FrameNet (lexunits)
SELECT frame,lexunit,ludefinition FROM fn_lexunits LEFT JOIN fn_frames USING (frameid) ORDER BY frame,lexunit LIMIT 50
Abandonmentabandon.vleave behind
Abandonmentabandoned.athe state of being left behind
Abandonmentabandonment.nthe act of relinquishing to no one
Abandonmentforget.vleave something behind unintentionally
Abandonmentleave.vlet remain in another place as abondoned
Abounding_withasphalted.acovered in asphalt
Abounding_withbedecked.adecorated lavishly
Abounding_withbejewelled.acovered in jewels
Abounding_withbespattered.acovered in patch of liquid
Abounding_withblanketed.acovered (in, with)
Abounding_withbrimming.afull to the point of overflowing
Abounding_withbrushed.acovered by something which was applied with a brush
Abounding_withbuttered.acovered with butter
Abounding_withchock-a-block.acrammed full
Abounding_withchock-full.afilled to overflowing
Abounding_withcloaked.aenveloped (in, with), generally to the point of being hidden
Abounding_withcoated.alayered or covered (with,in) something
Abounding_withcovered.ahaving a large quantity of something on the surface
Abounding_withcrammed.afilled to the point of overflowing
Abounding_withcrawl.vbe unpleasantly covered or crowded with
Abounding_withcrawling.aunpleasantly covered or crowded with
Abounding_withcrowded.afilled so far as to inhibit movement
Abounding_withdabbed.ahaving been covered with quick light strokes
Abounding_withdecked.adecorated brightly and extensively
Abounding_withdecorated.afurned with ornamental things
Abounding_withdotted.acovered (with, in)
Abounding_withdraped.acovered with a loose cloth
Abounding_withdrizzled.ahaving been covered by trickling a thin stream of liquid
Abounding_withdusted.acovered with a powedered substance
Abounding_withembellished.aadorned or decorated
Abounding_withfestooned.aadorned with festoons
Abounding_withfull.acontaining many objects, but not necessarily without room for more
Abounding_withgilded.acovered in a thin layer of gold
Abounding_withglazed.acovered with a glaze
Abounding_withheaped.aloaded copiously
Abounding_withhung.acovered or adorned with hanging objects
Abounding_withinjected.afilled by means of injection
Abounding_withjostling.abeing full of people or objects pushing against each other
Abounding_withlacquered.acovered in lacquer
Abounding_withlined.ahaving its interior covered with a layer of different material
Abounding_withlittered.ahaving sporadic instances (esp. of something undesirable) irregularly distributed on the surface
Abounding_withornamented.acovered in ornamental objects
Abounding_withovercrowded.aextremely full
Abounding_withoverfilled.atoo full
Abounding_withpainted.acovered with paint
Abounding_withpanelled.acovered in panels
Abounding_withpaved.acovered with stones or asphalt
lexunits grouped by frame
SELECT frame,GROUP_CONCAT(lexunit) FROM fn_lexunits LEFT JOIN fn_frames USING (frameid) GROUP BY frame ORDER BY frame LIMIT 50
Absorb_heatsizzle.v,poach.v,saute.v,steam.v,toast.v,barbecue.v,blanch.v,braise.v,broil.v,brown.v,parboil.v,roast.v,grill.v,deep fry.v,coddle.v,char.v,bake.v,singe.v,boil.v,scorch.v,stew.v,sear.v,fry.v,simmer.v,cook.v
Abusingmaltreat.v,maltreatment.n,abuse.v,abuse.n,abusive.a,domestic violence.n,batter.v
Accompanimentwith.prep,along with.prep,alone.a,in combination.prep,singly.adv,together.adv
Accomplishmenteffect.v,bring about.v,accomplish.v,achieve.v,accomplishment.n,achievement.n
Accoutrementsgas mask.n,balaclava.n,cap.n,bonnet.n,mask.n,bandanna.n,headband.n,hairpiece.n,fez.n,skullcap.n,top-hat.n,accoutrement.n,yarmulkah.n,hat-pin.n,beret.n,biretta.n,boater.n,bowler.n,nightcap.n,panama.n,sombrero.n,trilby.n,turban.n,shako.n,veil.n,tiara.n,regalia.n,anklet.n,ring.n,earring.n,jewellery.n,necklace.n,bangle.n,bracelet.n,coronet.n,crown.n,brooch.n,medal.n,circlet.n,diadem.n,chain.n,locket.n,pendant.n,wig.n,toupee.n,cufflink.n,glasses.n,spectacles.n,hat.n,headpiece.n,medallion.n,ribbon.n,badge.n,armband.n,armlet.n,goggles.n,mitre.n,helm.n,helmet.n,gorget.n,greaves.n,coif.n,hauberk.n,mantle.n,watch.n,hairnet.n,sash.n,hairgrip.n,hairband.n,hairpin.n,hairslide.n,snood.n,sporran.n,choker.n,trinket.n,belt.n,headdress.n
Achieving_firstfind.v,invention artifact.n,discover.v,invent.v,originate.v,coinage.n,pioneer.v,discovery.n,coin.v,discoverer.n,originator.n,inventor.n,invention.n,pioneer.n,pioneering.a
Active_substancecausative agent.n,active.a,agent.n,bioactive.a,incapacitant.n,irritant.n
Activity_finishcompletion.n,complete.v,tie up.v,conclude.v,wrap up.v,finish.v,graduate.v
Activity_ongoingkeep on.v,keep up.v,maintenance.n,carry on.v,continue.v,keep.v
Activity_pausepause.n,freeze.n,moratorium.n,suspend.v,take break.v,freeze.v,adjourn.v
Activity_preparecompose.v,preparation.n,gear up.v,ready.v,get ready.v,fix.v,prepare.v
Activity_startinitiate.v,swing (into).v,commence.v,get started.v,set about.v,strike up.v,launch (into).v,open.v,start.v,begin.v,take up.v,beginner.n,neophyte.n,enter.v
Adding_upadd up.v,tally.v,total.v
Adjacencyborder.v,neighbor.v,adjoining.a,adjacent.a,neighboring.a,adjacency.n,adjoin.v,contiguous.a,contiguity.n,abut.v,next to.prep,neighbor.n,bordering.a
Amalgamationconsolidate.v,jumble.v,join.v,combination.n,coalesce.v,mix.v,come together.v,band together.v,merge.v,fuse.v,intermix.v,amalgamate.v,commingle.v,meld.v,combine.v,merger.n,blend.v,unite.v,unify.v
Amounting_toin amount.idio,tally.n,number.v,total.a,total.n,total.v,amount.v
Apply_heattoasting.n,simmering.n,roasting.n,melting.n,steaming.n,scorch.v,broiling.n,melt.v,plank.v,boiling.n,cooking.n,grilling.n,stewing.n,baking.n,frying.n,cook.v,bake.v,sear.v,singe.v,deep fry.v,barbecue.v,blanch.v,boil.v,simmer.v,grill.v,broil.v,parboil.v,coddle.v,scald.v,stew.v,char.v,poach.v,toast.v,saute.v,microwave.v,roast.v,brown.v,braise.v,steam.v,fry.v
Armorarmor.n,mail.n,bulletproof vest.n,greaves.n,flak jacket.n,plate.n
lexunits for frame
SELECT frame,lexunit,ludefinition FROM fn_lexunits LEFT JOIN fn_frames USING (frameid) WHERE frame = 'Activity_pause' ORDER BY lexunit
Activity_pauseadjourn.vto suspend for a period of time
Activity_pausefreeze.nan act of freezing
Activity_pausefreeze.vkeep or stop at a fixed level or in a fixed state temporary prohibition of an activity temporary stop in action or speech
Activity_pausesuspend.vhalt temporarily
Activity_pausetake break.vinterrupt continuity
frame for lexunit
SELECT lexunit,ludefinition,frame FROM fn_lexunits LEFT JOIN fn_frames USING (frameid) WHERE lexunit LIKE 'freeze.%' ORDER BY frame
freeze.vkeep or stop at a fixed level or in a fixed stateActivity_pause
freeze.nan act of freezingActivity_pause
freeze.vturn into ice or another solid as a result of extreme coldCause_change_of_phase
freeze.v(with reference to a liquid) turn or be turned into ice or another solid as a result of extreme coldChange_of_phase
multiple lexunit
SELECT * FROM fn_lexemes LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits USING (luid) WHERE lexunit LIKE 'target.n'
8053814812856900134364target513target.n9an objective or result towards which efforts are directedO25
14114814812858900134364target1901target.n9a person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attackO21179
lexunit like "bring*"
SELECT lexunit,ludefinition,ludict FROM fn_lexunits WHERE lexunit LIKE 'bring%' ORDER BY lexunit
bring about.vcause something to happenO
bring about.vcause something to happenO
bring about.vCause goal to be accomplishedF
bring forth.vgive birth to somethingO
bring in.vremove and amass ready crops from where they growF
bring on.vlead toF
bring to attention.vTo cause a perciever to pay attention to the phenomenonF
bring to mind.vevokeF
bring together.vcause to come togetherF
bring together.vjoin two or more itemsF
bring.vcarry or accompany to a placeO
bring.vcause to be in a particular state or conditionO
lexunit "bring to mind.v"
SELECT lexunit,p.posid,lexemeidx,word,pl.posid,headword,breakbefore FROM fn_lexunits AS lu LEFT JOIN fn_lexemes AS l USING (luid) LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) LEFT JOIN fn_poses AS p ON (lu.posid = p.posid) LEFT JOIN fn_poses AS pl ON (l.posid = pl.posid) WHERE lexunit = 'bring to mind.v' ORDER BY lexemeidx
bring to mind.v141bring1410
bring to mind.v142to1101
bring to mind.v143mind901
lexunits containing lexeme "bring"
SELECT frame,lexunit,ludefinition,p.posid,lexemeidx,word,pl.posid,headword,breakbefore FROM fn_lexunits AS lu LEFT JOIN fn_lexemes AS l USING (luid) LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) LEFT JOIN fn_poses AS p ON (lu.posid = p.posid) LEFT JOIN fn_poses AS pl ON (l.posid = pl.posid) LEFT JOIN fn_frames USING (frameid) WHERE word = 'bring' ORDER BY lexemeidx
Bringingbring.vcarry or accompany to a place14bring1400
Causationbring.vcause to be in a particular state or condition14bring1400
Gathering_upbring together.vcause to come together141bring1410
Cause_to_startbring about.vcause something to happen141bring1410
Evokingbring to mind.vevoke141bring1410
Causationbring about.vcause something to happen141bring1410
Giving_birthbring forth.vgive birth to something141bring1410
Causationbring on.vlead to141bring1410
Cause_to_amalgamatebring together.vjoin two or more items141bring1410
Accomplishmentbring about.vCause goal to be accomplished141bring1410
Food_gatheringbring in.vremove and amass ready crops from where they grow141bring1410
Cause_to_perceivebring to attention.vTo cause a perciever to pay attention to the phenomenon141bring1410
lexemes that make up a lexunit
SELECT word FROM fn_lexemes LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits USING (luid) WHERE lexemeidx IS NULL LIMIT 20
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fn_lexemes WHERE lexemeidx IS NULL
lexemes that are contained in multi-lexeme lexunits
SELECT word FROM fn_lexemes LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits USING (luid) WHERE lexemeidx IS NOT NULL LIMIT 20
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fn_lexemes WHERE lexemeidx IS NOT NULL
break lexunit in lexemes
SELECT * FROM fn_lexemes LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits USING (luid) WHERE lexunit LIKE 'get_back%'
10003602938210210943back347get back (at).v14take revenge onO6
10003363456141401159084get347get back (at).v14take revenge onO6
SELECT * FROM fn_lexemes LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits USING (luid) WHERE lexunit LIKE 'bring to mind%'
10193103716371401117963bring1012bring to mind.v14evokeF0
1019351758057910387751mind1012bring to mind.v14evokeF0
1019383441325311102to1012bring to mind.v14evokeF0
lexemes per positionid index
SELECT lexemeidx, COUNT(*) FROM fn_lexemes GROUP BY lexemeidx
breakbefore lexemes
SELECT word,lexunit FROM fn_lexemes LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits USING (luid) WHERE breakbefore LIMIT 20
amake a beeline.v
aget an eyeful.v
ablazeset ablaze.idio
aboutbring about.v
aboutbring about.v
aboutbring about.v
acquaintancemake (someone's) acquaintance.idio
acrossget across.v
alightset alight.idio
alongtag along.v
anchorweigh anchor.v
apartbreak apart.v
aparttake apart.v
aparttell apart.v
aroundbig around.a
atgo at it.v
awayput away.v
awayput away.v
awayplug away.v
awaybang away.v
breakbefore lexeme count
SELECT breakbefore, COUNT(*) FROM fn_lexemes GROUP BY breakbefore
headword count
SELECT headword, COUNT(*) FROM fn_lexemes GROUP BY headword
lexunit (with frames) containing word
SELECT lexunit,ludefinition,ludict,p.posid,pl.posid,breakbefore,headword,frame FROM fn_words LEFT JOIN fn_lexemes AS l USING (fnwordid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits AS lu USING (luid) LEFT JOIN fn_poses AS p ON (lu.posid = p.posid) LEFT JOIN fn_poses AS pl ON (l.posid = pl.posid) LEFT JOIN fn_frames USING (frameid) WHERE word = 'bring'
bring together.vcause to come togetherF141401Gathering_up
bring about.vcause something to happenO141401Cause_to_start
bring.vcarry or accompany to a placeO141400Bringing
bring to mind.vevokeF141401Evoking
bring about.vcause something to happenO141401Causation
bring forth.vgive birth to somethingO141401Giving_birth
bring.vcause to be in a particular state or conditionO141400Causation
bring on.vlead toF141401Causation
bring together.vjoin two or more itemsF141401Cause_to_amalgamate
bring about.vCause goal to be accomplishedF141401Accomplishment
bring in.vremove and amass ready crops from where they growF141401Food_gathering
bring to attention.vTo cause a perciever to pay attention to the phenomenonF141401Cause_to_perceive
governor types
SELECT DISTINCT governortype FROM fn_governors
governor for lexunit
SELECT word AS governor,lexunit,governortype FROM fn_governors LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits_governors USING (governorid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits USING (luid) LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) ORDER BY lexunit,governor LIMIT 20
bea bastard.nSup
bea piece of cake.nSup
fora while.nSup
governors for lexunit
SELECT word AS governor,lexunit FROM fn_governors LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits_governors USING (governorid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits USING (luid) LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) WHERE lexunit = 'gossip.n' ORDER BY word
governor governing multiple lexical units
SELECT word AS governor,GROUP_CONCAT(lexunit) FROM fn_governors LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits_governors USING (governorid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits USING (luid) LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) GROUP BY wordid,word HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY governor LIMIT 20
acceptmug.n,aid [entity].n,work.n,gift.n,communion.n,job.n,resignation.n,sympathy.n,clemency.n,extradition.n,compliment.n,delivery.n
accompanypatrol [entity].n,band.n
accusearson.n,murder.n,theft.n,burglary.n,treason.n,child abuse.n,arson.n
achievegains.n,mastery.n,ambition.n,capability.n,victory.n,objective.n,palliation.n,measure.n,quantity.n,barrel.n,kind.n,control.n,success [state].n,maturity.n,fame.n,prosperity.n,rank.n
acquirebow.n,proficiency.n,significance.n,capability.n,property.n,acre.n,modicum.n,barony.n,theater.n,buyer.n,technology.n,ballistic missile.n,shipment [items].n,facility.n
addtassel.n,teaspoonful.n,wave.n,milk.n,nut.n,herb.n,spice.n,pepper.n,basil.n,sweetener.n,sugar.n,honey.n,oil.n,vinegar.n,sauce.n,dressing.n,mayonnaise.n,total.n,touch.n,tablespoon.n,spoonful.n,packet.n,room.n,teaspoon.n,glass.n,bottle.n,cup.n,pound.n,collection.n,host.n,insult.n,comment.n,amount.n,ballroom.n,bathroom.n,dining room.n,workshop.n,wing.n,studio.n,scullery.n,bedroom.n,chamber.n,chapel.n,kitchen.n,lift.n,lobby.n,office.n,porch.n
admitarson.n,indecent assault.n,burglary.n,feelings.n,theft.n,charge.n,responsibility.n,stay.n
multiply governed lexical units
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(word) AS governors, lexunit FROM fn_governors LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits_governors USING (governorid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits USING (luid) LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) GROUP BY luid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY lexunit LIMIT 20
effort,explore,finance,with,make,produce,pursue,throughacquisition [act].n
inquest,integrate,interruption,keep up,perform,record,study,suspend,take place,co-ordinate,convict,counter,engage,extend,understand,undertakeactivity.n
governors for lexunit "gossip.n" with examples
SELECT word AS governor,lexunit,`text` FROM fn_governors LEFT JOIN fn_governors_annosets USING (governorid) LEFT JOIN fn_annosets USING (annosetid) LEFT JOIN fn_sentences USING (sentenceid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits_governors AS fg USING (governorid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits AS lu ON (fg.luid = lu.luid) LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) WHERE lexunit = 'gossip.n' ORDER BY word
havegossip.nIn short , such propositions are not susceptible to a kind of analysis that might be applied , for example , to universal propositions which have no existential import .
havegossip.nThe layout of roads was a technical matter for surveyors and engineers , though new highways had town-planning significance .
havegossip.nIf this was a genetic accident , then it had tremendous significance in regard to unintentional evolution to homeothermy and great species longevity .
havegossip.nHowever , the idea of capital maintenance also has economic significance : income is only recognized after capital has been maintained intact .
havegossip.nThe manner in which people are helped with those confused and painful feelings may have considerable significance for their future mental health .
havegossip.nThis rather inglorious episode in British imperial history had a considerable significance for social policy .
havegossip.nNow it is for real and , though the race will be staged on a parkland road rather than a track , Foster believes it has considerable significance for the rest of Cram 's summer .
havegossip.nI 'm not really sure why ; it does n't have any great religious significance .
havegossip.n` In some cultures that has great significance .
havegossip.nDespite Buckley 's reluctance to play up the siege of Derry as a key myth and his preference for general categories of interpretation derived from various historical experiences , it does seem that the siege has particular significance .
havegossip.nIt was a book without merit , ‘ hack-written and poorly illustrated … artistically worthless ’ ( ibid , p.34 ) , yet it had a deep significance and importance for one reader .
havegossip.nShe had a place in the scheme of things ; she had significance , even importance .
havegossip.nThe fact that in many societies all three are illegal does not mean that they have a similar social or historical significance .
havegossip.nThus , Irish nationalism is conceived by most members in an abstract way , but it has concrete import for key groups .
havegossip.nBut the defences have no military significance .
havegossip.nWe had a very happy collaboration in Berlin over Mozart 's Die Zauberflöte , which he had been wanting to do for a number of years .
havegossip.nAnd they had willing collusion from the music press , including the NME , sadly .
havegossip.nSometimes people have vivid and compelling memories of being abused .
havegossip.nShe said : ` We have our own happy memories of that church but we wo n't be there this time .
havegossip.nI have many happy memories of a time when the world was innocent as were most of us .
havegossip.nIt was quite humbling to work with Karajan , and then of course I have such fond memories of Sinopoli in London , and Levine in New York .
havegossip.nHe has fond memories of those early struggles .
havegossip.nMany of the new churches being planted have this aim to be intimate with God .
havegossip.nMr Wardell further questioned the effectiveness of the authority and said : ` You have some wonderful aims but , in reality , you have no clout , do you ? "
havegossip.nFreud can not be said to have been unaware of the variability of human nature in different societies which have other economic arrangements and different cultural aims from those of Europe and America .
havegossip.nHe said : ` I 'm relishing the opportunity to follow someone like John but I have my own goals .
havegossip.nIt does not have the ` hidden purpose " of supporting the aquatic theory : that is its declared intention .
havegossip.nHe had his answer to questions about the events of that morning but he had not prepared an answer to any others .
havegossip.nWe are off and have great excitement fishing up treasure ( fake ) tied to bladders .
havegossip.nThe growing number of learned topographies produced by the Georgian gentry 's taste for travel rarely had much praise for the Sussex roads , however beautiful they found its landscape .
havegossip.nThe soloists from the orchestra were not very well-known , apart perhaps from clarinettist Karl Leister , but John Warrack had particular praise for the flautist in the Flute and Harp Concerto .
havegossip.nHe had nothing but the highest praise for you , sir .
havegossip.nDrake has whistling flight note , ‘ sostmieu ’ , not unlike sound of some ducks ' wing-beats ; duck has a laughing quack , ‘ ak-ak-ak …
havegossip.nIn spring drake has a curious crackling note , like a single match being rattled in a match box ; duck has a low quack .
havegossip.nDrake has a low moorhen-like weak nasal ` gseee " and in courtship a rather musical croak , and duck a rather hoarse quack .
havegossip.nI had a little snigger ; it had to be fully ten minutes since the last stroke of eleven , and the thunder had been murmuring dark warnings ever since .
havegossip.nThey had sawtooth snores , and were dreaming about eating someone .
havegossip.nJULIAN DICKS had the perfect answer after being stripped of the West Ham captaincy on returning from a five-game ban .
havegossip.nHe seemed to have no answer for that .
havegossip.nYet Chapman had his answer for the pessimists : if the game was becoming more defensive it was up to managers and players to do something about it .
havegossip.nGuthrie queried , but had the answer from his wife when , with a small squeal of delight , she addressed her nephew .
havegossip.nIts investigatory function has as its object the ascertainment of the facts and the determination of the truth. ( para. 14(3) )
havegossip.nWe have all wished that we 'd had the perfect retort at some time , but most of us can only think of something smart about three days later .
havegossip.nGentle had no retort to this .
havegossip.nBJORN BORG has a typically stubborn riposte to those saddened by the sight of one of the game's greatest champions being reduced at times to a level barely above that of a novice .
havegossip.n` What I have been interested to witness over the last year to 18 months is a newly confident Left in the Socialist International saying we have a common formulation about the best way to proceed .
havegossip.nYou might discover that someone else such as the bride 's mother has really interesting revelations about the bride .
havegossip.nMany substances have trivial names .
havegossip.nThe hydrides , particularly those of non-metals , tend to have trivial names ( see table 4.8 )
havegossip.nThe fact that these questions are being raised has significance for the authority of the police … and it is the single most important determinant of the style of policing .
havegossip.nThe horse , too , had a special significance for the Celts .
havegossip.nThis qualification has no significance for present purposes .
havegossip.nThis year 's International Women 's Day had a special significance for Palestinian women and indeed all Arab women .
havegossip.nThe recreation park application is unlikely to have any strategic planning significance and therefore the Regional Council will not have any involvement in its consideration which will be a matter for the District Council .
havegossip.nToday , it has a membership of over one thousand .
havegossip.nLike herself , he had a very slippery grasp on the past .
havegossip.nHe seemed to have a solid grasp of what it 's really like to live in one of these estates .
havegossip.nHe also has an encyclopaedic grasp of trivia .
havegossip.nHowever inadequate his predictions proved in the twentieth century , Marx 's appeal remains incomprehensible unless it is recognized that he did have an unsurpassed grasp of nineteenth-century capitalism .
havegossip.nJudith had once confided that she too had an uncertain grasp of the past , though she 'd been drunk at the time , and had denied it vehemently when he 'd raised the subject again .
havegossip.n` I have a dress rehearsal the day before my match , walking into an empty arena .
havegossip.n` I understand you also told George that you had a rehearsal in Rotherhithe the night before you tried to reform the Intelligence Service by force majeure .
havegossip.nWe 've got this rehearsal for this school concert crap .
havegossip.nASLEF now has a membership of about 20,000 in the railways , and the overwhelming majority of footplate staff are members of it .
havegossip.nBy 1901 Haketa had a membership of 20,000 -- mostly drawn from small farmers , small businessmen , craftsmen , and small estate-owners of the eastern borders .
havegossip.nGiven the rapid expansion of the CNAA 's activities the Committee had a membership of eighteen officers by September 1974 , twenty-five by March 1977 , and thirty-three by the beginning of 1979 .
havegossip.nThe church we are moving to , in San Bernardo do Campo , is very poor and has a membership of around 50 and needs to expand the buildings .
havegossip.nThe Association of Banking Teachers , which has a membership of 881 , has continued to provide valuable services for its members .
havegossip.nOne intuitively powerful argument , for instance , is that since animals regularly face problems and solve them in sensible ways , they must have some intellectual grasp of the problem .
havegossip.nthe Association now has a membership of approximately 1,500 , comprising freelance illustrators and agents , tutors , students and clients .
havegossip.nThe IESG has a membership of about three hundred persons .
havegossip.nThe most important union for farm workers in England is the National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers ( NUAAW ) which has a membership of approximately 90000 , three-quarters of whom are employed on the land .
havegossip.nEFQM was set up in 1988 and now has a membership of some 200 leading European businesses , all of which recognize the role of quality in achieving competitive advantage .
havegossip.nOrmesby has a membership of just over 30 in ages ranging up to 84 .
havegossip.nSheffield had the largest membership , certainly in relation to its population and probably in absolute terms as well .
havegossip.nBut we have n't had a response from the County Council .
havegossip.nThese policies had little effect on the Italian birth rate in the period 1930 -1932 , and between 1933 and 1937 not a single department showed a rise in fertility ( Glass ) .
havegossip.nThe early life of a child and the attitudes of those around him can have a dramatic effect upon his adult emotional state .
havegossip.nThe absence of such a universally adopted standard whereby the human conscience could have been developed to have a significant influence on human behaviour , has been the cause of much failure in efforts to administer justice .
havegossip.nIf Gough can dominate Chapman then Rangers will be well pleased because this face-to-face test of nerve , strength and skill will have a huge influence on the outcome .
havegossip.nBut it is the voice of Pearl investors which will have more influence on the outcome and they should keep quiet for the time being .
havegossip.nHayek 's epistemological views have certain similarities to those of Oakeshott .
havegossip.nThe three main types of contractions and five subtypes that we have noted have both similarities and dissimilarities to those described by Narducci et al in the left hemicolon in its normal location .
havegossip.nTyson and Shaw were not given to complaining , though neither had much relish for the food .
havegossip.nHe was asked to stand for parliament , but declined , having no particular relish for party-politics ; he was too large-hearted a man for that .
havegossip.nEven those of us who have had a sneaking sympathy for Marina 's parents find their inability to accept their grandchild hard to comprehend .
havegossip.nMr Lewis said they had great sympathy for the flood victims .
havegossip.nOne has sympathy with adoptive parents who want ` a clean break " , and no more contact , ever , with the natural mother .
havegossip.nWe have every sympathy with the plight of those infected with HIV as a result of NHS blood or tissue transfer .
havegossip.nThough Polly had little sympathy for Clive after what he had put her through , this merciless dismissal of another man 's entire future made her skin crawl .
havegossip.nThese bulky little cows seem to have some physical resemblance to the old South and Westland cattle of Norway and also to the Jersey : the face , for example , is slightly dished .
havegossip.nAre you inferring that my sexual preferences have any remote resemblance to your fancy photographer 's ? "
havegossip.nThe approach applied here also has a much closer resemblance to that taken in Cukierman and Meltzer ( 1986 ) .
havegossip.nPresumably , arthropod guests that share a fungal parasite with the ants have a strong biochemical resemblance to their hosts , which probably indicates a long-standing association .
havegossip.nIndeed , they both have certain similarities .
havegossip.nSaker always has paler crown and is less slender and rakish , but may otherwise be hard to distinguish .
havegossip.nThis elected committee will have some similarities to the local medical committee and could evolve from it .
havegossip.nThe trunk problem has similarities to floppy neck syndrome experienced by European swans which ingested anglers lead shot ( now banned in Britain ) .
havegossip.nIndeed , the past history of their relations with the mainland has some similarities with colonialism .
havegossip.nJeff , 38 , has other remarkable similarities to the Italian maestro .
havegossip.nIt had some similarities to the Conservative reforms of 1990 .
havegossip.nSam Wanamaker enthuses that they now have permission to thatch the roof of the gallery and thrust stage .
havegossip.nThey have permission to turn it into a pub , a small office block or a complete three storey office .
havegossip.n` Brother , " he whispered , ` we have the Regent 's permission to go down to the Springall house now , to examine and take anything we wish .
havegossip.nHer mother had her full permission to tell him so , for reasons she had bitterly and eloquently specified .
havegossip.nNorthern Telecom -- itself a large Microsoft user -- says it has a prior claim to the initials and has told Microsoft it cant use the moniker .
havegossip.nEven though Mannaia also had no serious claim to it themselves , the prospect of such an offer was deeply offensive : an Ikhwan prompted by an Amiri giving Mannaia land to a Tibbu .
havegossip.nMore than 1 m Germans , in both parts of the country , have claims on property expropriated by the communists .
havegossip.nI had no pity for these complacent victims .
havegossip.nUnlike other newspaper barons , he has no desire to see his face on the front of his newspapers ; unlike other Hollywood moguls , he does not make the pages of the National Enquirer .
havegossip.nI believe that most men have an inborn desire to hunt and kill and that even today this primitive urge has only been eradicated in a small minority of the human race .
havegossip.nI had no desire to share the fate of Galileo , with whom I feel a strong sense of identity , partly because of the coincidence of having been born exactly 300 years after his death !
havegossip.nShe had no particular desire to see either the hills or the quarries .
havegossip.nHe had a desire for strong and lasting friendship , but he judged his friends severely , expecting them to be as eager as he was to know , see and feel everything .
havegossip.nYou feel protected and at rest and you have a great desire for solitude .
havegossip.nOn sustained regional tours right through his seventies he would go on playing to smaller but no less loving audiences , having no desire for retirement or inactivity .
havegossip.nShe would n't do it -- would n't allow him to railroad her into something she had absolutely no desire for .
havegossip.nRecounting the history of Bilmarsh farm , Gough observed : ` Nathaniell Reve had a desire to been tenant of this farme , because his grandfather and father had been tenants to it before " .
havegossip.nBy altering the brain 's ability to absorb these chemicals , researchers believe they can reduce cravings and binges in women who have intense food desires .
havegossip.nHe might have sexual desires , he might find certain people attractive .
havegossip.nThe man had pity for me and I shot him ! "
havegossip.nApparently the servant girl he married squandered every penny of his and Elizabeth says she has no pity for her now she 's destitute . "
havegossip.nI no longer had cravings for sweet or spicy food .
havegossip.nDo you have a delight in animals and skill in their management ?
havegossip.nI have an absolute loathing of inflation , I want to extend choice and opportunity and want Britain to have a very proud and assured place in the world .
havegossip.nWith his conscious self , Lewis had a very distinct loathing of Ulster Protestantism .
havegossip.nWe all have a deep longing to see the Good News of Christ 's love spreading throughout the world .
havegossip.nSimilarly -- and we declare this honestly and proudly -- we believe human males have a genetic thirst to flirt .
havegossip.nGedge , with help from Debbie Kaye , did most of the band 's administration and had an unquenchable thirst for hard work .
havegossip.nConvinced that the general public had an unsatisfied thirst for knowledge , he took an active part in several educational activities .
havegossip.nShe had a desperate urge to pee , but she was too tired to go outside to the latrine , so she used the emergency pot behind the screen in the bedroom .
havegossip.nHe looked down into her green eyes and as always had the urge to kiss her .
havegossip.nI recently came back from a trip to Egypt and despite the fact that I enjoyed the food there , I had an urge to make a really wholesome fish pie .
havegossip.nI do n't know what it is about it , but I find I have the urge to sit here and enjoy it .
havegossip.n` And when I 'd parked the car I had an overwhelming urge to kiss you . "
havegossip.nNow that 's really funny !
havegossip.nRose left it on the coffee table by her husband 's chair , and when he had had his usual mixed fry-up and was preparing to have his snooze , his eye caught it as it lay there .
havegossip.nIn some magazines they ask men to fill in questionnaires about beauty , and loads of men seem to be using cleansers and having facials .
havegossip.n` Last year I had dozens of calls about injured hedgehogs , " she says .
havegossip.nLook , the office has just had a call from your father .
havegossip.n` I had thought about it , " she returned , ` but I had a fairly frantic call from a theatre director down in Sheffield . "
havegossip.nMy God , she would have vengeance for this !
havegossip.nA short while later Joseph had his revenge on Watney 's .
havegossip.nI wo n't stay here to have my contemptible revenge on Jack , to see his surprise when I drop the mask .
havegossip.nTwo years later James had his revenge when he had the earl beheaded .
havegossip.nWe had one more day trip by boat before we left Praslin , and that was to the island of La Digue to try and see the black paradise flycatcher .
havegossip.n` You know he 's having an expedition to try and catch you ? " said Endill .
havegossip.nI usually have one expedition a year .
havegossip.n` As a curator , Rusty 's not very intellectually stimulating " , says one curator .
havegossip.nDaughter June had inherited some of her father 's wanderlust and had a yearning for show business .
havegossip.nShe always had a sugar daddy .
havegossip.nSee in the New Year with a versatile style that 's twice as nice !
havegossip.nIt is those who had no proclivity towards will making about whom we most wish to know .
havegossip.nFrom Jespersen to Lakoff to the feminist in the discussion group , people who talk about women 's language have a regrettable propensity to overlook this problem .
havegossip.nCertain men and women have a propensity for this type of spirituality and have devised techniques and disciplines to create the sense of presence within themselves .
havegossip.nIt can be hard to predict where the familiar clusters of ash keys will appear , because this tree has the peculiar propensity of varying the sex of its flowers according to the season .
havegossip.nYou do seem to have a propensity for rubbing people up the wrong way . "
havegossip.n` I was working in the BBC pensions department and had short-lived aspirations of getting into TV .
havegossip.nThey had no aspirations to be patrons of the arts and to regale themselves like proletarian Ludwig IIs with grand opera or private performances of the classics .
havegossip.nIt is therefore the more academically able who will have the education and occupational aspirations likely to lead to out-migration .
havegossip.nWhen I was 11 or 12 I had aspirations to be a goalkeeper too .
havegossip.n` The club has aspirations to achieve national league status for the town within the next three to five years .
havegossip.nIf a patient has a bedsore and is incontinent the frequent changing of sheets and incontinence pads might be regarded as nursing .
havegossip.nYou are not necessarily at any more risk of malignant melanoma than someone who has fewer moles .
havegossip.nShe has a black hairy mole on her chin , and I hate her .
havegossip.n" And she had this baby and it had a birthmark like a cat 's face on its stomach . "
havegossip.nThe other boy had a white face and freckles .
havegossip.nI was too tall , too skinny , I had freckles … ”
havegossip.nI had caused her further troubles by having boils and having to be brought back to England earlier than planned .
havegossip.nBut Kathie put life into perspective when her mother telephoned and , instead of enthusing at my achievement , Kathie said , ` The cat 's had a boil on its head . " "
havegossip.nI had boils and chilblains all over my hands , had had two days food poisoning ( when I had vomited over the Sergeant-Major 's jeep ) , and was tired all the time .
havegossip.nBetjeman appeared in a pair of eccentric bedroom slippers and said he hoped I did n't mind them as he had a blister .
havegossip.nJustin says he ran for the first bit and now has a big blister
havegossip.nHe was suffering from frequent migraine attacks and had persistent desert sores which refused to heal .
havegossip.nGoing down on your partner is safe as long as you do not have bad cuts or sores in the mouth , or bleeding gums .
havegossip.nAll of us had sores and infections on our hands and arms from the cold and the dirt .
havegossip.nHe had two fresh shaving scars on his chin which his fingers kept wandering up to touch .
havegossip.nMaxim had a sore forearm and stomach , a slight headache and a torn seam in his light jacket .
havegossip.n` It 's possible he is a manual worker as he has quite strong forearms .
havegossip.n` That night I had a disagreement with my parents .
havegossip.n` We had a disagreement about it , we did n't actually fall out , " she backtracks .
havegossip.n` Now , Mrs Figgis-Hewett , I gather that you had a disagreement with Sir Thomas .
havegossip.nTracey , on the other hand , dit not like it ; they had an amicable disagreement about its merits on the way to a nearby pub .
havegossip.nIt 's no secret that we had disagreements with the British and the French on how we should best approach the issue of Bosnia .
havegossip.nSuch old people may have little embarrassment with each other about bodily functions , perhaps less than some husbands and wives because they were the stuff of taken-for-granted childhood .
havegossip.nAdoption is hard , and everyone involved has disappointments , longings and anger that can not easily be dealt with .
havegossip.nJasper 's sometimes funny when he has had a disappointment . "
havegossip.nOther small birds like the house sparrow can follow a similar format but have squarer crowns to the head .
havegossip.nJuvenile has unbarred dark brown crown and nape .
havegossip.nRecently , I had seven near collisions with automobiles during one 12-mile run along the Thames .
havegossip.nEmotionally , you still appear to be feeling somewhat torn and indecisive and the trouble is you have an enormous yearning to give while asking for very little or even nothing in return .
havegossip.nHe had a deep yearning for those long-ago summer holiday afternoons spent on the lawns or down by the lake with the two Debrace children .
havegossip.n` As for London , I 've no great yearning to go back there .
havegossip.nAudrey has no regrets about her decision , preferring to throw her energies into looking after children .
havegossip.nBut I have no regrets about grabbing that ball to prevent a goal being scored against us in our World Cup tie in Berne .
havegossip.nGray had no regrets over not joining Brian Little at Leicester City last summer .
havegossip.nYou may have a yen to go to a real pub .
havegossip.nShe 'll probably write her memoirs : she always had a yen to be a writer , though her pen dribbles cliches .
havegossip.nAlthough a barrow boy at heart , he had a yen for the finer things in life .
havegossip.nIF you have a yen for rich pickings this is the time to cash in on the Japanese Stock Market .
havegossip.nBecause governments in the Middle East have a habit of declaring holy war at the drop of a hat , their people have learnt to give cautious answers to the call to arms .
havegossip.nEver since I was a teenager , I have had the bad habit of pulling and twisting my hair .
havegossip.nShe had a nasty habit of simply appearing and staring at him .
havegossip.nTHE Robinson family could have a big influence on the outcome of the Armagh senior football championship final on Sunday .
havegossip.nAn example would be where a large articulated motor vehicle was turning a sharp corner and in doing so had a slight collision with a parked car .
havegossip.nThen , after flying back to Heathrow , I stepped off the plane and ten miles from my front door on the drive home , I had a head-on crash .
havegossip.nDid you have a good trip ? "
havegossip.nMale homosexuals frequently have warts around the anal margin and in some cases these extend up into the anal canal itself .
havegossip.nI noticed the man 's stained fingers had warts .
havegossip.nThe wild boar can weigh up to 200kg and has a short , dense , brownish-grey coat and no facial warts .
havegossip.nThe bearded pig , which is also found in the rainforests of Peninsular Malaya and Sumatra , weighs up to 200kg , is dark brown or grey and has a white beard and conspicuous facial warts .
havegossip.nThe Javan warty pig weighs up to 90kg and has red or yellow hair with black tips and marked facial warts .
havegossip.nHe 'd had a real pimple when he arrived , but during the time he took to find and bribe an official to provide the documents , the blemish had healed , .
havegossip.nLuke , who has a large scar from heart surgery from his throat to the left side of his body , needs regular medication to prevent fits .
havegossip.nShe still had the faint white scar on her ankle , although the cross-hatch of scratches on her right knee was gone .
havegossip.nHe had the traditional scars across his chest , deep and fearful .
havegossip.nThe Romans ruled a pagan empire , but the Aegean had an important influence on the early development of Christianity .
havegossip.nIran has an ambitious missile program , with SCUD B , SCUD C , and CSS-8 ( a Chinese surface-to-surface missile derived from a surface-to-air missile ) missiles in its inventory .
havegossip.nLibya currently has only a primitive capability to refuel such aircraft in mid-air , although it could potentially strike at Israel .
havegossip.nQN : Has Libya admitted having stockpiles of biological weapons ?
havegossip.nFriday had beautiful weather .
havegossip.nFriday had beautiful weather .
havegossip.nAlthough ostensibly created entirely for defensive purposes , since government and Cuban military forces in Angola were reportedly equipped for and planning to use -- if not already using -- CW agents against the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , from the outset the program also had offensive features and capabilities .
havegossip.nAlthough ostensibly created entirely for defensive purposes , since government and Cuban military forces in Angola were reportedly equipped for and planning to use -- if not already using -- CW agents against the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , from the outset the program also had offensive features and capabilities .
havegossip.nSeoul lies within easy striking distance of North Korea 's artillery and rocket systems and , today , the South Korean civilian population has no protection against CW attack .
havegossip.nDuring the 1992 campaign , when Gennifer Flowers first brought Clinton 's philandering to public attention , Stephanopoulos -- as Clinton 's chief spinner , distracter , and all-around bullshit artist -- played a crucial role in discrediting Flowers and anyone else who tried to point out the truth , namely that Clinton had a disturbing zipper problem. ( Do n't say Stephanopoulos did n't know .
havegossip.nIn a province rife with rebellion and retaliation , the execution in Jerusalem of yet another religious leader from the Galilee did not by itself have an immediate effect on history .
havegossip.nChina is estimated to have about 400 strategic and tactical nuclear weapons , and stocks of fissile material sufficient to produce a much larger arsenal .
havegossip.nWhile China has publicly declared to be consistently in compliance with the BTWC , past U.S. government reports have alleged that China not only has a small - scale offensive biological weapons program , but has also transferred controlled biological weapons - related items to nations of proliferation concern such as Iran .
havegossip.nOrganizational Structure : The terrorist groups of greatest concern have an organizational structure and internal control mechanisms that enable them to prevent penetration by government agents or defection by group members .
havegossip.nQN : Does Russia have a stockpile of chemical weapons ?
havegossip.nShould you have questions or if I can be of assistance in any way , please call me : 317.923.1331 , ext. 248 .
havegossip.nThe main test of Mahmoud Abbas , will be to establish an overall command of all armed groups , if not , it does n't have a chance .
havegossip.nPaula_Zahn : Turning our attention now to something that has a lot of folks concerned .
havegossip.nIf you can get up early enough , you can attend the pre-dawn auction held at the vast local wholesale fish market ; otherwise , have a look at the street market that goes on later in the day .
havegossip.nThere 's nothing they like better than having a good chat about the latest bit of gossip : who is doing what , where , and why .
havegossip.nThe island has a checkered past of smuggling and piracy .
havegossip.nHis determination had other results as well : Gass was named a justice of the peace and a territorial legislator .
havegossip.nTimes like that , running on less sleep than I should , alone because everyone else had had the sense to retire for the night , I had a tendency to get all meditative about the universe and my place in it .
havegossip.nThe APA has scheduled 30 minutes at its meeting in August for an RxP debate , but its leadership believes it already has an accurate sense of support for its RxP policy .
havegossip.nSuddenly it stopped , and I had the sense I was very , very high up .
havegossip.nHe already told me : I have no control .
havegossip.nSome , like French , Spanish , Italian , and Portuguese , had more in common with one another than they did with , say , German , English , Swedish , Danish , and Dutch , which , in turn , bore only a remote resemblance to Russian and Polish , on the one hand , and the two extant varieties of , say , Gaelic , on the other .
havegossip.nInitially , North Korea claimed it had no intention of producing nuclear weapons , and that the lifting of the nuclear freeze was necessary to generate needed electricity .
havegossip.nOf the nations with whom Iran had relations , only two were likely to run the risk reselling their Scud-Bs : Libya and Syria .
havegossip.nNorth Korea is continuing to develop the so-called `` Taepodong-2 , '' which is estimated to have intercontinental range .
havegossip.nHamyan Vahdati , who is said to be heading Iran 's nuclear program , says that no country can be taken seriously without a nuclear research program , and that Iran wants to have the technology and knowledge to make nuclear weapons in case it needs them ( 7284 ) .
havegossip.nHamyan Vahdati , who is said to be heading Iran 's nuclear program , says that no country can be taken seriously without a nuclear research program , and that Iran wants to have the technology and knowledge to make nuclear weapons in case it needs them ( 7284 ) .
havegossip.nThe inspection team learned that Iran has the capability to build more centrifuges .
havegossip.nThis means that Iran will place the Natanz facility , and any enriched uranium it produces , under IAEA inspection but that , as long as no nuclear materials are present , the IAEA would have no ability to examine locations in Iran where it believed nuclear weapons design research might be under way .
havegossip.nDoes Iran have the infrastructure necessary to produce nuclear weapons ?
havegossip.nAvailable information suggests that Iran has a current ballistic missile inventory of 325 - 550 systems : 200 - 300 Shehab-1 , 100 - 150 Shehab-2 , 25 - 100 Shehab-3 , and 1 - 5 Shehab-4/5 prototypes .
havegossip.nAlthough the Shah had no specific plans to engage in research of uranium reprocessing or enrichment , the scientists at the AEOI 's newly equipped TNRC were reportedly given great discretion regarding the nature and direction of experiments conducted .
havegossip.nNonetheless , countries suspected of having clandestine nuclear weapons programs are the subject of intense scrutiny by nonproliferation analysts , intelligence agencies , and other observers .
havegossip.nKey data sources for DPRK include defector testimony , which may be unreliable given possibility of deliberate disinformation by double agents and defectors exaggerating what they know , and unclassified estimates by US intelligence agencies , which may have certain biases based on national interest , worst - case expectations , domestic politics , etc. Also , most estimates do not rely on original texts in Korean , which may introduce some errors due to translation issues .
havegossip.nRussia has the capability to produce highly sophisticated liquid - and solid - fueled missiles of all ranges .
havegossip.nThe six parties have agreed to hold working - level talks , and all sides have stated they have the ultimate goal of a non - nuclear Korean peninsula .
havegossip.nIn this respect careers in the Silicon Valley and the film industry have much in common , with organising in film-making resembling a ‘project -based ' Valley .
havegossip.nThe US State Department claims that North Korean officials admitted to having such a program during a second day of meetings with Kelly , but North Korea now claims that it has only admitted to having a `` plan to produce nuclear weapons , '' which Pyongyang claims is part of its right to self - defense .
havegossip.nThe US State Department claims that North Korean officials admitted to having such a program during a second day of meetings with Kelly , but North Korea now claims that it has only admitted to having a `` plan to produce nuclear weapons , '' which Pyongyang claims is part of its right to self - defense .
havegossip.nTaiwan has two SRBM programs .
havegossip.nThe liquid - fueled , single - stage Ching Feng has a range of 130 km with a 270 kg payload .
havegossip.nThis school of thought has ample evidence to support its claims : North Korea 's initiation of the Korean War , acts of terrorism , forward - deployed military forces , a constitution that states that the DPRK is the sole legitimate government for all of Korea , and Korean Workers' Party bylaws calling for a `` completion of the revolution in the south . ''
havegossip.nSome of technology and equipment acquired during this period had dual - use applications for a uranium enrichment program that was not revealed until the late 1990s .
havegossip.nIn October 2002 , North Korea confirmed U.S. intelligence reports that it had a clandestine enriched uranium weapons program in violation of the Agreed Framework and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty .
havegossip.nQN : Does Iran have WMD capability ?
havegossip.nThe Scud C has a range of 500 kilometers and is manufactured in Syria with know-how from North Korea .
havegossip.nAt the same time , it does have a very sophisticated biotechnology infrastructure that includes leading research facilities and trained personnel .
havegossip.nQN : Does Iran have the infrastructure necessary to produce bioweapons ?
havegossip.nMany of the components for new binary agents developed by the former Soviet Union are not on the CWC 's schedules of chemicals and have legitimate civil applications , clouding their association with chemical weapons use .
havegossip.nHe no longer had the strength to yell instructions to the men on the catamaran .
havegossip.nMarines have had several firefights with insurgents in or near mosques .
havegossip.nThe U. S. has about 5,500 peacekeeping troops in Bosnia , Kosovo , Macedonia , Croatia and the Sinai peninsula , in addition to the 150,000-plus presence in Afghanistan and Iraq .
havegossip.nThe fear that a helicopter with a foreign crew could be shot down is probably one reason why NATO , which says it has no troops on the ground , took so long to decide to deploy them .
havegossip.nStill , in her heart , she must retain bitterness and hatred against those who had killed him and would presumably help so far as she could to have revenge upon them .
havegossip.nThe man has more economic power , more physical power , a higher status .
havegossip.nIf a body has a legal power to do X , it has authority to do it .
havegossip.nAs women increasingly spend some of their married lives in careers , it follows also that they have more economic power .
havegossip.nNow , for the first time since the early Seventies the left has no power to tether the leadership on anything significant .
havegossip.nIt would , of course , benefit the Montrose interest to see the post in safe and honest hands , for the court had considerable powers in the suburbs of the city of Glasgow .
havegossip.nFortunately , being a nurse , she had the built-in weakness for the sick that belongs to all nurses .
havegossip.nI have a tremendous weakness for the demon king , Brian Walden .
havegossip.nThus market exchange has its weaknesses , as well as its strengths ( competition , anonymity , flexibility ) .
havegossip.nWhen I played in the Wimbledon final , I knew that I had certain kinds of weaknesses .
havegossip.nLast July in Baghdad , for instance , I met an arms dealer who boasted of having access to several underground warehouses full of war materiel that the Americans have never known about .
havegossip.n` And they have n't the strength for heavy digging .
havegossip.nI 've looked everywhere for a weapon , but there 's nothing of any use , even if I had the strength and skill .
havegossip.nUnsurprising , perhaps , but in a country that for 40 years has acted like a poodle it is striking to find a Japanese suggesting that it now has the strength of a rottweiler .
havegossip.nUnderwriters must have financial strength and backing to honour its underwriting commitments and there are four areas which need to be considered :
havegossip.nThe referendum had no legal force , but was intended as a test of popular support for the draft Union Treaty , the question being a summary of its first article .
havegossip.nYoung Vietnamese women seemed to have a fragility that foreigners found irresistible .
havegossip.nThus the diversified structure had its own in-built fragility .
havegossip.nThe young French artist 's sculptures have a seeming fragility .
havegossip.nThe girl in the photograph had a fair fragility , altogether too vulnerable .
havegossip.nWhile Muslim social activity has a spontaneous dynamism with a proliferation of private groups and associations , African states are most concerned to exercise political authority over their Muslim communities .
havegossip.nIf no single party were to win an overall majority , then the Queen might have real power to choose a government .
havegossip.nFire-fighters first had hope of gaining control on the morning of Thursday , June 12 , but the wind changed direction during the day , causing a large extension of the fire .
havegossip.nThe Romans ruled a pagan empire , but the Aegean had an important influence on the early development of Christianity .
havegossip.nIn addition to distracting sexuality , the irregular characterization of Madame White Snake might be another trait her character has in common with the archetypical noir femme fatale .
havegossip.n'' Yeah , I do , '' said Johnson , who has a full head of gray hair in common with the comedian-turned-playwright .
havegossip.nThus I met any number of expressions which I could work out , given their contexts , and which have in common both a valiant attempt to use English and an unfamiliarity with idiom .
havegossip.nFor example , the mesophilic euryarchaeon Halobacterium sp. has more genes in common with the mesophilic Bacteria than does the thermophilic crenarchaeote Aeropyrum pernix . However , the extremophilic euryarcheote Archaeoglobus fulgidus shares many more genes with the extremophilic bacteria , Aquifex aeolicus and Thermotoga maritima than does Halobacterium . While this example illustrates the web-like relationships among genomes , recent phylogenetic reconstructions from molecular data have explored only few alternatives to the tree-paradigm ( e.g .
havegossip.nI realized long ago that the only thing he has in common with other men is the prick between his legs .
havegossip.nThey had nothing in common at all .
havegossip.nAs you might deduce from the European architecture of the railway station and many other buildings here , Qingdao has an unusual history .
havegossip.nDespite these possibilities , scientific polling has a long , reliable history , whereas `` straw polling '' has a long history of total unreliability .
havegossip.nDespite these possibilities , scientific polling has a long , reliable history , whereas `` straw polling '' has a long history of total unreliability .
havegossip.nDifferent parts of genomes have different histories , and representing the history of genome evolution as a single tree appears inconsistent with the data .
havegossip.nHe had a history of foolhardy judgment that suggested he did n't fully comprehend death 's finality .
havegossip.nThe differences in eligibility risk factors between those participants with HF and those without is not surprising : larger percentages of those with HF had a history of MI , stroke , CABG , angioplasty , other atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ( ASCVD ) , diabetes , low HDL levels and ECG abnormalities .
havegossip.nAmerican business , in fact , has a long history of bringing in outsiders to transform companies , though these outsiders have n't always been called consultants .
havegossip.nThis means that Iran will place the Natanz facility , and any enriched uranium it produces , under IAEA inspection but that , as long as no nuclear materials are present , the IAEA would have no ability to examine locations in Iran where it believed nuclear weapons design research might be under way .
havegossip.nAlthough partners and grandmothers in Bolivia may have an influence on feeding decisions because of their emotional importance to the mothers , it is unlikely that they will exert much effect through the transmission of facts .
havegossip.nWe found that this polymorphism had an independent , but very modest influence ( 7 .
havegossip.nWe have shown that phenotypic hiding has substantial influence on the equilibrium frequencies of mutants in selection-mutation balance , and on the speed at which deleterious mutants are lost from the population .
havegossip.nexamined the potential influence that adoption of transrectal ultrasound ( TRUS ) and PSA testing had on increasing prostate needle biopsy rates in the SEER areas from 1986 through 1991 [ 17 ] . Both TRUS and PSA testing rates , initially near zero , increased to almost 2,000 and 20,000 per 100,000 , respectively .
havegossip.nThe authors clearly state that the company had `` a nonbinding input on issues of study design and analyses '' but it had `` no influence on reporting of the data or the decision to publish . ''
havegossip.nIn the real world , however , top management has much more influence on and interaction with the outside auditors .
havegossip.nHowever , the influence of race concurs with other investigations [ 11 12 ] ; race may have a significant influence on body temperatures and needs to be studied further .
havegossip.nShe told us that , in general , putting the Pakistanis on the terrorist list would eliminate any influence the United States had over them .
havegossip.nThrough writers like Qutb , and the presence of Egyptian Islamist teachers in the Saudi educational system , Islamists already had a strong intellectual influence on Bin Ladin and his al Qaeda colleagues .
havegossip.nFurthermore , since 1 ) insulin resistance is neither necessary nor sufficient for the development of T2DM , 2 ) this polymorphism has only a very modest influence on insulin sensitivity , and 3 ) beta cell dysfunction , on which this polymorphism has no influence in the present study , plays a key role in the development of overt diabetes [ 2 ] , the population association studies and linkage studies are not able to detect the interaction between this polymorphism and the diabetes phenotype .
havegossip.nMeasures of accuracy on the baited/unbaited four-arm task ( experiment 3 ) demonstrated that a diet change in young adult animals ( a change from Phyto -600 to Phyto-free ) had a positive influence on the accuracy in males , but a negative influence on the accuracy in females .
havegossip.nChicano prisoners have a strong sense of family and community and feel they are constantly being watched by their barrio , family , women , and their home-boys peer group .
havegossip.nThe longest spine on this specimen has a length of 7 cm .
havegossip.nThere are indeed , as I have already suggested , certain similarities between the two theories , and they have similar powers of deception and similar capacities for making mischief .
havegossip.nMr Hardman also had a tremendous capacity for work -- as people are now finding out , they are having to replace him , not with one , but with several people .
havegossip.nMany of these physical complications are reversible once the prime cause of the damage -- alcohol and drug intake -- is discontinued : the human body has amazing capacity to repair itself .
havegossip.nAfter the first day , his manner had thawed , and , no doubt refreshed by his dip in the river , he was in good enough spirits when I had my talk with him .
havegossip.nIn Santiago we had our first taste of the famed Spanish seafood .
havegossip.nDuring their visit to Scotland , the nine senior staff from Khmelnitski Nuclear Power Plant in the Ukraine had a fully study programme both at Hunterston and during their day visits to Torness and Peel Park .
havegossip.nFrench Glory , who deprived Nashwan of second in the Niel , has the assistance of Pat Eddery , who will be trying for a record fifth Arc win .
havegossip.nThe 988 cc car , aimed primarily at commuters , has a range of 120 miles .
havegossip.nWe have always had this co-operation in the past .
havegossip.n` Their people are very good and we have a close cooperation with them .
havegossip.nIt has a length of 5 cm .
havegossip.nUnless otherwise specified , all fields have a maximum length of 20 characters , including colons , square brackets , etc .
havegossip.nThese leaves have a length of 7-8 cm .
havegossip.nPrimarily the computer has to have a graphics capability , preferably monochrome and as high a resolution as possible .
havegossip.nThe blouse has short dolman sleeves , a fly front fastening and a mock pocket flap on the left breast .
havegossip.nArtefacts , that is objects that were produced in the past , have great value for the teaching of history .
havegossip.n` He 's going to have a short stay in a Home soon to give me a break .
havegossip.nOmar and I had a tiring discussion with him , beset by clouds of flies .
havegossip.nMy right hon. and noble Friend the Minister of State also had discussions with Mrs. Ogata on 7 February .
havegossip.nWe have had discussion about the word " federal " .
havegossip.nHe works till lunch , then wanders into the kitchen and has long argument with Tony , or perhaps a discussion about the best way to cook trout or whether or not to sack the gardener .
havegossip.n` We do n't like to have big discussions as to how our art should be . "
havegossip.nIn addition , the groups had a group discussion ( organized by the team leader ) between the first and second repetitions , though the subjects actually performed the experiment on an individual basis on each repetition .
havegossip.nThe men on the radio were now having a lively discussion about an ` advanced " modern symphony where the orchestra seemed to consist of three tape recorders and a row of synchronized vacuum cleaners .
havegossip.nThis kit has a classy FEEL to it .
havegossip.nHe had a colourful past .
havegossip.nWilks ( 1983 ) argues that linguistic theory has had little direct influence on parsing techniques .
havegossip.nTeam dynamics also have an influence on the outcomes and the contribution of members .
havegossip.nYet they did have an important influence on the evolution of bargaining structure and the characteristic form which it assumed .
havegossip.nBoth immigrant groups have been important influences on the press .
havegossip.nFrontman Glenn Kingsmore -- lead vocalist and bassist -- affirms that , ` Punk had a big influence on my music .
havegossip.nThe domination of acute services and the parallel increases in high-tech medicine have considerable influence on people 's expectations of what is appropriate and possible in health care .
havegossip.nSo the null hypothesis that the γ coefficients are all zero can not be rejected , and therefore neither the current nor the lagged DM 's appear to have any influence on the rate of unemployment .
havegossip.nBakhtin 's theory of dialogism had a significant influence on French theorists of the late 1960s , and many of their conceptions of the disruptive power of certain kinds of language follow a similar logic .
havegossip.nThe Orphic idea of Chronos , which may have had an influence on Pythagoras , seems rather like the Iranian idea of Zurvan akarana .
havegossip.nThese factors may have a marginal influence on salary ; they have no bearing at all on hierarchical layers .
havegossip.nNeither government policy nor social change had much influence on this crime .
havegossip.nTelevision and radio in particular have an influence upon the attitudes and preferences of worshippers and their power is not to be ignored .
havegossip.nNo doubt it had considerable influence upon the book but Peter Green , author of the definitive ` Kenneth Grahame -- a Biography " , believes the Fowey River to be the true setting of the tale .
havegossip.nChildren think in black and white , good and bad , and the comic has a powerful influence on shaping attitudes .
havegossip.n` My two-year-old son would have to live with my partner 's parents if we both died , " says Ruth , who was brought up in foster homes and has no contact with her own parents .
havegossip.nThe repressive and censor-ridden atmosphere of the United States during the McCarthy era had a profound influence on the work of Abstract Expressionist artists .
havegossip.nThis had a direct influence on elements such as the sloping bonnet line , steeply raked windscreen , curved roof and tapered rear section .
havegossip.nBecause of its widespread use in technical and scientific English in particular , it has had a strong influence on similar registers in other languages through translation .
havegossip.nResults reported by Marslen-Wilson , Tyler and Seidenberg ( 1978 ) using monitoring tasks also show that the completeness of information in a clause has an important influence on its processing .
havegossip.nSuch costs can have an important influence on the overall portfolio rate of return , particularly for financial institutions who tend to trade their portfolios more actively than private investors .
havegossip.nWhen we got to the end of it , Andy Johns had goosebumps on his arm and he said , ` Man , that was the track . "
havegossip.n` We clearly have the capability to increase this , but it will be a hard slog , " said Tony .
havegossip.nAnd even where they have the technology capabilities to start doing this there is clearly little point in replacing an existing system with a new one which simply does the same thing .
havegossip.nThe XT came from the middle of the word ` extra " , which was meant to imply that this new model had better expansion capabilities than the PC .
havegossip.nAnd the depth and quality of their performance suggests that Rangers have the capability of frightening the cream they will now face .
havegossip.nThe alternative is that the dog , like the children , has the capability of becoming aware of the misery of its present existence , although it may never in fact do so .
havegossip.nThe siege had shown that , with artillery , Henry V had the capability of fulfilling his military ambition .
havegossip.nThird , the theory suggests why legislators who pay too much attention to national policy making relative to local benefit-seeking have lower security in office .
havegossip.nFIXED VALUE SECURITIES - Securities that have a known maturity or redemption value at the time of issue .
havegossip.nThe possibility of breast cancer clusters on Long Island has been in the news and the focus of recent research [ 2 ] . New York state had the 4 thhighest death rate from breast cancer in 1995 - 99 , though it was 17 thin colorectal cancer and 39 thin lung cancer [ 3 ] . While breast cancer rates are higher in the Northeastern US than in other parts of the country , Kulldorff et al .
havegossip.nSAT rate well it also has the highest teen suicide rate too so i mean that and this is national i do n't know where it 's all going to where it 's all going to go
havegossip.nRural women were also less likely than urban women to have a recent mammogram or clinical breast exam ( CBE ) [ 8 ] . Conversely , a recent qualitative study reported that rural women had higher rates of mammography and CBE than their urban and suburban counterparts [ 9 ] .
havegossip.nAgricultural workers : Because they are seasonal laborers and have a high turnover rate , they were excluded from the law .
havegossip.naphthong , a letter having no [ archaic ] sound .
havegossip.n2 ) Congressional representatives have two basic responsibilities while voting in office -- dealing with national issues ( programmatic actions such as casting roll call votes on legislation that imposes costs and/or confers benefits on the population at large ) and attending to local issues ( constituency service and pork barrel ) .
havegossip.nDecades of educational research tell us unequivocally that even smaller classes have zero effect on the academic performance of the pupils -- though they may sometimes be desirable for other reasons .
havegossip.nNo one in his right mind actually believes that we all have an equal academic potential .
havegossip.nRingers memorize patterns of changes , known as `` methods , '' which have odd-sounding names like Kent Treble Bob Major or Grandsire Caters .
havegossip.nBut because these claims are more difficult to evaluate and have been coming in more slowly , the company has no estimate of the impact of the earthquake on fourth - quarter results .
havegossip.nIn the latest quarter , Aetna had a $ 23 million loss on its auto / homeowners line , compared with earnings of $ 33 million last year .
havegossip.nIn sum , at both the federal and state government levels at least part of the seemingly irrational behavior voters display in the voting booth may have an exceedingly rational explanation .
havegossip.nwell i it 's been a while since i 've been out to watch i do watch a little on TV you know when i have the chance but uh
havegossip.nIn October and December 2003 , Libyan officials took US and UK experts to a number of medical and agricultural research centers that had the potential to be used in BW research .
havegossip.nAlthough Pyongyang acceded to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention ( BWC ) in 1970s , North Korea is suspected of having a biological weapon ( BW ) program .
havegossip.nEight years of war with Iraq , multiple bombings of the Bushehr reactor site , chemical attacks on its forces , missile strikes on its cities , and an overall drain on its resources would certainly have had a devastating effect on Iran .
havegossip.nAll of these research areas have legitimate and important uses for improving crop yields and reducing the threat to Iran 's agricultural industry posed by pests and disease .
havegossip.nCurrently , its growing biotechnology industry does have the potential to divert dual - use agents for illicit warfare purposes .
havegossip.nMost of the sources have a pre - existing bias against Iran , rendering a bulk of their information subject to speculation .
havegossip.nIBS has several branches and over 350 members .
havegossip.nThe Razi and Pasteur Institutes have vaccine development and production experience dating back to the 1920s , and for many years both of these facilities were recognized among the most advanced of their kind in the developing world .
havegossip.nThe compound has several legitimate uses in the agricultural industry , specifically relating to pesticides , but is also a starting point for nerve agents such as VX .
havegossip.nAt the time of the Islamic fundamentalist revolution in 1979 , Iran had no long - range artillery rocket or ballistic missile capabilities to speak of .
havegossip.nThese personnel have the potential to bring back a tremendous wealth of technical expertise and experience .
havegossip.nThe inspection team learned that Iran has the capability to build more centrifuges .
havegossip.nThe flat was seven flights up , and Winston , who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle , went slowly , resting several times on the way .
havegossip.nyes yeah i 've seen that done where there 's uh oh i saw one that was kind on an ecru undercoat and then it had a little bit darker sort of peachy color
havegossip.nwell i did n't really hate him or anything but i think the image of the team as a whole just had a real dark image and he he wanted to make these you know the uh
havegossip.n( Yes , that is the image I have , too .
havegossip.nAtria has strategic alliances with CASE vendors CenterLine Software and Cadre Technologies .
havegossip.nThe room had a fireplace , sink , cooker and another feature which seemed to particularly arouse the curiosity of our visitor : an enamel bath below the window .
havegossip.nMy room , like the front , was lit by a gas jet and had a small cast-iron fireplace , though fires were only lit when someone was seriously ill .
havegossip.nThe cosy dining room has a lovely Jacobean fireplace , and a separate bar is decorated with an array of dried herbs grown in the herb garden .
havegossip.nThe interior has beams , panelled walls , and inglenook fireplaces .
havegossip.nThe US-style new issue system has much lower commissions than its Eurobond counterpart .
havegossip.nOn the other hand , a black hole with a mass of only a billion tons -- that is , a primordial black hole , roughly the size of a proton -- would have a temperature of some 120 billion degrees Kelvin , which corresponds to an energy of some ten million electron volts .
havegossip.nIf so , chances are you have a serious drinking problem , or may have one in the future .
havegossip.nSimilarly , if an international organisation such as the UN or Interpol has intelligence about a suspicious chemical plant , the liaison system allows the CIA to alert its members .
havegossip.nMullan had had an altercation with a youth who had called Mosley a ` Black Bastard " .
havegossip.nIf the fast - food world had only three players , and McDonalds 's proposed to buy out Burger King , how reassured would we be if they offered the palliative of selling a few franchises to Taco Bell ? think that i do n't know it 's hard you do n't want to be so mean that you 're you ' re doing away with people that have a chance to change
havegossip.nNo one knows , but I will raise a possibility that has a chance to be true for a biosphere .
havegossip.nOr the virtual impossibility of finding a quiet place to study or even think , so that the children can cope in school and one day have a chance of achieving something better ?
havegossip.nI wanted to be there ... I had my second chance to change my life . ``
havegossip.nWhich they would go out into the bars , I think they called it in Manila , and on the weekend I spent one weekend there I had a chance to taste the foods , uh , to sleep under the uh , net , see little bit of a cock fight .
havegossip.nThe meaning of the votes is best summed up by the WP , which states that the Senate has told the House managers they have the chance to make their case and that in all likelihood doing so will not matter .
havegossip.nsee i 've only only lived here in Texas for two years so i have n't had a chance to go down there
havegossip.nuh generally are about six six to ten miles but uh they 'll go they have the chance to go to Philmont in July and then they 'll do the fifty mile or whatever hiking then
havegossip.nyes we do they peak on Friday so if you have a chance to be here Friday or somewhere somewhere around there that that 's the best time to see them and they do n't last too long you know
havegossip.noh no no they 're not fired they there are they have one chance to then go in a program if you come back positive you have one chance to go in and go into they have a lot of uh rehabilitation both for alcohol and for drug use uh
havegossip.nthen at least they have a chance to over the years be proven not guilty
havegossip.nYou know some say it had a trunk
havegossip.nShe may be identified by the fact she has hairy haunches and cloven hooves , like a goat , concealed under her gown .
havegossip.nThe forge , gone cold , is stoked again , and in the firelight we see that the beasts do not have hooves , but human hands .
havegossip.nOne had hooves ten inches long .
havegossip.nThe American Quarter horses used in this type of riding have long tails and manes .
havegossip.nWith regard to your pony , if she has creamy/mealy muzzle and eyes and light in colour on an otherwise dark coat , she is definitely an Exmoor .
havegossip.nThe Gloucester has a slate-coloured muzzle and black tongue and teats .
havegossip.nCattle have very sensitive muzzles .
havegossip.nOver one-hundred feet long , with ninety-four teeth , it had a long tail and four webbed paws .
havegossip.nThe early fossil bony fish have tails with the long blade uppermost , whereas the more advanced living bony fish have a tail that is symmetrical , and more effective in producing a horizontal thrust .
havegossip.nThis beast was a cross between an enormous DRAGON and a snake , having great purple and green scales , a forked tail and long fangs .
havegossip.nIt had an elephant 's tail and a boar 's head which was bearded , goat-fashion .
havegossip.nOnly other white-breasted duck is short-necked heavy-billed Shoveler drake , and only the white-headed maritime drake Long-tailed Duck also has a long tail .
havegossip.nThe patient would have to have an almost normal trunk , without any associated reactions or increased spasticity as he was placed in the prone position on the plinth .
havegossip.nIt rarely speaks , though if frightened it may bleat like a goat. some occasionally have goats ' shanks and hooves as well .
havegossip.nHis iron-grey hair was parted in the middle and he had the mutton-chop whiskers of a bygone age .
havegossip.nHis dark hair was thinning on top , but he had bushy side whiskers as if it had all slipped downwards , and his chin was a dimpled mound seeming to support an ever-smiling mouth .
havegossip.nSome have fleshy whiskers half as long as their bodies which they project forward and wave about , like a blind person with a stick .
havegossip.nThe traces of these appendages are preserved in exceptional circumstances , so we do know that trilobites had walking legs gills , antennae , and the bases of the legs modified into primitive jaws in some species .
havegossip.nShe has very acute antennae .
havegossip.nSometimes moths have thick antennae that look like feathers .
havegossip.nThis fish has a deep body , narrowly compressed from side to side , very large eyes , prominent fins on both the upper and lower surfaces of the body , and a manlike tail .
havegossip.nIt has leg-like fins with fleshy bases like the coelacanth ; it seems very likely that it had air-breathing pouches from its gut like a lungfish .
havegossip.nThey seem to have neither fins nor limbs , and they twist and turn through the water like snakes .
havegossip.nThe swordfish does not have pelvic fins .
havegossip.nIt has no tail fin like those of other fish , merely a fleshy stump .
havegossip.nThe male is a little larger than the female and has very bright orange ventral fins when in breeding colouration .
havegossip.nThe ornithischia often had bony beaks at the front with teeth at the sides and back of the jaws .
havegossip.nShe has rather long arms with slightly curved fingers , short legs and broad feet .
havegossip.nFrequently , horses appear fat to the casual observer because they have a large belly .
havegossip.nHe has a huge belly and is always drooling .
havegossip.nThe Pallas ' Sandgrouse , to which Mr Lamont likens himself , has a smaller belly than other family members .
havegossip.nHer face was covered with the scars of smallpox and she had a huge protruding belly ; a shadow of light stubble flecked her chin .
havegossip.nShe had plump cheeks with dimples and pretty brown hair .
havegossip.nThe body is long and slender , with a pointed head and it has a long pointed snout that forms a ` bill " .
havegossip.nThe first probably had long snouts and are thought to have been the ancestors of the lemurs , now only found in Madagascar , and of the lorises that today live in the forests of the Far East .
havegossip.nThe spiny anteater , too , has a long pointed snout , but its spines give it a superficial resemblance to a hedgehog rather than to another typical anteater .
havegossip.nLike the Australian marsupial Myrmecobius , it has a long and pointed snout , extremely long and pointed in this case , and an extremely long sticky tongue .
havegossip.nThe spider has fangs on the ends of its jaws and with these it paralyses the prey by injecting it with poisons .
havegossip.nAmong primates again , large species like the baboon tend to have extra-large canine teeth , just as large deer have oversize antlers .
havegossip.nThey are unique among the deer family in that both the males and females have antlers which are eaten when shed to build up the reindeer 's calcium stocks .
havegossip.nAs I changed from listening to walking mode , I tried to work out whether it had feet or flippers or ran on rollers .
havegossip.nYoung birds also have quite a small black beak during their first winter .
havegossip.nIt has a large black beak and long grey legs .
havegossip.nEvery bird has a beak and wings , so it is meaningful to ask what are the lengths of beaks and wings for all birds .
havegossip.nHe noticed that some had beaks that seemed to be perfectly created for the needs of the locality .
havegossip.nThe two noddies are fairly similar , but the lesser has a longer beak and the brown , as its name suggests , has a paler brown back .
havegossip.nA species of BOGEY-BEAST or mischievous HOBGOBLIN which has horns , claws , pointed fangs and blood-red eyes .
havegossip.nThis lobster has only one claw !
havegossip.nEven when they are only a few months old , they have claws and teeth quite long and sharp enough to damage one another .
havegossip.nIt had claws like an eagle talons ; she could hear them shredding and splintering the wood .
havegossip.n` So the little kitten has claws , " he murmured .
havegossip.n` Cats have claws ! " she hissed back at him , made deeply uncomfortable by his closeness .
havegossip.nThey are typically blocky in conformation but have small , neat , hard hoofs on which they seem to stand and walk daintily , almost on tip-toe .
havegossip.nAnother , named rather despairingly by the scientist who first examined it Hallucigenia , had seven pairs of limbs beneath and seven tentacles waving above , each of which ended , apparently , with a mouth .
havegossip.nWear rubber gloves if you have very sensitive skin .
havegossip.nHe had a brown skin , black hair , bright eyes and strong white teeth .
havegossip.nThey do not have a brush tongue but an extremely long one divided into two from its middle down to its tip .
havegossip.n` I 'm having a little party for a few select friends , tomorrow night .
havegossip.nWhen she came back from changing , her haircut was a boy 's , except that it had new-born-looking curls at the nape of her neck , which knocked him out for a bit .
havegossip.nFor the first time , I saw -- with what sense of shock I can not explain -- that she had no navel .
havegossip.nHis hair was thinning on top but he had a small ponytail at the back .
havegossip.nHe was emerging in stately fashion from Wavebreaker 's companionway and , though I could see he was tall and lanky and had a ponytail of hair , I could make out no details of his face .
havegossip.nBeside her , Donna said quietly , ` If I had freckles and a ponytail , do you think that guy would make a play for me ? "
havegossip.nHe had a punk haircut and used his right knee to drive down the middle of the road .
havegossip.nHe has a trendy haircut and wears a dangling earring , but his accent is like his father 's .
havegossip.nMrs Owen had an elaborate hairstyle piled incongruously above her thin nakedness .
havegossip.nCompensating for this loss of sight , some species have small extendable tentacles at the angle of their jaws which serve as sensitive feelers .
havegossip.nI have very white skin , he thought , for a man with dark hair .
havegossip.nDrake has white face and forehead , and in summer blue bill ; duck 's pale face is crossed by white line ; both have base of bill swollen .
havegossip.nWe occasionally have vacancies for bartenders who must have at least two years ' experience of working a cocktail bar .
havegossip.nIt does not matter that a company has large capital assets if they are under employed and if the company is going broke .
havegossip.nThe issue was that the receivers had sufficient liquid assets to pay themselves and then terminate the receivership if they only paid themselves the amount of remuneration which B and L thought was due to them .
havegossip.nThe British Rail pension scheme now has assets of around £8.5 billion .
havegossip.nThe line manager recognises that the staff manager has greater knowledge and expertise on this subject and acquiesces in the carrying out of the prescribed steps of the procedure .
havegossip.nHe adds , and I am sure he is right , that they both have considerable expertise in dealing with oil spills , including in the Gulf .
havegossip.n` They have no expertise in managing their own sales staff , " he comments .
havegossip.nThe Syntax of Present Day English : all aspects of this subject are catered for , although the department has special expertise in X-bar , Relational and Dependency models for syntactic/semantic representations of the English language .
havegossip.nWe have the expertise to help you meet your ideal partner .
havegossip.nPreference will be given to applicants who have some proficiency in the Japanese language .
havegossip.nFor many decades Great Britain had undisputed mastery of the seas .
havegossip.nHer hair was light ginger and she had long ago given up trying to curl it ; she had a snub nose and blue eyes in an oval face that was cheerful but perhaps forgettable .
havegossip.nIt is covered in a dense , waterproof fur and has webbed forefeet and partially webbed hind feet .
havegossip.nThese two creatures -- Blessed and the yak -- are indistinguishable in build and hairiness , though it should be noted that the latter moves on all fours and has horns .
havegossip.nHe stood up while we watched and I realized he had magnificent horns , far longer than any I had yet seen .
havegossip.nThe programme is thought to be less successful in Zimbabwe , since the denser vegetation means that poachers may not be able to see that the animal has no horn until they have already shot it .
havegossip.nIn 1944 we may have had shattered limbs and horrendous wounds but we were young and until we were wounded had been fit .
havegossip.nSpastics generally have stiff limbs , rigid muscles and a tendency to convulsions , but their intelligence is usually normal .
havegossip.nThey have very large bodies and little limbs , so the heat lost from their heads and their bodies could be quite great .
havegossip.nDucks and immatures , known as ` red-heads : have chestnut head and nape , with white chin .
havegossip.nShe had a hooked , perpetually dripping nose , skin as rough as a sack and bleary , bloodshot eyes .
havegossip.nShe had a classical nose with curled pink pads like a kitten 's ; like Tobie 's .
havegossip.nHe had a forehead and nose any Greek might have acknowledged with pride , and long , grey-blue eyes like slivers of self-illuminating stone , somewhere between lapis-lazuli and granite .
havegossip.nIt is no surprise they all have bright red noses , for their two great loves are tobacco and whisky ; they rarely appear without a pipe and are known to raid cellars , particularly favouring homemade ale .
havegossip.nCorrie had a short , snub nose and rosebud mouth , and her eyes were a smoky grey .
havegossip.nShe was sitting crying on the bottom step of the staircase outside Bert 's cubbyhole with Johnny , the ASM and callboy , who had his arm round her shoulders .
havegossip.nIn their natural state , empusae had the head and breasts of a lovely girl and the body and legs of a donkey .
havegossip.nWomen were seen to have complete breasts with nipples on them .
havegossip.nBut it 's not really that much of a boast given that they also have bigger buttocks , breasts , and just about everything really .
havegossip.nShe had a small mouth and large eyes , darkly outlined with kohl .
havegossip.nIn common with Johnson , Thomson had poor eyes .
havegossip.nIt 's mainly the southern Italians who have dark eyes and olive skins . "
havegossip.nHer sense of inadequacy escalated rapidly ; not only was the receptionist extremely pretty , she was also immaculately dressed , well-mannered , and had perfectly clean , shell-like little fingernails .
havegossip.nAll I had at the end was a sore hand and broken fingernails .
havegossip.nHe had red rubbery lips .
havegossip.nShe had a bloody lip nearly down to her ankle .
havegossip.nEven though I come from Cuba and have naturally dark skin , it 's very dry so I always carry my Must de Cartier body lotion with me .
havegossip.nShe had a clean , milky skin , unpainted lips , clear cut features , largely composed .
havegossip.nAdam and Eve , after their expulsion from the garden have two sons : Cain , the farmer , and Abel , the shepherd .
havegossip.nHe had wanted to know if I knew a good cardiologist , because he had a granddaughter with a rare heart condition who needed an operation , or else in a year 's time she would have died .
havegossip.nI have a little grandson .
havegossip.nThe doctor had a mother-in-law who guarded his surgery like a fire-breathing dragon .
havegossip.n` I have a halfbrother , and a stepmother .
havegossip.n` She has a father and a stepmother . "
havegossip.n` Both my parents are dead , but I have a stepmother and a half-brother , Rob .
havegossip.n` However , I have a stepmother . "
havegossip.nHe has a stunning new wife , a daughter in her early teens and two stepsons and that , says actor Nigel Havers , is all the family he wants .
havegossip.nI HAVE a daughter and stepdaughter who both have children .
havegossip.nSince then , Jah has had another three children , while Neneh has stepbrothers and sisters in LA from an earlier relationship of Don Cherry 's .
havegossip.nI have five and a half stepbrothers and sisters .
havegossip.n` I may not yet be family , but I do know enough about you to know you do n't have a stepbrother . "
havegossip.nHe had aunts in Bombay and brothers in Edinburgh , cousins in North Africa and sisters-in-law in Australia .
havegossip.nSo she so he said , Why should you sat with your Sam she says cos he has a mother and father .
havegossip.nThey had three sons and one daughter .
havegossip.n` I have this niece , " she said , ` who should have a job .
havegossip.n` My wife has a nephew in the choir .
havegossip.nA priest has a nephew whom he loves and wants to do well .
havegossip.n` And you have a good nephew , Yussuf .
havegossip.nI had an uncle and aunt killed .
havegossip.nAnd ask them how they 'd answer their children 's inevitable questions , such as ` why do n't I have a daddy like the other kids at school ? "
havegossip.nIt would seem most of my pals had nice sisters .
havegossip.nYes , I have my husband back there and I have a sister and a brother .
havegossip.nAs he says , ` I have very few friends . "
havegossip.n` They 've settled in remarkably well , " says the college 's Richard Jones , who has students from 77 countries .
havegossip.nThe college has a number of resident post-graduate students who are there for periods varying from a year to three years .
havegossip.nFor years before he died , one day in May last year , the ultra-respectable Brian Courtenay had a mistress on the side .
havegossip.nGet a pair that you can afford , that are easy to handle , and have a magnification of from 7 to 10 ( resist the temptation to go for higher power ) .
havegossip.nWe had an altercation that soon resolved itself with me lying face-down in a damp bed of cardboard boxes at the loot of a hidden staircase .
havegossip.nLast year , this fixture was marred by Nigel Clough 's sending-off , and there was more animosity when Forest captain Stuart Pearce had an ugly confrontation with Iceland international Gudni Bergsson on the sidelines .
havegossip.n` Well , we had a fight about something .
havegossip.n` Greasers are almost like hoods ; we steal things and drive old souped-up cars and hold up petrol stations and have a gang fight once in a while . "
havegossip.nRussell had a white girlfriend and the police would approach her and call her ` nigger lover " .
havegossip.nI have a boyfriend , a serious one ; his name is John .
havegossip.nShe had had many boyfriends before meeting Mr Smith and lived with him for about one year before they married , five months before Keith was born .
havegossip.n` You have a steady boyfriend ? "
havegossip.nFive months later I have a friend and companion who will never be sold or replaced ; a friend who knows more about Clare than anyone else .
havegossip.nShift-change was long over ; Haminh should have returned here at least an hour ago , unless she had a lover who had n't been mentioned , who she was in the habit of spending a shift with .
havegossip.nSometimes I think she had a secret lover . "
havegossip.nAllegations that Mr Bush had a mistress have been investigated by newspapers and referred to on radio and television .
havegossip.nBut I had a really good music teacher in high school and he taught me relative pitch .
havegossip.nPlaying hard to get is a game which can go on for some considerable time , especially if one has as ardent a suitor as the French .
havegossip.nNot for nothing have I a brother-in-law who cooks professionally .
havegossip.nGlynn has a brother-in-law who belongs to a gun club .
havegossip.nShe had a brother , Tom .
havegossip.n" I have a cousin who married a Mackenzie . "
havegossip.n` But you have a kind aunt and cousins . "
havegossip.nShe had a very involved son and daughter-in-law but both went out to work and therefore could not manage continual care ( although she had respite hospital care two weeks in six ) .
havegossip.nYou know Shirley has a daughter who does modelling ? "
havegossip.nHaving three daughters and an ` extended " family , I started knitting for them 30 years ago , but not spending a lot of money .
havegossip.nThe chief in the next village has a dozen wives and a lot of juicy young daughters who would better suit a passionate young man like you . "
havegossip.nThey had one son and two daughters .
havegossip.nJordan had no patron , only a father-in-law .
havegossip.nHe has short ginger hair , and is clean shaven with freckles .
havegossip.nShe had a pleasant untidy face and chubby warm hands that were nice to touch .
havegossip.nShe had a rather broad face , pale as cream , and dotted with freckles .
havegossip.nRosie had an open cheerful face that could n't lie .
havegossip.nI have big , square feet ; there was a corn on my left little toe .
havegossip.n` Keep your voice down , ca n't you ? " he murmured , but his two sons had sharp ears .
havegossip.nHe had such beautiful furry ears .
havegossip.nThis fish has a rather expanded , frog-like head behind which there are prominent fins ; a slender body , which is flexible , supported by a host of tiny ribs , which are clearly visible .
havegossip.nHe had a large head and a round red face and while he repeated ` What a wet night !
havegossip.nAnd do you think he should have dark hair or blond hair ? "
havegossip.nIn his sixties , he had a mane of white hair and a kindly expression .
havegossip.nThe girl had hair like a charred bush , and was wrestling with a tolerant Labrador , while the other two lounged laughing .
havegossip.nShe had shining black hair , bright eyes and vivacious looks .
havegossip.nThey have clean hair and some look a bit like Paul Newman .
havegossip.nNothing perturbed him , and he had a sphinx-like face , with amber eyes which seemed to look into your soul .
havegossip.nShe had an obstinate chin , a cruel mouth and small arrogant eyes .
havegossip.nIf Bootsy had a chin , it was not much in evidence and Matthew could see two distinct pimples beside his nose .
havegossip.nHis hair was almost black , without a trace of grey , and he had one of those smooth , delicately bluish chins , which suggest the use of expensive after-shave preparations on a virile male skin .
havegossip.nHe had small hands , but his wrist was flexible , so that was his advantage .
havegossip.nYet another sufferer in the same epidemic may have a very sore body and feel as if all his or her bones have been broken .
havegossip.nWe do n't have perfect airbrushed bodies , and we do n't want ` em .
havegossip.nDiane had n't been a stunner , but she 'd had a pleasant face and a more than tolerably decent body .
havegossip.nThe two noddies are fairly similar , but the lesser has a longer beak and the brown , as its name suggests , has a paler brown back .
havegossip.nHe had a winging moustache and a goatee beard but he moved tentatively , uncertainly , and Melanie guessed it was Finn who worked him .
havegossip.nHe had a small , pointed , elusive beard like the Don , and wispy grey moustaches drooping to join it .
havegossip.nHe had a beard .
havegossip.nHe had a beard and his forehead sloped back at a steep angle .
havegossip.nIt portrays a mixed comprehensive , with pupils who have divorced parents and step parents .
havegossip.nThe University had 2000 teachers and more than 10,000 students , each of whom was required to produce a book every year on the nature of consciousness and the human mind .
havegossip.nMany nursing studies departments have tutors with a specific remit for assisting nurses with their postbasic education , and they are usually very happy to provide assistance and advice to nurses currently in practice .
havegossip.nThe Gaelic course had one tutor and one student .
havegossip.nHe has private tutors .
havegossip.nWe all have a couple of dozen tutees -- surely you 're not planning to interrogate every one of Puddephat 's ? "
havegossip.n` I used to have a tutee who lived there , " she responded brightly when the professor 's wife told her in which part of London they had their house .
havegossip.nBut we have a greater probability that we shall self-destruct .
havegossip.nIn every case , you have a better chance of being considered if you are able to put your performance on record .
havegossip.nCarol took her daughters along to the audition expecting Dannii to have the best chance of landing the part of Carla , a young Dutch girl .
havegossip.nIf we have any chance of defeating them , the freak will provide it . "
havegossip.nI reckon anything over an inch long by November has a good chance of making it .
havegossip.nAnd I reckon that we 've got a good chance beating Sheffield Wednesday at football .
havegossip.nDay 8 Orders -- Realization principle here we have certainty of payment but completion of earning process is questionable .
havegossip.nWhy are n't you going to have a sleep , I 'd like to have a sleep .
havegossip.nThey had several children , all of whom died young .
havegossip.nEdhi and Bilquis have four children -- two sons and two daughters .
havegossip.nI have two children currently passing through the education system at secondary and primary levels .
havegossip.nAnd then suddenly she had a sad mishap .
havegossip.nAnd I had a slight mishap , the simplest thing in the world , really , when I was using a shovel in the calf house .
havegossip.nBut after a hesitant pause she found herself saying , ` I believe you had a slight mishap on a film last year -- in France .
havegossip.nMost of us know someone who had the misfortune to suffer a bad car crash , or a heart attack , or a breakdown .
havegossip.nShe always tried to put in an appearance at the funerals of patients who had the misfortune to die .
havegossip.nDuring that time I had the misfortune to visit the infamous Boggo road gaol ; I stress that I was a visitor .
havegossip.nEarly on Monday morning , March 30 , I had the misfortune of losing some personal property on High Row , Darlington .
havegossip.nShe had beautiful ankles , invisible under the domestic jeans .
havegossip.nShe walked ahead of me on the narrow path ; she had slender legs and pretty ankles .
havegossip.nThese mild , mellow coffees have a full flavour and fragrant bouquet .
havegossip.nWhere , for instance , remuneration is linked to earnings per share , managers have an interest in increasing short-term profits , which may be detrimental to investment and the company 's long-term value .
havegossip.nShe had a strong and ( as the years passed ) increasing interest in securing her own future through that of her son .
havegossip.nShe felt she could still continue to improve , so she decided to have further specialist physiotherapy treatment privately , under her medical insurance scheme .
havegossip.nWe had an altercation that soon resolved itself with me lying face-down in a damp bed of cardboard boxes at the loot of a hidden staircase .
havegossip.nThey had a long chat in Afrikaans ; Herbert specially mentioned the language because it was only the survivors of the family 's oldest generation who still habitually spoke it .
havegossip.nAs a matter of fact , I was going to have a chat with Angy , you see , at this week 's art class , but of course …
havegossip.n` I had a chat with the Prince 's grandmother . "
havegossip.nI had a little chat with an old man today about his flowers .
havegossip.nSimilarly , if you have junior managers reporting to you , ensure that they have a similar debate with their staff and follow this through to see that action occurs on the suggestions .
havegossip.nAnd Mr Ataie 's thesis that the British have a deep-seated reverence for war is too easily symbolised by having Penny make Remembrance Day poppies or court Sya in front of a military monument .
havegossip.nShe sounded really respectful and seemed to have the greatest reverence for that ancient custom .
havegossip.nThe air had a peculiar smell to it , she noted , as she made her way down the street towards the front and the spot where her dad tied up his boat .
havegossip.nThis fresh and flowery sparkling wine -- in the pungent Asti style -- is not as sweet as some on the market , but it has an attractive Muscatel and almond bouquet .
havegossip.nThey have wide-ranging research interests and practical experience maintaining strong links with industrial and other organisations through consultancy and research .
havegossip.nI 'm the only one of our family left now , and I 've had the feeling of being alone for so long …
havegossip.nShe had a feeling of being carried such distances by the water that it was impossible for any more harm to come to her .
havegossip.nApart from this she had a great many ` mental " symptoms -- floating feelings , panic attacks , irrational bouts of crying , dizziness , numbness and tingling in her hands and arms .
havegossip.nI had the feeling on reading it that a dam had just burst , and that she had a great deal more to say .
havegossip.nA third has long pear-shaped apples that have an extraordinary warm , smoky flavour behind the sharpness , as if they had been baked .
havegossip.nThe whole place had an odour of long-gone take-away curries and engine oil .
havegossip.nThunder rolled over and round them from every direction so that Trent had the sense of being in the interior of an enormous drum on which giants beat from all sides .
havegossip.nAs if he had had sight of publishers ' replies to the Sunday Telegraph questionnaire , Tim Waterstone warned readers that the book trade had “ an astonishing capacity for self-pity and self-destruction — ignore publishers ” gloom …
havegossip.nIn a movie you 've got to have good and bad : in Backdraft the fire brigade is the good and the fire is the bad it even has a kind of growling sound . "
havegossip.nIt must have a taste to it .
havegossip.nHe had big , brown eyes , long furry ears and dimpled buttocks .
havegossip.nBoth Aitken and Stanley Baldwin had an admiration for Law that bordered on veneration .
havegossip.nIt has a diameter of 44 feet and a width of 5 feet , and is made of cast iron , steel and wood , with 162 ` buckets " .
havegossip.n" But what if we want to have a picnic on the other side ? "
havegossip.n` We had a very successful festival last year in the same place and many local people came and enjoyed themselves .
havegossip.nShe wants to be known as Our Lady of Blémont-la-Fontaine , and her feast-day is to be in early September on the day we have the harvest festival .
havegossip.nWe have the music festival … ”
havegossip.nThe hotel has a barbecue once a week instead of dinner , and one meal each week offers a Tyrolean speciality .
havegossip.nShe had no doubt of the genuine affection he had for her and knew she would be a fool not to acknowledge it .
havegossip.nEven the Belgians have their doubts .
havegossip.nIf you have any doubts about your particular model , then you should consult the manufacturers , importers , specialist shop , or local expert for advice on the subject .
havegossip.nHad they done that we have little doubt that the tribunal decision would have been otherwise than it was . "
havegossip.nThe king and his part had a feast at the edge of the forest .
havegossip.n2 A triangle has an area of 12cm and a base of 4cm .
havegossip.nIt has a width of 1th″ ( 4.23cm ) at the nut and joins the body at the 14th fret .
havegossip.nThe steps should have a minimum width of 600mm ( 2ft ) , and at least 900mm ( 3ft ) if people will want to pass each other .
havegossip.nAs we have seen , Aung San had a great admiration for Nehru and in 1940 he attended the annual Congress at Ramgarh , regarded by Communists as bourgeois .
havegossip.nThe carriages are smaller than most public transport vehicles , with the largest carriage having a width of 2.2 metres , only slightly wider than a bus .
havegossip.nThe focal area has a width of 3 mm and a length of 10 mm .
havegossip.nLongest wing here has a length of 7 cm .
havegossip.nAnd he thought again , " Maybe she has rich kinsfolk who will come presently with gold and marriage-gifts . "
havegossip.nI have Irish and Scots ancestry as well as many Geordie and northern England forebears .
havegossip.nHer time in custody was the equivalent of a one-month prison sentence and she had also had the punishment of spending three weeks at the probation hostel , he added .
havegossip.nYou have an unusual surname .
havegossip.n` You have a nickname and a short name , " she said cautiously .
havegossip.nHell , we still have our spats .
havegossip.nChairman of the Northamptonshire Police Federation says he 's appalled at how lenient the sentence is .
havegossip.n` She has play therapy at Moston Lodge and she can paint little pictures .
havegossip.nCleaning 's quite therapeutic sometimes though , is n't it ?
havegossip.nAs the house is in the husband 's sole name , the husband 's solicitors will have possession of the title deeds unless there is a mortgage .
havegossip.nThey had a long walk over the moor to Bingley and Alfred Carter could n't afford to wait for them if they were late .
havegossip.nI had an addiction to heroin , thanks to Seth , too . "
havegossip.nI was surprised , for I knew that she had no relatives in England at all .
havegossip.nI have a relative here .
havegossip.n` I 'm not ashamed to be excited at the discovery that I have relatives in this world after all .
havegossip.nHe had considered what he would say long and hard, he had had discussions with a wide variety of architects, planners and journalists , eighteen of whom had attended a meeting at Highgrove in September.
havegossip.n`But, Emma, I wonder if you 'd mind having a quick business discussion with me before things get out of hand? "
havegossip.n" Lunch will be more convenient, dear, but after that we've put the whole of the rest of the day aside to have a thorough discussion of your problems .
havegossip.nWe shall look at this very carefully and have discussions with the current owners and with everybody on the island before anything is decided.
havegossip.nBird Jr denied Colombian suggestions that he had known about the 1989 shipment, but he admitted having had discussions with a former Israeli army officer who had plans to establish a business in Antigua .
havegossip.nOn my arrival I had another tiff with Frank Dick .
havegossip.nIn reality this is unlikely to be true , as student and teacher do not have an equal possession of the text .
havegossip.nAnswers on a postcard to the Official Receiver who now has possession of my estate .
havegossip.nPAMELA : I see your ladyship has no very important commands for me and I beg to withdraw .
havegossip.nMany admitted to having a doze through a meaningless movie presentation that talked more of light and energy , love and space than the car .
havegossip.n` I think I may have a doze , " Finch said , closing his eyes in thanks .
havegossip.ncan always have a doze in your bed .
havegossip.nI 'm supposed to be resting , but after I 'd had forty winks , I felt a lot better , so I toddled over here .
havegossip.n` Anyway , Piper , you lucky bastard , you had an hour 's kip , I 've had nothing yet . "
havegossip.nIt 's so hard to work on full glow when you 've only had a couple of hours kip .
havegossip.nHave a kip or a rest in between .
havegossip.nWhy do n't you just put your head down and have a nap while Mark and I chat a few things over .
havegossip.nThe baby 's mother said she only left her alone so the child could have a nap .
havegossip.nYou have a nice sleep .
havegossip.nIt starts raining and they rush for the car , where they have an afternoon sleep .
havegossip.nYou can have a nice little sleep in the car .
havegossip.nOff they hastened , to be told that no living patient in the hospital had the name of Bessie Lee , but a young girl answering her description had died half an hour before .
havegossip.nMy grandfather had always taken a keen interest in my work , and I had an equal admiration of the stories of his time spent in Burma during the Second World War .
havegossip.nI have a great admiration for Mr. Duncan McNeill , and also a great approbation for the concept of trust status for hospitals .
havegossip.nIndeed , one CIA report claimed that she had contempt for her elder son , for she felt he was unworthy of his father , and that she had actually plotted to put Ali Reza on the throne .
havegossip.nSir Bernard has nothing but contempt for politically embarrassing journalism .
havegossip.nJudges have a great disdain for the law -- ; they do not understand it . "
havegossip.nHe has a disdain of showiness .
havegossip.nShe had not quite the disdain of him that she put into what she said ; and perhaps he knew it as well as she did .
havegossip.nThey are likely to have low self esteem , a low income or no money .
havegossip.nI have self esteem .
havegossip.nIreland has plenty of scorn for its leaders , but where is the love ?
havegossip.nI have a scorn of him . "
havegossip.nHe has some severe but convincing strictures on the impoverished and distorted contribution of feminist studies to his subject .
havegossip.n` Robin-Anne 's not dim , " I said .
havegossip.nThe most seriously injured were the pilot , who had a crushed thorax and whose lung had been pierced by one of his ribs , the man with his legs trapped , and the woman with spinal injuries .
havegossip.nWell now , I had a complaint about you this morning .
havegossip.nWhen I last spoke to the Otter Trust they had never had a complaint against a canoeist but many against anglers .
havegossip.nTelling him to be seated comfortably , she then spoke : ` Mr Finkelstein , to be sure , I have no complaints with your work .
havegossip.nI do n't have to be back at the office until next week -- we could have a couple of jaunts out and about . "
havegossip.nShe 'd taken to having an early morning swim to strengthen her ankle , which was doing fine .
havegossip.nDid you have a good swim ?
havegossip.nI was to have one visit from the district nurse and , of course , check-ups from my GP and surgeon .
havegossip.nIf you have any queries about the help you may get , ask at the hospital .
havegossip.nIf you have any queries about the enclosed information please do not hesitate to contact us .
havegossip.nIf you have a query about information mentioned in a particular feature ask the person who wrote it !
havegossip.nIf you have a question about acting , think about it before you ask it .
havegossip.nIf you have any questions about our curry powders , or you 'd like a copy of our booklet on Indian cooking , send a first class stamp to ` The Indian Kitchen "
havegossip.nThey have meetings about it !
havegossip.nIf you can manage that , and , come out with the right answer , then there 's a pretty good chance you 'll have a smirk on your face the next time the heavens open .
havegossip.nAlbert , she had remarked -- Rose had n't known Twitch even had a Christian name -- is like pummy stone , whereas Naseby ( who had had a definite smirk on his face when he saw her new hat ) is like Irritating Plaster , he causes irruptions .
havegossip.nThey are tall and proud in their bearing and though they have a slim build they are surprisingly strong and agile for their size .
havegossip.nThe way you move , sit and stand will show you have a greater body awareness and pride .
havegossip.nShe had no awareness of trying to strike him .
havegossip.nBut some bankers have an acute awareness of where their loyalties lie and the idea of winding Eurotunnel up and continuing the project with a new management company may have its attractions .
havegossip.nA good headhunter potentially has significant awareness of how other companies have solved this problem , and knowledge about the market place in which to look for an individual .
havegossip.nAnd quite a lot of men were emptied off the job for very poor reasons -- they had no consideration for the men themselves .
havegossip.n“ We 've had this conversation before .
havegossip.nHe knew I worked with Malcolm because he was one of the few teachers I could have a conversation with about something more than homework or football .
havegossip.nBasically what I like to do is have a conversation about the project and then get the designer to come up with an answer .
havegossip.nThe two brothers had conversation after conversation on the theme of religion , the younger one sticking to his guns .
havegossip.nFather Devine went on to speak of his admiration for Shakespeare , but had no fresh gossip about the Bard .
havegossip.nI had a permanent scowl on my face for weeks . "
havegossip.nHe and I have had a series of meetings about the provision of the slip road , and he reminded me of an undertaking that I had given when Minister responsible for health matters a few years ago .
havegossip.nWe have had a few meetings about the rule but they have always brought in extra bodies to out-vote us .
havegossip.nThis morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others .
havegossip.nWhen the Princess discovered what was going on she had one terse meeting with her husband and told him : ` Why do n't you save yourself a phone call and ring the papers direct ? "
havegossip.nI must clean myself up and get some lunch — I have a meeting on grading with various people up the road in the Civil Service Commission at quarter past two …
havegossip.nThey 'd go round there and have meetings over cups of tea .
havegossip.nThey 'd probably have a row about it .
havegossip.nThe split apparently came after the fiery-tempered pair had a row about Tatum wanting to go back to acting -- leaving McEnroe to look after the children while she makes movies .
havegossip.nAnd if she had n't brought those stupid letters , if they had n't had a row about them , it could have been fun working with him .
havegossip.nYou 're having some row between yourselves and it 's nothing to do with me and you never want to listen to me and -- "
havegossip.nI forget whether it had wings on it or not .
havegossip.nIn general , Ventura users have mastery over perhaps 40 to 50% of the program .
havegossip.nPredatory habits are typical , and many species have specialized clutching appendages , or stinging organs .
havegossip.nThey are very diverse , but they all have prominent lobate appendages , a well developed head with eyes , and sometimes a tail-fan .
havegossip.nStructurally they have few cuticle appendages and the buccal capsule is vestigial .
havegossip.nShe had learned the harp because she had once been told that she had beautiful elbows , and harp playing seemed to make better use than most careers of the Lord 's stingy gift .
havegossip.nWhen these hatch , the young ants serve their captors , collecting food and feeding it to them , for the slave-makers have such large jaws that they can not feed themselves .
havegossip.nWe 've had our jaws frozen with anaesthetic to mimic the effect of having a tooth out .
havegossip.nShe had a fairly thick neck and her forearms , well , the only way to describe them was meaty .
havegossip.n` The horse has a long neck , and that helped me get back in the saddle , " he added .
havegossip.nABBERLEY : You still have a very nice rump .
havegossip.nIt has striped wings and lives on the bark of trees .
havegossip.nDragonflies have stiff , long wings , with finely netted veining , long slender bodies , and large eyes , which are well seen on this fossil .
havegossip.nGulls are gliding birds and thus have long narrow wings .
havegossip.n` I wish I was n't having a picnic , " said Lydia .
havegossip.nRalemberg said he already had a buyer for the wine , a vintner living in Trinity .
havegossip.nMonkfish has a very firm and meaty flesh , so it 's easy to use for kebabs .
havegossip.nIt 's no surprise I had a frown on my face . "
havegossip.nShe had the same blank , anxious expression as some zoo animals have .
havegossip.nThe young man had a mass of curly black hair , a reddish face and a frantic expression .
havegossip.nHe also had unusually heavy , drooping eyelids which could make him look comic or sinister , benevolent or supercilious .
havegossip.nThe enormous woman kept grinning at him like a shark ; the fat man had eyelids so heavy that Alan could never be sure if he was watching or asleep .
havegossip.nI had a permanent grin on my face about it all .
havegossip.nThe Black & Decker WM750 Workmate has a recommended retail price of £82.95 , but you 'll find it discounted in some stores .
havegossip.nHe had a smile on his face as we shook hands .
havegossip.nShe 's always had a smile for me , Mr Feather . "
havegossip.nI do hope that I have encouraged any nervous knitters to have a try at using the reader .
havegossip.nShe had a peek inside , and what do you think she found ? "
havegossip.nWhat I should have said was that there was no serious dispute among professionals of quality who had any discernment in such matters .
havegossip.n" I suppose we 'd better start having a look along the banks soon , although I must say I 'm in no particular hurry .
havegossip.n` Though I 'd be grateful if you could have a look around the vines to make sure there are n't any more . "
havegossip.nLet' s have a look at the ones that they 've given you .
havegossip.n` I do n't see what I did different , " he said , facing front to inspect the two of them in the mirror and then turning round to have a look from the side .
havegossip.n` Come and have a look over the gymnasium .
havegossip.nI get up and have a look round the room , but things are blurry on account of my tears and I ca n't find her fags .
havegossip.nI have a look round the shop while Marie gets changed .
havegossip.nShe had a quick look round the room and shoved a few things out of sight in the glory-hole cupboard .
havegossip.nAnd that would be the extent of his visit , he would have a cursory look round the yard and away .
havegossip.nMost of them are very courteous and we have n't minded them having a quick look round , but some are less welcome .
havegossip.nIt turned out that he 'd inched along the parapet -- a thin one about six inches wide -- and had a good peek at us through the windows .
havegossip.nI had a quick peek into the kitchen but it was empty .
havegossip.nI 'm the one who 'll have a row with the carpark attendant , but when it comes to a real crisis , she 's very tough .
havegossip.nI , I had a little taste .
havegossip.nUsually silent away from breeding grounds , where male has a loud harsh bark and a deep hoot , and female a higher-pitched bark .
havegossip.nSome small breeds such as the Dachshunds have a relatively deep and loud bark .
havegossip.nThe man had a rasping cough that exploded from his lungs in noisy barks which often left him groaning and gasping for breath .
havegossip.nI should , however , be grateful if you would advise me as early as possible if you have any comments regarding the proposals .
havegossip.nHe has no comment on why they wo n't pay more -- except that he is certain that the city is not becoming ungovernable .
havegossip.nShe had dark-brown , shiny eyes and a tanned , muscular frame on which she hung brightly coloured blouses and skirts .
havegossip.nShe says they used to have garden fetes here .
havegossip.nOne night we had a celebration and I got very drunk .
havegossip.nHave a picnic … . ’
havegossip.n` What about Sunday , we could have a picnic , " Mary continued with a slight plea in her voice .
havegossip.nAs soon as Lydia saw him she realised that she could have her picnic without putting her wicked plan into operation .
havegossip.nIn patients who have cow 's milk allergy , a clinically positive milk challenge induces the increased permeability of gut mucosa , irrespective of whether the symptoms arise from the gut or the skin .
havegossip.nI had a big row with Boz about what happened .
havegossip.n` Mitford said he had a row with him .
havegossip.nIt seemed that she had had a row with her man and that he had left .
havegossip.nJane Pargeter probably just thought she would fulfil her petty revenge and leave Jim Lancaster to have a row with his pushy wife .
havegossip.nParticularly if you had just had a row with your wife , and rather suspected that you were in the wrong .
havegossip.nPerhaps the Minister had had a row with his wife and to wound him she used my name .
havegossip.nOh God -- ca n't I even have a row with you now ?
havegossip.nAlthough Mr Flowerdew used to come down occasionally and see him : sometimes they would have a row and sometimes they were quite friendly .
havegossip.nThey 'd probably have a row about it .
havegossip.nThe two of them had a row about building houses here .
havegossip.nWe had this tremendous row with Oliver .
havegossip.nBut instead , Kate had a row with her father 's lawyer on the following day .
havegossip.nJohanna had also had a tiff with her boyfriend .
havegossip.nIt has also been reported that diabetics may have increased vascular sensitivity to angiotensin II ( Christlieb , 1976 ; Weidmann et al , 1979 ) .
havegossip.nI have an allergy to them .
havegossip.nOn top of this , he has allergies to oats and dust and is a finicky feeder .
havegossip.nThe sun is really hot and I am in big trouble ( I have an allergy to sunlight ) .
havegossip.nTHREE months after their wedding on July 23 , 1986 at Westminster Abbey , Andrew and Fergie had a very public lovers ' tiff on a visit to open a flood barrier in Holland .
havegossip.nBOBBY BROWN and Whitney Houston have had their first lover 's tiff … over a pair of pet pooches .
havegossip.nHe told me you 'd had a serious tiff , but he hopes to persuade you to return to LA . "
havegossip.nIt is , however , pro-Scottish and when the Labour Party has a tiff with its Unionist bed-fellows in the Tory Party it should not expect the SNP 's automatic support .
havegossip.nAt a guess , she had had a tiff with Mr Carson .
havegossip.nOn my arrival I had another tiff with Frank Dick .
havegossip.nIn one scene Lysette -- who plays an air-headed aerobics teacher -- and her middle-aged boy-friend were supposed to have an amusing tiff after a party .
havegossip.nThey used to see us and say , ` Here they are , the lovebirds , are we talking today or have we had a lovers " tiff ? "
recountgossip.nHe was off-hand with her , even when she recounted the gossip about Meredith being thrown out of his lodgings .
tellgossip.nTHE promising first episode of The Paradise Club ( BBC 1 ) turns out to have been , if not actually lying , then at least telling some fibs .
tellgossip.nThe red-bearded pirate was telling a lie !
tellgossip.nOnce , when I told her a lie about what I was doing , in order to evade hostile questioning , she said , severely , ` You 're growing too like your father . "
tellgossip.nAll the time , I was shouting at him saying he was telling lies , I was trying to give him signs that I did n't mean it , and he told me he saw that . "
tellgossip.nOf course we tell lies .
tellgossip.n` I guess they realised she was telling lies , " said Rozanov .
tellgossip.nDisk compressors tend to tell a few fibs when assessing how much hard disk space you 've got , hence the spurious figures
tellgossip.nSo do n't tell fibs . "
tellgossip.nI 'll tell them malicious gossip about the rest of the club and I 'll become a kind of mascot .
tradegossip.nThe locals are already trading gossip about the hundreds of youngsters packing the beach .
governors for lexunit "acclaim.n" with examples
SELECT word AS governor,lexunit,`text` FROM fn_governors LEFT JOIN fn_governors_annosets USING (governorid) LEFT JOIN fn_annosets USING (annosetid) LEFT JOIN fn_sentences USING (sentenceid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits_governors AS fg USING (governorid) LEFT JOIN fn_lexunits AS lu ON (fg.luid = lu.luid) LEFT JOIN fn_words USING (fnwordid) WHERE lexunit = 'acclaim.n' ORDER BY word
earnacclaim.nBut he earned this appreciation with his charm , which was often mistaken for ability .
earnacclaim.nBritain 's role in the Berlin air-lift earned her the accolade of a staunch and like-minded ally .
earnacclaim.nPerhaps it was one of those impetuous decisions that were always earning me reproaches , but it was also a logical step because of my interests .
earnacclaim.nJust like the respect we 've earned from U.S. News and World Report .
earnacclaim.nDuring 1991 his position was undermined by a series of minor scandals concerning his use of government aircraft and cars for private business , a practice which earned him a public rebuke from Bush .
earnacclaim.nIt made five goals in nine League games for the 29-year-old Scot and earned high praise from Lawrence .
earnacclaim.nHis total surrender had only earned her derision .
earnacclaim.nThe country earned Western criticism for failing to participate actively in the allied campaign in the Gulf .
earnacclaim.nAnd there were further revisions against France and then New Zealand , games where Canada finished behind on points but earned widespread acclaim for their performances against two of the world 's leading powers .
gainacclaim.nOdierno noted that Monday 's bombings featured a new tactic , in which gunmen helped the bombers gain access to two of the hotels by firing on guards at the gate .
gainacclaim.nFire-fighters first had hope of gaining control on the morning of Thursday , June 12 , but the wind changed direction during the day , causing a large extension of the fire .
gainacclaim.nIran 's chemical weapons and ballistic missiles , and possibly its nuclear weapon program and biological warfare capabilities , are meant to deter opponents and to gain influence in the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea regions .
gainacclaim.nIn other words , we want to close down any possibility , however permitted under the international guidelines , that Iran will gain knowledge in its pursuit of nuclear weapons .
gainacclaim.nFirst , was the experience gained in missile operations during the previous three years , especially by the Missile Unit of the IRGC Air Force .
gainacclaim.nA bird had gained entry through one of the broken windows and flown helplessly around until it collided with her .
gainacclaim.nThey tried to force several doors and windows , finally gaining entry through the conservatory .
gainacclaim.nOnce , architecture gained expression by man trying to interpret nature .
gainacclaim.nDespite a fierce battle , Iraq failed to gain possession of the crucial oil centre at Ahwaz and cut off the supply of crude oil to the north .
gainacclaim.nRumour had it that Gaunt had poisoned his sister-in-law in order to gain possession of the whole of the inheritance .
gainacclaim.nHe gained unchallenged possession of the goalkeeper 's jersey in the Palace dressing room in January 1926 and earned a place in a Football League representative side later than year .
gainacclaim.nUnder the scheme thousands of works of art were returned but the Dutch State also gained possession of over 3,000 works .
gainacclaim.nTransfer from special school to integrated provision as a pupil gains mastery of specialised skills or transfer from integrated provision to special provision for specific reasons should be neither surprising nor impossible .
gainacclaim.nThe extra funds will be used to appoint a professor of advanced material at the centre which has gained international acclaim for its applied research .
gainacclaim.nTrent had gained from that odyssey a mastery of languages and dialects supported by an education shared both with the children of the social )te and with the riff-raff of the stableyard .
gainacclaim.nGUTSY Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen gained a phantom limb after he lost his left arm in a car crash .
receiveacclaim.nWhen I received an answer from a Mrs Fairfax , who wanted a governess for a girl under ten years old , I accepted , with the permission of the new headmistress of Lowood .
receiveacclaim.nCountries received this assistance on implementation of corrective economic policies .
receiveacclaim.nIt has not allowed for public discussion or exchanges in which people can ask questions and receive answers from those who undertook the research .
receiveacclaim.nJim Cameron , commander of Vigilant , called on the yacht to stop but received the reply that her gears were jammed so that they were unable to comply .
receiveacclaim.nI received a reply quickly .
receiveacclaim.nIn fact , during the war years such views received their most consistent and sophisticated formulation in the pages of Scrutiny .
receiveacclaim.nIt 's the first school in Scotland to receive permission from the government to become self-governing and has raised deep concerns in the local community .
receiveacclaim.nBatley and Sheffield Eagles received a severe reprimand yesterday for the fighting which took place during their first-round Yorkshire Cup tie .
receiveacclaim.nI have n't as yet received a response to my letter , not even an acknowledgement .
receiveacclaim.nEight hundred and five written responses , including 579 pre-printed slips from local newspapers , were received .
receiveacclaim.nI never received an answer from Lederle .
receiveacclaim.nBy way of retaliation , Hugh threatened them all with deposition , and received a severe rebuke from Gregory VII for his pains .
receiveacclaim.nThe British Antarctic Survey ( BAS ) received a public rebuke last week from the government 's financial watchdog for its handling of several capital projects during the past few years .
receiveacclaim.nThe only thing he could do was make sure that Trentham received no praise from his pen for what had taken place on the battlefield that day .
receiveacclaim.nBoth received praise for the presentation , the colour and the crowds but mixed reviews when it came to the standard of play .
receiveacclaim.nBelcher was by reputation difficult to please , and , of the surveyors who piloted the fleet to Canton during the Opium war of 1840-1 , Richards alone received his praise .
receiveacclaim.nIt received high praise , often from surprising quarters .
receiveacclaim.nThe chemical industry receives a lot of criticism for its impact on the environment -- but the benefits of the industry are rarely praised .
receiveacclaim.nIn common with other black directors , Singleton has received criticism for his depiction of black women .
receiveacclaim.nWhat foreign assistance has Iran received to help it produce nuclear weapons ?
receiveacclaim.nYet the Franks have received criticism for including a lot of songs dedicated fans will already own .
receiveacclaim.nNetanyahu stated that Li had assured him that China has cancelled out on proposed plans to build an atomic reactor for Iran ... One would hope that the specific pledge that I received in Beijing reflects a general Chinese decision to prevent the arming of Iran . [ World Journal ( in Chinese ) , 25 August 1997 ; Israeli PM Lauds China For Cancelling Iran Reactor , Reuter , 26 August 1997 ; Netanyahu Says Received China Assurances On Iran , Reuter , 24 August 1997 . ]
receiveacclaim.nIsrael came under strong international criticism when it shut the Rafah frontier for three weeks over the summer after receiving warnings of such an attack .
receiveacclaim.nIn Baghdad , Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz said the pilot who attacked the Stark believed he was firing on an Iranian vessel and had received no warnings from the U. S. ship .
receiveacclaim.nThe security team for the USAID contractors had received warnings that there was suspicious activity outside the campus , and the bodyguards decided that the Americans should leave .
receiveacclaim.nJohn , who travels abroad often , is at home in Boston and receives a call that he must immediately go to Paris .
receiveacclaim.nJohn , who travels abroad often , is at home in Boston and receives a call that he must immediately go to Paris .
receiveacclaim.nIran may have received other nuclear - related assistance and material from Argentina ( 6883 , 6897 ) .
receiveacclaim.nIran may have received other nuclear - related assistance and material from Argentina ( 6883 , 6897 ) .
receiveacclaim.nHowever , the US is concerned with the indirect assistance Iran could receive and is concerned that it is probably covertly seeking the construction of uranium conversion and enrichment facilities , other technical know-how , and technicians .
receiveacclaim.nNetanyahu stated that Li had assured him that China has cancelled out on proposed plans to build an atomic reactor for Iran ... One would hope that the specific pledge that I received in Beijing reflects a general Chinese decision to prevent the arming of Iran . [ World Journal ( in Chinese ) , 25 August 1997 ; Israeli PM Lauds China For Cancelling Iran Reactor , Reuter , 26 August 1997 ; Netanyahu Says Received China Assurances On Iran , Reuter , 24 August 1997 . ]
receiveacclaim.nMost of these schools are private , though parents receive assistance with the fees from a committee which is funded directly by the government and which allocates grants by means test .
receiveacclaim.nThe United States has cited numerous cases of Iran receiving assistance in its missile production from countries such as North Korea and Russia , and has even placed sanctions on private companies for aiding Iran .
receiveacclaim.nThey in turn had then received the green light from their respective governments .
receiveacclaim.nMany militants renounce terrorism while in prison and receive clemency from the government .
receiveacclaim.nBradley , 43 , served four years for armed robbery and burglary in the 1970s but later received executive clemency from former Gov. James R. Thompson .
receiveacclaim.nIf your business regularly makes or receives payments in foreign currencies , or wishes to borrow in anticipation of receiving payments from abroad , you may find it convenient and cost-effective to open foreign currency bank accounts .
receiveacclaim.nI have received considerable assistance in drafting the Bill from the Government and from my hon. Friend the Minister for Roads and Traffic , who is on the Front Bench .
receiveacclaim.nGenerally any firm receiving government assistance experiences a reduction in its costs which is unavailable to its competitors , and thereby achieves a competitive advantage .
receiveacclaim.nHe is advised also to contact the appropriate official of his intentions when he will receive all reasonable assistance towards his visit .
receiveacclaim.nEmployers can receive assistance with work permits for non EC Citizens taking up employment in Northern Ireland .
receiveacclaim.nCurbishley is still receiving treatment after having two weeks complete rest and could run in the Stockton district schools championships at the Cleveland County Stadium on Thursday .
receiveacclaim.nI received a telephone call just before Question Time telling me that that enterprise will have to close .
receiveacclaim.nMrs Holt then began answering the phone to protect her daughter and received similar calls from Cardwell on February 7 and 9 .
receiveacclaim.nA few days after the discovery , local authorities received a call from a woman claiming to be a clairvoyant .
receiveacclaim.nThe next day Mark arrived back at UM 's European headquarters in London and received an early call from Muldoon .
receiveacclaim.nEvery month each unit manager receives a report on how all the other units are doing .
receiveacclaim.nLast night , a police spokesman said : ` We received reports of a man on the roof aiming a rifle and looking through its sights .
receiveacclaim.nWhen you become a sponsor , you help an individual child and receive regular reports about his or her progress .
receiveacclaim.nWhen Brendan Mullin retired from the game he received many messages of appreciation from rugby enthusiasts .
receiveacclaim.nAt the end of the year the Bank received the prime accolade as having the Best Corporate Arts Programme in Great Britain .
receiveacclaim.nThe book was certainly the most thorough document of a country made up to that point in time , and received accolades from all quarters .
receiveacclaim.nThey received a rare compliment from the enemy themselves .
receiveacclaim.n` I 'm still stiff and sore and I 'm receiving treatment for an injured shoulder " he said .
receiveacclaim.nOnly 12 of 32 patients referred with rectal or rectosigmoid cancer who received laser therapy during the 18 month period were entered into this study .
receiveacclaim.nPatient 4 who had been operated on before referral received additional radiation therapy .
receiveacclaim.nPatients receiving any hazardous treatment or new drug therapy require psychological support , especially if the drug offers their only chance of a remission in their disease .
receiveacclaim.nCoun Cummings is receiving rehabilitation therapy at Clatterbridge Hospital and on Monday he will travel for a check up to the Royal Brompton Hospital in London , where the bypass surgery was carried out .
receiveacclaim.nHe or she should not receive extra punishment for not being overjoyed at being told off .
receiveacclaim.n` The caning this boy received would be treated as child abuse in any other context , " said Peter Newell of End Physical Punishment of Children .
receiveacclaim.nWith a direct debit the person receiving payment tells your branch how much is due and when .
receiveacclaim.nMore than two-thirds of those aged 60 or over when interviewed had received a redundancy payment of £3,000 or more .
receiveacclaim.nShe was not used to receiving compliments from men in public .
receiveacclaim.nThis action , compounded by John 's previous assistance in conveying silver from Cambridge University to the King , received savage retribution .
receiveacclaim.nLast night , hundreds of calls were received by police after the BBC Crimewatch programme reconstructed the moment that James wandered away from his 25-year-old mother , Denise , while she was in a butcher 's shop .
receiveacclaim.nFranco appeared on the balcony to receive the acclaim of his supporters .
receiveacclaim.nOften described as a ` songwriter 's songwriter " , all six of his solo albums have received critical acclaim at home and abroad .
receiveacclaim.nTo the extent that Catholic Secondary School pupils have received the Sacraments of Initiation and are living in a community of faith , catechesis can validly be said to be a function of the Catholic School .
receiveacclaim.nHe was , in the eyes of the Church , already a Catholic , since he had been baptized into the Church , and had received the sacraments of Penance , Communion and Confirmation before leaving the convent .
receiveacclaim.nIt was of no use if they received the sacrament of Matrimony and did not live as Christians .
receiveacclaim.nThere is a possibility , therefore , that Ealhfrith lost his life in a rebellion against his father while Wilfrid was receiving consecration in Gaul .
receiveacclaim.nChad had received consecration from Wine , bishop of the western Saxons , and two British bishops ( HE III , 28 ) .
receiveacclaim.nHe was , in the eyes of the Church , already a Catholic , since he had been baptized into the Church , and had received the sacraments of Penance , Communion and Confirmation before leaving the convent .
receiveacclaim.nI would be obliged to receive a full apology and explanation in the September issue , as these lies and allegations are seriously jeopardising my business activities .
receiveacclaim.nAn Egyptian military spokesman said the government had received no official notification of the reported negotiations on the sale , but is interested in obtaining further confirmation .
receiveacclaim.nRosa 's headmaster was surprised to receive a notification that the school would shortly be visited by an inspector .
receiveacclaim.nMr Maher said he had received assurances from the Government that new legislation on increasing competition would apply to the book agreement .
receiveacclaim.nShe was a strong swimmer , a good cook , and she had received Clive 's assurance that their relationship would remain strictly platonic .
receiveacclaim.nLeaving Italy , where he met government officials and had an audience with Pope John Paul II , Mandela travelled to Canada , where he received assurances of support from Prime Minister Brian Mulroney .
receiveacclaim.nThe hijackers gave themselves up after receiving assurances that they could seek asylum elsewhere .
receiveacclaim.nThe Federal Bureau of Investigation said last week that up to 30 cult members inside the compound had expressed interest in leaving if they received assurances about their legal rights .
receiveacclaim.nLater Phillips said : ` I hope he 's back , but this is the first time he 's received official notification of being sacked .
receiveacclaim.nTwo weeks after my course finished and I was back in the ` real world " on a murder enquiry , I received notification I had been awarded the second scholarship in the force .
toacclaim.nOver to the east the smooth blue sky is tinged with a violet strip along the horizon .
toacclaim.nNor did Egypt , which is after all a long way to the east of Cyrene ( Athens being nearer to Cyrene than is the Nile ) make much impact except in a few points of ritual .
toacclaim.nJust to the east of these mills is the now derelict Waulk Mill cottage .
toacclaim.nThe satellite pictures shows a lot of cloud just to the east of us , but you 'll see that it is moving away .
toacclaim.nIf this were achieved , it would sever the Warsaw -Kiev railway and also give Austria command of the road to Brest-Litovsk , thus threatening all the Russian positions to the east of Warsaw .
toacclaim.nIn 1990 a public seat provided by Wyre Borough Council was sited on Snowhill Scorton just to the east of the motorway bridge .
toacclaim.nI do n't need to see through the sheet to know that Anya 's flushed brick red , and that her eyes are fixed on somewhere quite far to the east of the Walthamstow marshes .
toacclaim.nSchladming , just to the east , which tried to take on the World Cup commitment , has suffered similarly .
toacclaim.nIt turned out there were a few acres of good hunting land just to the south of the barn .
toacclaim.nThe forest to the south of the Swamp was hilly and comparatively open .
toacclaim.nAt the crossroads to the south of Norwood we parted company .
toacclaim.nThe still waters of the lake reflected the surrounding mountains -- precipitous towers of limestone to the south , barren rounded hills in incredible shades of rust , pink , yellow and grey to the north .
toacclaim.nThen in the third-century AD , at the time of the Emperor Maximian , the city outgrew its walls , and new walls were added to allow an extension to the northeast and the west .
toacclaim.nHe was buried , according to his wishes , in a private ceremony far out in the Atlantic to the west of the Hebridean island of Barra .
toacclaim.nfirst the ship turned north , then suddenly to the west again .
toacclaim.nThe main village is away to the west , with areas of shrinkage on its south side .
toacclaim.nThe south-westward extension into Northern Ireland of the Midland Valley of Scotland exposes Devonian , Carboniferous , Permian and younger strata separating the Dalradian rocks of the northwest from the metamorphosed Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Down-Longford massif to the southeast .
toacclaim.nThey first appeared in the Old World during Sigmar 's time , when a whole band crossed the Worlds Edge Mountains and conquered the other Orcs that lived in the hills to the northwest of Stirland .
toacclaim.nIt was built about 1789 and stood to the southeast of Waterloo Bridge .
toacclaim.nEgyptian archaeologists have uncovered a new pyramid at Giza , several feet to the southeast of the Great Pyramid of Cheops .
toacclaim.nIt is directly to the south of the hub of administrative Wales -- the capital city of the Principality .
toacclaim.nThey were expert at vanishing silently and reappearing suddenly in some unexpected place ; and in case of need the Lord Owen 's main stronghold of Glyndyfrdwy was no great distance away , mound and manor guarded by a curve of the Dee , down there to the south in the close confine of the valley .
toacclaim.nThe offensive has driven the majority Muslim population out of town and nearly 10,000 are crammed into a village just to the south , according to UN officials .
toacclaim.nIt turned out there were a few acres of good hunting land just to the south of the barn .
toacclaim.nSo one day , very hot and insecty , with a faint breeze coming in off the sea , we were all lying in the grass on the flat area just to the south of the house .
toacclaim.nAt sea the scene was set with the cutters Vigilant , Swift , Alert and Active patrolling about thirty miles offshore at midnight on September 16th to the west of Plymouth .
toacclaim.nAway to the west a flock of Canada geese was heading home to descend on one of the larger lakes in the distance .
toacclaim.nThe clouds out to the west were thickening .
toacclaim.nAway to the west was the enormous glitter of the sea , where the small islands floated , weightless in the gently moving water .
toacclaim.nThe main village is away to the west , with areas of shrinkage on its south side .
toacclaim.nThree easy , rural miles down here to the west is the little church of L'H u00f4pital-Saint-Blaise , which is an exquisite oddity .
toacclaim.n` A few miles out to the east we glimpsed the dark girl you and Bicker described from the Isle of Mist .
toacclaim.nYet Switzerland is only 20 miles to the north and a three-hour car drive will take you to any one of five different countries .
toacclaim.nThe papers say there has been shooting in the centre of Tripoli far to the north .
toacclaim.n` Now we need a marker fifty metres to the north of here and another marker five metres to the south , " he said .
toacclaim.nIt was nearly five o'clock and dark before Detective-Inspector Doyle got back to his home in the village four miles to the north of Cambridge .
toacclaim.nThen they skied away , back to the north .
toacclaim.nThera Island was some four miles distant with Cape Akrotiri lying directly to the north and Mount Elias , the highest point of the island -- it was close on 2000 feet -- to the north-east .
toacclaim.nBut these countries have long enjoyed a thriving trade with cattle farmers in the Sahel -- Mali , Burkina Faso , Niger , Chad -- directly to the north .
toacclaim.nSome way to the west of Stromboli , and just to the north of Sicily , are the Lipari Islands .
toacclaim.nThe buildings of the Medical School stand just to the north of George Square .
toacclaim.nWhen they say it brought life to Hercules , they meant by being a spinoff of note , it kept it 's parent on the air a little longer .
toacclaim.nEarly in November Henry led his Brabançons in a thrust to the south of Chinon , threatening the lands of Ralph de Faye .
toacclaim.nnorth London suburb , lying just to the north of Clerkenwell .
toacclaim.nAll these lands lie to the north of the Empire , beyond the land of Kislev .
toacclaim.nHe was born in 1043 at Bivar , a village to the north of Burgos in northern Spain .
toacclaim.nThis difference in salt content leads to a difference in density , which becomes so marked that the dense southern waters flow into the less dense waters to the north of New Guinea .
toacclaim.nI waited , therefore - but to my ever-deepening disappointment I waited in vain .
toacclaim.nThe limbs and body of some large , white bird , torn savagely to pieces with the feathers still on , were littered all over it .
toacclaim.nWhen they say it brought life to Hercules , they meant by being a spinoff of note , it kept it 's parent on the air a little longer .
toacclaim.nThe syndicated " Xena : Warrior Princess " brought life to the syndicated " Hercules . "
toacclaim.nThe first distinct accretion , according to the USGS team , occurred about 150 million years ago when the collisions added the western flanks of the Sierra and the Klamath mountains to the northeast .
toacclaim.nThe bulk of the collection was brought together by Theo Van Gogh , who also kept over 800 letters written by his brother , which , when read in conjunction with viewing the paintings , bring life and context to the works themselves .
toacclaim.nThe philo-traditionalists ( the best of them , anyway ) are bringing life and imagination to a kind of writing all but given up for moribund , and besides , they 're producing a literature of American faith .
toacclaim.nIn 1923 , Turkey broke away from the tired Ottoman rulers , and Kemal Ataturk rose to power on a wave of popular support .
toacclaim.nCombined with the fact that some , albeit fewer , hypertrophic cells are present , the accumulation of proliferating chondrocytes suggests that Hoxc-8 regulates the rate of progression of chondrocytes to maturity [ 1 ] . In line with this interpretation , the in vivo BrdU incorporation assays suggested that cell cycle progression of chondrocytes may be decreased in transgenic animals with higher Hoxc-8 transgene expression levels .
toacclaim.nHe led them to within thirty yards of the unsuspecting deer , then motioned for Joseph to sit down on the ground at the edge of the plain .
toacclaim.nBRITAIN 'S trade deficit has soared to a seven-month high , partly due to the pound 's devaluation .
toacclaim.nMr Bowman is still singing both parts , to much acclaim .
toacclaim.nPale and shaking , they sat down to a muted conversation about where the day 's campaign would be fought .
toacclaim.nMurray Pugh was stabbed to death in an apparently motiveless attack .
toacclaim.nOn an area of heath to the south , we found the scented bog myrtle and , on a newly constructed bank , grew the very rare ten violet .
toacclaim.nEarly mining of the concealed coal measures in Nottinghamshire occurred to the northeast of the county town , with later expansion at the end of the nineteenth century in the Mansfield area ( Waller , 1983 ) .
toacclaim.nHe returned only in death when his son begged permission to build his father 's tomb in the waste land to the southwest of Shahjehanabad .
toacclaim.nThis string of sandy bays to the west of Bodrum offer a wide choice of anchorages open to the south , but sheltered from the prevailing Meltemi winds .
toacclaim.nIn Birmingham the planned area -- all that part to the west of Snow Hill station today -- was formerly the New Hall estate of the Colmore family .
toacclaim.nHigh Island is n't far away , inside the lagoon to the west of Koraloona , and is uninhabited .
toacclaim.nFrom the river the trail goes to Beeston Crag , to the west of Peckforton Castle and eventually joins the road above Higher Burwardsley .
toacclaim.n` How well do you know the land to the west of the city , Suragai ? "
toacclaim.nSince it is to the west , and the world turns to the east , Tafahi is thus the place which greets the world 's new day first ; it is the island where the day begins .
toacclaim.n` A little to the west of the house is an old , ruinous chapel , unroofed , which never has been very curious .
toacclaim.nFrom the County Gate car park on the A39 to the east of Lynmouth walk south , along the path signed to Malmsmede and Oare .
toacclaim.nKendal , to the east of Windermere , is just outside the Lake District National Park and so makes a good base to visit the rest of the region .
toacclaim.nThe falls are at Neuhausen , an extension of Schaffhausen to the south , rather than a suburb of it .
toacclaim.nOn the whole , it seems unlikely that Knossos ' territory extended only half-way to Arkhanes , only 8 kilometres to the south of Knossos .
toacclaim.nForty miles to the south , the Dragoon Lieutenant who had been kicked by his dying horse haemorrhaged in the nettles beside the ditch .
toacclaim.nHelp me journey to the south , to see the way .
toacclaim.nLet us look at two or three of these framework knitting villages in more detail , starting with Countesthorpe to the south of Leicester .
toacclaim.nThe whole detachment set off on 15 March from Siwa in the trucks of John Olivey 's Rhodesian patrol , heading for the Jebel mountains to the south of Benghazi , a journey of 400 miles .
toacclaim.nStanding looking up at the east front , he knew that the Alpheus lay to the south , on his left , and the Cladeus flowed into it from his right .
toacclaim.nThe Broad lay a mile outside the perimeter wall of Dersingham Park to the east of the church .
winacclaim.nWhile the proliferation legacies of South Africa 's nuclear and missile programs were effectively resolved through verified disarmament measures that won international acclaim , dismantlement of the country 's CBW capabilities was not verified to a comparable degree of certainty .
winacclaim.nThe American international boobed by letting a Kevin Campbell shot through his legs on Tuesday , but won praise on Saturday .
winacclaim.nThis was Hymns for Infant Minds , which won the praise of Scott , Southey , Browning , Arnold of Rugby , and many others .
winacclaim.nI even won praise from the nurse by lithely arching my back , more or less unassisted , when she did her thing with the pan …
winacclaim.nThis document won praise from the liberal majority at the Council , and was readily accepted , subject to a few amendments .
winacclaim.nThe past two years of economic reform have won Mr Rao and his finance minister , Manmohan Singh , much praise from foreigners and from Indian businessmen .
winacclaim.nHeber Opera have won praise for championing English music theatre , notably in works of Vaughan Williams ; they make their festival debut in the highwayman 's haven of the Great Barn and tavern at Michelham Priory !
winacclaim.nPope John Paul the second has won wide acclaim from outside his own Church for his firm leadership style .
winacclaim.nIn several respects , though , the fate of Black Fury had confirmed basic Warner Bros notions and they continued to pick up ideas for movies from the daily papers , they went on believing that social melodrama could be profitable , and they had been given further evidence that Muni could win acclaim by projecting himself as a hard-done-by but eventually triumphant saint .
winacclaim.nThe talented singer has won acclaim for speaking out against injustice with hard-hitting songs like Biko and Shock The Monkey .
winacclaim.nPivotal role : Emma Thompson has already won the acclaim of the critics for her part in Howard 's End and is a firm favourite to win a coveted Academy Award
winacclaim.nMcBride won world acclaim in 1961 by first suggesting the widely-used sedative Thalidomide , marketed in the 1950s as a cure for morning sickness , was linked with horrific deformities in the babies of mothers who used it .
winacclaim.nThe move has won acclaim from planners and developers in the capital and envy from property professionals elsewhere in the country , including the NorthEast .
winacclaim.nAmy Tan won huge critical acclaim for her first novel , The Joy Luck Club , an unforgettable tale of joy and heartbreak in the lives of Chinese Americans .
winacclaim.nScotland has already phased out its only Magnox plant which occupied part of the Hunterston site and won acclaim as the world 's most efficient nuclear reactor when it was operating .