movement | This frame contains words for motions or actions an <fen>Agent</fen> performs using some part of his/her body. A number of words in this frame occur as blends with Communication, in which the action has an <fen>Addressee</fen>. For example, <ex>Pat <t>nodded</t> <fex name='Addressee'>at Kim</fex>.</ex>These examples differ from Communication.Gesture in that no specific message need be expressed, as in <ex>She <t>nodded</t> to him to sit down.</ex>Since this frame involves a particular type of motion, it contains the frame elements <fen>Source</fen>, <fen>Path</fen>, <fen>Goal</fen> and <fen>Area</fen>, which originate in the motion frame. All of these frame elements are generally expressed in PP Complements. <ex>The boy <t>swung</t> his legs <fex name='Source'>from under the table</fex>.</ex> |
Manipulation | The words in this frame describe the manipulation of an <fen>Entity</fen> by an <fen>Agent</fen>. Generally, this implies that the <fen>Entity</fen> is not deeply or permanently physically affected, nor is it overall moved from one place to another.<ex><fex name='Agent'>Ian</fex> <t>squeezed</t> <fex name='Entity'>Mara's hand</fex>.</ex> A number of lexemes listed in this frame also occur in the Cause_motion frame (for example, push, yank). Only the non-motion uses of these words belong in this frame, e.g., combinations such as push at, push on, yank at. |
Posture | An <fen>Agent</fen> supports their body in a particular <fen>Location</fen>. The LUs of the frame convey which body part is the <fen>Point_of_contact</fen> where the <fen>Agent</fen> is supported, what orientation the body is in, and some overall arrangement of the limbs (especially the legs) and the torso.<ex><fex name='Agent'>He</fex> <t>knelt</t> <fex name='Location'>down</fex>, <fex name='Depictive'>hand on heart</fex> .</ex> |
Awareness | A <fen>Cognizer</fen> has a piece of <fen>Content</fen> in their model of the world. The <fen>Content</fen> is not necessarily present due to immediate perception, but usually, rather, due to deduction from perceivables. In some cases, the deduction of the <fen>Content</fen> is implicitly based on confidence in sources of information (believe), in some cases based on logic (think), and in other cases the source of the deduction is deprofiled (know).<ex><fex name='Cognizer'>Your boss</fex> is <t>aware</t> <fex name='Content'>of your commitment</fex>.</ex> Note that this frame is undergoing some degree of reconsideration. Many of the targets will be moved to the Opinion frame. That frame indicates that the <fen>Cognizer</fen> considers something as true, but the Opinion (compare to <fen>Content</fen>) is not presupposed to be true; rather it is something that is considered a potential point of difference, as in the following: <ex>I <t>think</t> that you are awesome.</ex>In the uses that will remain in the Awareness frame, however, the <fen>Content</fen> is presupposed. This frame is also distinct from the Certainty frame, in that it does not profile the relationship of the <fen>Cognizer</fen> to the <fen>Content</fen>, but rather presupposes it. In Certainty, the Degree of confidence or certainty is expressible as a separate frame element, as in the following:<ex>She absolutely <t>knew</t> that he would be there .</ex> |
Becoming_aware | Words in this frame have to do with a <fen>Cognizer</fen> adding some <fen>Phenomenon</fen> to their model of the world. They are similar to Coming-to-believe words, except the latter generally involve reasoning from Evidence. The words in this frame take direct objects that denote entities in the world, and indicate awareness of those entities, without necessarily giving any information about the content of the <fen>Cognizer</fen>'s belief or knowledge. These words also resemble perception words, since creatures often become aware of things by perceiving them.<ex><fex name='T'>Later that night</fex>, <fex name='Cog'>they</fex> <t>found</t> <fex name='Phen'>the barely-alive victim</fex> <fex name='Ground'>inside the Red Hall estate flat</fex>.</ex><ex><fex name='T'>Almost immediately</fex>, <fex name='Cog'>the police</fex> <t>discovered</t> <fex name='Phen'>the wrought-iron crypt gate</fex> <fex name='State'>swinging open</fex>.</ex><ex><fex name='Ground'>In the bag on the table</fex><fex name='Cog'>I</fex> could <fex name='Deg'>vaguely</fex><t>discern</t> <fex name='Phen'>two bottles of wine and several cartons of cakes and other goodies</fex>.</ex><ex><fex name='Cog'>People passing through</fex> <t>recognize</t> <fex name='Phen'>it</fex> <fex name='Ground'>from afar</fex>, <fex name='Evid'>by the clouds of coal dust darkening the air</fex>.</ex>General Grammatical Observations: Passive forms of the verbs in this frame can occur with extraposed clauses expressing <fen>Phenomenon</fen>:<ex>That year it was <t>discovered</t> <fex name='Phen'>that consumers preferred the older model</fex>.</ex><ex>It is not always <t>recognized</t> <fex name='Phen'>how much work goes into a dinner party</fex>.</ex> |
Categorization | A <fen>Cognizer</fen> construes an <fen>Item</fen> as belonging to a certain <fen>Category</fen>. In this process, the <fen>Cognizer</fen> may either passively perceive the <fen>Item</fen> and note that it fits the <fen>Criteria</fen> for a <fen>Category</fen>, or, alternatively, actively examine the <fen>Item</fen> for certain <fen>Criteria</fen> that define a <fen>Category</fen> (or set of <fen>Category</fen>s). Most members of the frame can also describe a resulting cognitive state of the <fen>Cognizer</fen> with respect to the <fen>Item</fen> and <fen>Category</fen> which no longer requires the current perception or consideration of the <fen>Item</fen>. A few LUs (e.g. peg.v, pigeonhole.v) do not readily allow stative interpretation, and a few LUs (e.g. deem.v, regard.v) only allow stative interpretation.<ex><fex name='Cognizer'>You</fex> 've already <t>stereotyped</t> <fex name='Item'>me</fex> <fex name='Category'>as a bimbo</fex>, have n't you?</ex> |
Cogitation | A person, the <fen>Cognizer</fen>, thinks about a <fen>Topic</fen> over a period of time. What is thought about may be a course of action that the person might take, or something more general.<ex><fex name='Cognizer'>The men</fex> were <fex name='Manner'>silently</fex> <t>mulling</t> <t>over</t> <fex name='Topic'>the proposition of committing an assassination</fex></ex> |
Coming_to_believe | A person (the <fen>Cognizer</fen>) comes to believe something (the <fen>Content</fen>), sometimes after a process of reasoning. This change in belief is usually initiated by a person or piece of <fen>Evidence</fen>. Occasionally words in this domain are accompanied by phrases expressing <fen>Topic</fen>, i.e. that which the mental <fen>Content</fen> is about. <ex><fex name='Evidence'>Based on the most recent census</fex> <fex name='Cognizer'>I</fex> have <t>concluded</t> <fex name='Content'>that most Americans sleep too much</fex>.</ex> |
Differentiation | Words in this frame have to do with a <fen>Cognizer</fen> being aware (or not being aware) of the difference between two <fen>Phenomena</fen>, which may be expressed jointly or disjointly. <ex>It is very difficult for <fex name='Cognizer'>people</fex> to <fex name='Means'>visually</fex> <t>distinguish</t> <fex name='Phenomena'>between living and non-living things</fex> <fex name='Circumstances'>from such a great distance</fex> .</ex> |
Evidence | The <fen>Support</fen>, a phenomenon or fact, lends support to a claim or proposed course of action, the <fen>Proposition</fen>, where the <fen>Domain_of_relevance</fen> may also be expressed. Some of the words in this frame (e.g. argue) are communication words used in a non-communicative, epistemic sense.<ex><fex name='Support'>The latest poll results</fex> <t>show</t> <fex name='Proposition'>that support of the president is at an all-time low.</fex></ex> |
frame | GROUP_CONCAT(relation) | GROUP_CONCAT(d.frame) |
Abandonment | Inherits from | Intentionally_affect |
Abounding_with | See also,Is Used by,Inherits from,Is Used by,Uses,Is Inherited by,Perspective on | Distributed_position,Expensiveness,Locative_relation,Mass_motion,Abundance,Lively_place,Distributed_abundance |
Absorb_heat | Inherits from | Transition_to_a_quality |
Abundance | Is Used by,Inherits from,Is Inherited by | Abounding_with,Gradable_attributes,Scarcity |
Abusing | Uses,Inherits from | Cause_harm,Committing_crime |
Access_scenario | Is Perspectivized in,Is Perspectivized in | Having_or_lacking_access,Openness |
Accompaniment | Inherits from | Relation |
Accomplishment | Uses | Intentionally_act |
Accoutrements | Is Used by,Inherits from,Is Used by,Is Used by | Wearing,Artifact,Undressing,Dressing |
Accuracy | Inherits from,Uses,Uses | Inclination,Measurable_attributes,Success_or_failure |
frame | relation | frame |
Causation | Inherits from | Eventive_affecting |
Causation | Perspective on | Causation_scenario |
Causation | Is Inherited by | Cause_to_start |
Causation | Is Used by | Level_of_force_exertion |
Causation | Is Perspectivized in | Means |
frame | relation | frame |
Eventive_affecting | Is Inherited by | Causation |
Causation_scenario | Is Perspectivized in | Causation |
Cause_to_start | Inherits from | Causation |
Level_of_force_exertion | Uses | Causation |
Means | Perspective on | Causation |
frame | relation | frame |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_start |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_ongoing |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_finish |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_stop |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_pause |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_abandoned_state |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_ready_state |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_prepare |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_paused_state |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_done_state |
Activity | Inherits from | Process |
Activity | Is Inherited by | Apply_heat |
Activity | Has Subframe(s) | Activity_resume |
frame | relation | frame |
Activity_start | Subframe of | Activity |
Activity_ongoing | Subframe of | Activity |
Activity_finish | Subframe of | Activity |
Activity_stop | Subframe of | Activity |
Activity_pause | Subframe of | Activity |
Activity_abandoned_state | Subframe of | Activity |
Activity_ready_state | Subframe of | Activity |
Activity_prepare | Subframe of | Activity |
Activity_paused_state | Subframe of | Activity |
Activity_done_state | Subframe of | Activity |
Process | Is Inherited by | Activity |
Apply_heat | Inherits from | Activity |
Activity_resume | Subframe of | Activity |
frame | fetype |
Causation | Cause |
Causation | Affected |
Causation | Effect |
Causation | Place |
Causation | Time |
Causation | Actor |
Causation | Circumstances |
Causation | Manner |
Causation | Explanation |
Causation | Means |
Causation | Frequency |
Causation | Concessive |
Communication | Communicator |
Communication | Addressee |
Communication | Message |
Communication | Topic |
Communication | Medium |
Communication | Amount_of_information |
Communication | Depictive |
Communication | Manner |
frame | fe |
Causation | Cause,Affected,Effect,Place,Time,Actor,Circumstances,Manner,Explanation,Means,Frequency,Concessive |
Communication | Communicator,Addressee,Message,Topic,Medium,Amount_of_information,Depictive,Manner,Means,Time,Duration,Frequency,Place,Purpose,Quote |
Motion | Theme,Source,Path,Goal,Area,Distance,Speed,Carrier,Duration,Time,Manner,Result,Depictive,Place,Degree,Direction,Purpose,Path_shape,Containing_event,Frequency,Iterations |
Perception | Perceiver,Sought_phenomenon,Phenomenon |
Reciprocality | Protagonist_1,Protagonist_2,Protagonists |
Transitive_action | Agent,Patient,Event,Depictive,Result,Means,Manner,Time,Place,Cause |
Duplication | Creator,Original,Copy,Source,Goal,Characterization,Means,Manner,Result,Depictive,Degree,Purpose,Time,Place,Explanation,Instrument,Duration,Fidelity,Iterations,Frequency,Co-participant |
Feigning | Agent,Original,Copy,Manner,Means,Degree,State_of_affairs,Purpose,Explanation,Frequency,Time,Period_of_iterations,Duration,Depictive,Circumstances,Place |
Cause_to_amalgamate | Agent,Whole,Parts,Part_1,Part_2,Manner,Degree,Means,Result,Depictive,Purpose,Place,Time |
Separating | Whole,Parts,Part_1,Part_2,Agent,Criterion,Depictive,Manner,Degree,Means,Result,Cause,Recipients,Time,Place,Instrument,Purpose |
Body_movement | Agent,Body_part,Internal_cause,External_cause,Addressee,Source,Path,Goal,Area,Degree,Depictive,Manner,Result,Message,Time,Subregion,Purpose,Cognate_event,Duration,Place,Re-encoding,Coordinated_event |
Manipulation | Agent,Entity,Locus,Bodypart_of_agent,Duration,Manner,Result,Time,Purpose,Instrument,Means,Place,Depictive,Explanation,Particular_iteration |
Posture | Agent,Location,Degree,Depictive,Manner,Dependent_state,Time,Purpose,Duration,Point_of_contact |
Awareness | Cognizer,Content,Evidence,Topic,Degree,Manner,Expressor,Role,Paradigm,Time,Explanation |
Becoming_aware | Cognizer,Phenomenon,Ground,State,Evidence,Degree,Manner,Means,Topic,Time,Purpose,Instrument,Frequency,Circumstances,Explanation,Particular_iteration,Period_of_iterations |
Categorization | Cognizer,Item,Category,Criteria,Manner,Means,Time,Circumstances,Concessive,Explanation |
Cogitation | Cognizer,Topic,Degree,Depictive,Manner,Means,Result,Medium,Purpose,Time |
Coming_to_believe | Cognizer,Evidence,Content,Topic,Degree,Depictive,Manner,Means,Time,Medium,Place |
Differentiation | Cognizer,Phenomenon_1,Phenomenon_2,Phenomena,Quality,Degree,Depictive,Manner,Means,Circumstances |
Evidence | Support,Proposition,Degree,Manner,Means,Depictive,Result,Domain_of_relevance,Cognizer |
frame | fetype | coretype | coreset |
Causation | Cause | Core-Unexpressed | 1 |
Causation | Affected | Core | 2 |
Causation | Effect | Core-Unexpressed | 2 |
Causation | Place | Peripheral | |
Causation | Time | Peripheral | |
Causation | Actor | Core | 1 |
Causation | Circumstances | Extra-Thematic | |
Causation | Manner | Peripheral | |
Causation | Explanation | Extra-Thematic | |
Causation | Means | Peripheral | |
Causation | Frequency | Extra-Thematic | |
Causation | Concessive | Extra-Thematic |
frame | corefe |
Causation | Cause,Affected,Effect,Actor |
Communication | Communicator,Message,Topic,Medium |
Motion | Source,Path,Goal,Distance,Direction |
Duplication | Original,Copy |
Feigning | Original,Copy |
Separating | Whole,Part_1,Part_2 |
Body_movement | Agent,Body_part |
Manipulation | Agent,Bodypart_of_agent |
Posture | Location,Point_of_contact |
Awareness | Cognizer,Content,Topic,Expressor |
Becoming_aware | Cognizer,Phenomenon,Means,Topic,Instrument |
Categorization | Category,Criteria |
Coming_to_believe | Cognizer,Content,Topic,Means,Medium |
Differentiation | Cognizer,Quality |
Expectation | Phenomenon,Topic |
Judgment | Cognizer,Expressor |
Mental_property | Protagonist,Behavior |
Scrutiny | Cognizer,Medium,Instrument |
Candidness | Speaker,Message,Topic,Medium |
Commitment | Speaker,Message,Topic,Medium |
frame | coreset | GROUP_CONCAT(fetype) |
Causation | 1 | Cause,Actor |
Causation | 2 | Affected,Effect |
frame | fetype | coretype |
Causation | Cause | Core-Unexpressed |
Causation | Affected | Core |
Causation | Effect | Core-Unexpressed |
Causation | Place | Peripheral |
Causation | Time | Peripheral |
Causation | Actor | Core |
Causation | Circumstances | Extra-Thematic |
Causation | Manner | Peripheral |
Causation | Explanation | Extra-Thematic |
Causation | Means | Peripheral |
Causation | Frequency | Extra-Thematic |
Causation | Concessive | Extra-Thematic |
Communication | Communicator | Core |
Communication | Addressee | Peripheral |
Communication | Message | Core |
Communication | Topic | Core |
Communication | Medium | Core |
Communication | Amount_of_information | Extra-Thematic |
Communication | Depictive | Extra-Thematic |
Communication | Manner | Peripheral |
frame | fetype | requires |
Amalgamation | Part_2 | Part_1 |
Amalgamation | Part_1 | Part_2 |
Apply_heat | Co-participant | Food |
Arithmetic_non-commutative | Term_1 | Term_2 |
Assemble | Party_1 | Party_2 |
Asymmetric_reciprocality | Protagonist_1 | Protagonist_2 |
Asymmetric_reciprocality | Protagonist_2 | Protagonist_1 |
Attaching | Goal | Item |
Attaching | Item | Goal |
Be_in_agreement_on_action | Party_1 | Party_2 |
Be_in_agreement_on_action | Party_2 | Party_1 |
Be_in_agreement_on_assessment | Cognizer_1 | Cognizer_2 |
Be_in_agreement_on_assessment | Cognizer_2 | Cognizer_1 |
Becoming_attached | Item | Goal |
Becoming_attached | Goal | Item |
Becoming_detached | Item | Source |
Becoming_detached | Source | Item |
Becoming_separated | Part_2 | Part_1 |
Becoming_separated | Part_1 | Part_2 |
Being_attached | Goal | Item |
frame | fetype | excludes |
Accompaniment | Co-participant | Participants |
Accompaniment | Participant | Participants |
Activity_ready_state | Activity | Salient_entity |
Adjacency | Figure | Figures |
Adjacency | Ground | Figures |
Age | Expressor | Entity |
Age | Age | Degree |
Aiming | Targeted | Target_location |
Alliance | Member_2 | Members |
Alliance | Member_1 | Members |
Amalgamation | Part_1 | Parts |
Amalgamation | Part_2 | Parts |
Ambient_temperature | Temperature | Degree |
Amounting_to | Numbers | Attribute |
Assemble | Group | Party_1 |
Assemble | Party_1 | Individuals |
Assemble | Individuals | Party_2 |
Assemble | Party_2 | Group |
Attaching | Goal | Items |
Attaching | Item | Items |