lexunit | ferid | fetype | pt | gf | annotated |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | 2nd | 145 | |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | A | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | A | Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | AJP | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | AVP | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | CNI | 145 | |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | DEN | 145 | |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | DNI | 145 | |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | INC | 145 | |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | INI | 145 | |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | N | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | N | Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | N | Head | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP | Appositive | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP | Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP | Gen | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP | Head | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP | Obj | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[between] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[by] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[by] | Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[for] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[from] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[in] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[in] | Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[of] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[of] | Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[on] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[to] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[under] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[with] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PPing[by] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PPing[of] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PPinterrog | Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Poss | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Poss | Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Poss | Gen | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Poss | Obj | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Sfin | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Sfin | Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Srel | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | 2nd | 12 | |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | A | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | AJP | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | AVP | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | DNI | 12 | |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | N | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | N | Head | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | NP | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | NP | Obj | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[about] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[above] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[according to] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[after] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[against] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[as] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[at] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[because of] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[before] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[between] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[by] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[depending on] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[despite] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[due] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[during] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[for] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[from] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[in] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[of] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[off] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[on] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[outside] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[over] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[since] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[through] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[to] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[under] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[until] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[upon] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[while] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[whilst] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[with] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[within] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[without] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[after] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[by] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[from] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[in] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[on] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[without] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sabs | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sfin | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sfin | Ext | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sing | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sinterrog | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Srel | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sub | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Swhether | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | VPbrst | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | VPed | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | VPing | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | VPto | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | -- | 9 | |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | 2nd | 9 | |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | A | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | AJP | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | AVP | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | AVP | Ext | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | AVP | Gen | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | AVP | Obj | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | DEN | 9 | |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | DNI | 9 | |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | INI | 9 | |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | N | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | N | Head | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | N | Quant | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | NP | Appositive | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | NP | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | NP | Ext | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | NP | Obj | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Num | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Num | Quant | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[about] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[above] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[against] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[as] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[as] | Ext | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[at] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[beyond] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[by] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[for] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[from] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[in] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[into] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[less] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[like] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[of] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[on] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[out] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[outside] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[over] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[since] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[than] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[through] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[to] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[until] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[with] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[without] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PPing[for] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PPing[than] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PPing[to] | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Poss | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Poss | Gen | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Sfin | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Sfin | Ext | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Sforto | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Sub | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | VPed | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | VPed | Head | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | VPing | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | VPto | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | unknown | Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | unknown | Gen | 9 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | 2nd | 3 | |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | A | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | AJP | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | AVP | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | DEN | 3 | |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | DNI | 3 | |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | INI | 3 | |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | N | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | NP | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | NP | Ext | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | NP | Head | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[about] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[after] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[against] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[as] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[at] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[because of] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[beneath] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[by] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[despite] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[due] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[for] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[from] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[from] | Obj | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[in] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[inside] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[of] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[on] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[out] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[over] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[since] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[through] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[to] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[under] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[until] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[upon] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[with] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[without] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PPing[after] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PPing[at] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PPing[for] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PPing[from] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PPing[with] | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sbrst | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sfin | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sfin | Head | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sfin | Obj | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sforto | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sing | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sinterrog | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Srel | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sub | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Swhether | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | VPed | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | VPfin | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | VPing | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | VPto | Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | -- | 12 | |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | 2nd | 12 | |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | A | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | AJP | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | AJP | Head | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | AVP | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | AVP | Ext | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | AVP | Obj | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | CNI | 12 | |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | DEN | 12 | |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | DNI | 12 | |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | INC | 12 | |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | INI | 12 | |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | N | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | NP | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | NP | Ext | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | NP | Obj | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[about] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[above] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[according to] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[across] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[after] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[against] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[along] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[amidst] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[among] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[around] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[as] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[at] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[away] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[before] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[behind] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[beneath] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[by] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[for] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[from] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[in] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[like] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[of] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[off] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[on] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[out] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[over] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[through] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[to] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[under] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[until] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[up] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[via] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[while] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[with] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[within] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[without] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[as] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[by] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[in] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[like] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[on] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[through] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[with] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[without] | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Poss | Gen | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | QUO | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Sfin | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Sinterrog | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Srel | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Sub | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Sub | Obj | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPbrst | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPed | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPfin | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPing | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPing | Head | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPto | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | unknown | Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | 2nd | 18 | |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | A | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | AJP | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | AVP | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | CNI | 18 | |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | DEN | 18 | |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | DNI | 18 | |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | INC | 18 | |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | INI | 18 | |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | N | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | N | Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | NP | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | NP | Ext | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | NP | Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | NP | Obj | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[aboard] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[along] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[as] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[as] | Ext | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[at] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[behind] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[by] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[during] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[except] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[for] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[from] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[in] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[like] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[of] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[off] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[on] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[over] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[through] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[to] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[under] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[upon] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[via] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[with] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[without] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[by] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[from] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[in] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[of] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[through] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[with] | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Poss | Gen | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Sfin | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Sfin | Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Sinterrog | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Sub | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Swhether | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPbrst | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPed | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPed | Ext | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPed | Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPfin | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPfin | Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPing | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPing | Ext | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPing | Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPing | Obj | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPto | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPto | Ext | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPto | Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | unknown | Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | 2nd | 11 | |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | A | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | AJP | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | AVP | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | AVP | Obj | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | CNI | 11 | |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | DEN | 11 | |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | DNI | 11 | |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | INC | 11 | |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | INI | 11 | |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | N | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | N | Ext | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | N | Head | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | NP | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | NP | Ext | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | NP | Head | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | NP | Obj | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[aboard] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[about] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[above] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[across] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[against] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[along] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[alongside] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[amid] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[among] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[amongst] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[around] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[as] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[at] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[at] | Obj | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[before] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[behind] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[below] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[beneath] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[beside] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[between] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[beyond] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[by] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[down] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[during] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[for] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[from] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[in] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[in] | Obj | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[inside] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[into] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[like] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[near] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[nearby] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[of] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[off] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[on] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[onto] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[out] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[outside] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[over] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[round] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[than] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[through] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[through] | Ext | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[throughout] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[to] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[towards] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[under] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[up] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[upon] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[with] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[within] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PPadjP | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PPing[at] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PPing[in] | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | Poss | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | Poss | Gen | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | Sinterrog | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | Sub | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | VPfin | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | VPing | Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | 2nd | 2 | |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | A | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | AJP | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | AJP | Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | AVP | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | AVP | Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | CNI | 2 | |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | DEN | 2 | |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | DNI | 2 | |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | INC | 2 | |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | INI | 2 | |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | N | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | N | Head | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | NP | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | NP | Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | NP | Obj | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[about] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[according to] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[after] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[against] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[as] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[at] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[because of] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[by] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[except] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[for] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[for] | Gen | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[from] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[in] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[into] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[of] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[on] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[onto] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[to] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[toward] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[towards] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[under] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[until] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[with] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PPing[at] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PPing[for] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PPing[in] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PPing[of] | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sbrst | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sfin | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sfin | Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sfin | Head | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sforto | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Srel | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sub | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sub | Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPbrst | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPed | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPed | Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPfin | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPfin | Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPing | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPing | Head | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPto | 2 | |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPto | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPto | Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPto | Head | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | unknown | Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | 2nd | 15 | |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | 3rd | 15 | |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | A | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | AJP | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | AVP | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | AVP | Ext | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | AVP | Obj | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | DEN | 15 | |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | DNI | 15 | |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | INC | 15 | |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | INI | 15 | |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | N | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | N | Head | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | NP | Appositive | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | NP | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | NP | Ext | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | NP | Obj | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Num | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[about] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[after] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[against] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[ago] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[amid] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[among] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[around] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[as] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[at] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[before] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[behind] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[between] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[by] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[during] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[earlier] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[following] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[for] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[from] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[from] | Ext | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[from] | Obj | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[in] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[inside] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[into] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[later] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[of] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[on] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[on] | Obj | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[outside] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[over] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[past] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[since] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[than] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[through] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[throughout] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[till] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[to] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[towards] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[until] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[up] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[upon] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[while] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[whilst] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[with] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[within] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[within] | Ext | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[without] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[after] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[at] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[before] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[during] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[for] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[in] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[later] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[on] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[outside] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[upon] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[while] | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Poss | Gen | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sabs | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sfin | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sfin | Ext | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sfin | Obj | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sforto | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sing | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sinterrog | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Srel | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sub | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sub | Head | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | VPbrst | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | VPing | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | unknown | Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | AJP | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | DNI | 145 | |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | INI | 145 | |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | N | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | NP | Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | NP | Obj | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[about] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[around] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[from] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[including] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[of] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[out] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[round] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PPing[of] | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | Poss | Gen | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | Sing | Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | VPing | Dep | 145 |
lexunit | ferid | fetype | realization | annotated |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | 2nd.-- | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | A.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | A.Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | AJP.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | AVP.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | CNI.-- | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | DEN.-- | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | DNI.-- | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | INC.-- | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | INI.-- | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | N.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | N.Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | N.Head | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP.Appositive | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP.Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP.Gen | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP.Head | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | NP.Obj | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[between].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[by].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[by].Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[for].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[from].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[in].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[in].Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[of].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[of].Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[on].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[to].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[under].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PP[with].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PPing[by].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PPing[of].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | PPinterrog.Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Poss.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Poss.Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Poss.Gen | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Poss.Obj | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Sfin.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Sfin.Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | Srel.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | 2nd.-- | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | A.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | AJP.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | AVP.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | DNI.-- | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | N.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | N.Head | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | NP.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | NP.Obj | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[about].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[above].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[according to].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[after].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[against].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[as].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[at].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[because of].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[before].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[between].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[by].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[depending on].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[despite].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[due].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[during].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[for].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[from].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[in].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[of].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[off].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[on].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[outside].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[over].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[since].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[through].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[to].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[under].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[until].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[upon].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[while].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[whilst].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[with].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[within].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PP[without].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[after].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[by].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[from].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[in].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[on].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | PPing[without].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sabs.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sfin.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sfin.Ext | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sing.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sinterrog.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Srel.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Sub.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | Swhether.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | VPbrst.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | VPed.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | VPing.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | VPto.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | --.-- | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | 2nd.-- | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | A.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | AJP.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | AVP.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | AVP.Ext | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | AVP.Gen | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | AVP.Obj | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | DEN.-- | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | DNI.-- | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | INI.-- | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | N.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | N.Head | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | N.Quant | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | NP.Appositive | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | NP.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | NP.Ext | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | NP.Obj | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Num.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Num.Quant | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[about].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[above].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[against].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[as].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[as].Ext | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[at].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[beyond].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[by].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[for].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[from].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[in].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[into].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[less].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[like].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[of].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[on].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[out].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[outside].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[over].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[since].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[than].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[through].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[to].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[until].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[with].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PP[without].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PPing[for].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PPing[than].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | PPing[to].Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Poss.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Poss.Gen | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Sfin.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Sfin.Ext | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Sforto.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | Sub.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | VPed.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | VPed.Head | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | VPing.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | VPto.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | unknown.Dep | 9 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | unknown.Gen | 9 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | 2nd.-- | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | A.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | AJP.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | AVP.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | DEN.-- | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | DNI.-- | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | INI.-- | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | N.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | NP.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | NP.Ext | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | NP.Head | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[about].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[after].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[against].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[as].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[at].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[because of].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[beneath].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[by].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[despite].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[due].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[for].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[from].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[from].Obj | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[in].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[inside].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[of].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[on].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[out].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[over].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[since].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[through].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[to].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[under].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[until].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[upon].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[with].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PP[without].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PPing[after].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PPing[at].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PPing[for].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PPing[from].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | PPing[with].Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sbrst.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sfin.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sfin.Head | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sfin.Obj | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sforto.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sing.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sinterrog.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Srel.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Sub.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | Swhether.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | VPed.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | VPfin.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | VPing.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | VPto.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | --.-- | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | 2nd.-- | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | A.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | AJP.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | AJP.Head | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | AVP.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | AVP.Ext | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | AVP.Obj | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | CNI.-- | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | DEN.-- | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | DNI.-- | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | INC.-- | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | INI.-- | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | N.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | NP.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | NP.Ext | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | NP.Obj | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[about].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[above].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[according to].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[across].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[after].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[against].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[along].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[amidst].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[among].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[around].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[as].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[at].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[away].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[before].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[behind].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[beneath].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[by].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[for].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[from].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[in].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[like].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[of].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[off].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[on].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[out].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[over].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[through].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[to].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[under].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[until].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[up].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[via].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[while].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[with].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[within].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PP[without].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[as].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[by].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[in].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[like].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[on].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[through].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[with].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | PPing[without].Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Poss.Gen | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | QUO.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Sfin.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Sinterrog.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Srel.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Sub.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | Sub.Obj | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPbrst.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPed.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPfin.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPing.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPing.Head | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | VPto.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | unknown.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | 2nd.-- | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | A.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | AJP.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | AVP.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | CNI.-- | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | DEN.-- | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | DNI.-- | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | INC.-- | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | INI.-- | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | N.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | N.Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | NP.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | NP.Ext | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | NP.Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | NP.Obj | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[aboard].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[along].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[as].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[as].Ext | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[at].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[behind].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[by].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[during].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[except].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[for].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[from].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[in].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[like].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[of].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[off].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[on].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[over].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[through].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[to].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[under].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[upon].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[via].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[with].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PP[without].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[by].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[from].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[in].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[of].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[through].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | PPing[with].Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Poss.Gen | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Sfin.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Sfin.Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Sinterrog.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Sub.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | Swhether.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPbrst.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPed.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPed.Ext | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPed.Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPfin.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPfin.Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPing.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPing.Ext | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPing.Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPing.Obj | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPto.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPto.Ext | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | VPto.Head | 18 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | unknown.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | 2nd.-- | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | A.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | AJP.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | AVP.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | AVP.Obj | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | CNI.-- | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | DEN.-- | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | DNI.-- | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | INC.-- | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | INI.-- | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | N.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | N.Ext | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | N.Head | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | NP.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | NP.Ext | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | NP.Head | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | NP.Obj | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[aboard].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[about].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[above].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[across].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[against].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[along].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[alongside].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[amid].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[among].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[amongst].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[around].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[as].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[at].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[at].Obj | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[before].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[behind].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[below].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[beneath].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[beside].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[between].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[beyond].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[by].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[down].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[during].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[for].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[from].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[in].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[in].Obj | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[inside].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[into].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[like].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[near].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[nearby].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[of].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[off].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[on].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[onto].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[out].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[outside].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[over].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[round].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[than].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[through].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[through].Ext | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[throughout].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[to].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[towards].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[under].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[up].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[upon].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[with].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PP[within].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PPadjP.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PPing[at].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | PPing[in].Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | Poss.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | Poss.Gen | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | Sinterrog.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | Sub.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | VPfin.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | VPing.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | 2nd.-- | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | A.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | AJP.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | AJP.Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | AVP.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | AVP.Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | CNI.-- | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | DEN.-- | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | DNI.-- | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | INC.-- | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | INI.-- | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | N.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | N.Head | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | NP.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | NP.Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | NP.Obj | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[about].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[according to].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[after].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[against].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[as].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[at].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[because of].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[by].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[except].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[for].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[for].Gen | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[from].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[in].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[into].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[of].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[on].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[onto].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[to].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[toward].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[towards].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[under].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[until].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PP[with].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PPing[at].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PPing[for].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PPing[in].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | PPing[of].Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sbrst.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sfin.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sfin.Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sfin.Head | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sforto.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Srel.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sub.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | Sub.Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPbrst.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPed.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPed.Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPfin.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPfin.Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPing.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPing.Head | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPto.-- | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPto.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPto.Ext | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | VPto.Head | 2 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | unknown.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | 2nd.-- | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | 3rd.-- | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | A.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | AJP.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | AVP.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | AVP.Ext | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | AVP.Obj | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | DEN.-- | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | DNI.-- | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | INC.-- | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | INI.-- | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | N.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | N.Head | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | NP.Appositive | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | NP.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | NP.Ext | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | NP.Obj | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Num.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[about].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[after].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[against].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[ago].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[amid].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[among].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[around].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[as].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[at].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[before].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[behind].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[between].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[by].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[during].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[earlier].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[following].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[for].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[from].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[from].Ext | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[from].Obj | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[in].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[inside].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[into].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[later].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[of].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[on].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[on].Obj | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[outside].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[over].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[past].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[since].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[than].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[through].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[throughout].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[till].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[to].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[towards].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[until].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[up].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[upon].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[while].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[whilst].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[with].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[within].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[within].Ext | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PP[without].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[after].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[at].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[before].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[during].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[for].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[in].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[later].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[on].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[outside].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[upon].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | PPing[while].Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Poss.Gen | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sabs.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sfin.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sfin.Ext | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sfin.Obj | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sforto.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sing.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sinterrog.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Srel.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sub.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | Sub.Head | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | VPbrst.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | VPing.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | unknown.Dep | 15 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | AJP.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | DNI.-- | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | INI.-- | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | N.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[about].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[around].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[from].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[including].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[of].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[out].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PP[round].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | PPing[of].Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | Poss.Gen | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | Sing.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | VPing.Dep | 145 |
lexunit | ferid | fetype | realizations | annotated |
avoid.v | 29481 | Agent | 2nd.--,A.Dep,A.Ext,AJP.Dep,AVP.Dep,CNI.--,DEN.--,DNI.--,INC.--,INI.--,N.Dep,N.Ext,N.Head,NP.Appositive,NP.Dep,NP.Ext,NP.Gen,NP.Head,NP.Obj,PP[between].Dep,PP[by].Dep,PP[by].Ext,PP[for].Dep,PP[from].Dep,PP[in].Dep,PP[in].Ext,PP[of].Dep,PP[of].Ext,PP[on].Dep,PP[to].Dep,PP[under].Dep,PP[with].Dep,PPing[by].Dep,PPing[of].Dep,PPinterrog.Ext,Poss.Dep,Poss.Ext,Poss.Gen,Poss.Obj,Sfin.Dep,Sfin.Ext,Srel.Dep | 145 |
avoid.v | 29482 | Circumstances | 2nd.--,A.Dep,AJP.Dep,AVP.Dep,DNI.--,N.Dep,N.Head,NP.Dep,NP.Obj,PP[about].Dep,PP[above].Dep,PP[according to].Dep,PP[after].Dep,PP[against].Dep,PP[as].Dep,PP[at].Dep,PP[because of].Dep,PP[before].Dep,PP[between].Dep,PP[by].Dep,PP[depending on].Dep,PP[despite].Dep,PP[due].Dep,PP[during].Dep,PP[for].Dep,PP[from].Dep,PP[in].Dep,PP[of].Dep,PP[off].Dep,PP[on].Dep,PP[outside].Dep,PP[over].Dep,PP[since].Dep,PP[through].Dep,PP[to].Dep,PP[under].Dep,PP[until].Dep,PP[upon].Dep,PP[while].Dep,PP[whilst].Dep,PP[with].Dep,PP[within].Dep,PP[without].Dep,PPing[after].Dep,PPing[by].Dep,PPing[from].Dep,PPing[in].Dep,PPing[on].Dep,PPing[without].Dep,Sabs.Dep,Sfin.Dep,Sfin.Ext,Sing.Dep,Sinterrog.Dep,Srel.Dep,Sub.Dep,Swhether.Dep,VPbrst.Dep,VPed.Dep,VPing.Dep,VPto.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29483 | Degree | --.--,2nd.--,A.Dep,AJP.Dep,AVP.Dep,AVP.Ext,AVP.Gen,AVP.Obj,DEN.--,DNI.--,INI.--,N.Dep,N.Head,N.Quant,NP.Appositive,NP.Dep,NP.Ext,NP.Obj,Num.Dep,Num.Quant,PP[about].Dep,PP[above].Dep,PP[against].Dep,PP[as].Dep,PP[as].Ext,PP[at].Dep,PP[beyond].Dep,PP[by].Dep,PP[for].Dep,PP[from].Dep,PP[in].Dep,PP[into].Dep,PP[less].Dep,PP[like].Dep,PP[of].Dep,PP[on].Dep,PP[out].Dep,PP[outside].Dep,PP[over].Dep,PP[since].Dep,PP[than].Dep,PP[through].Dep,PP[to].Dep,PP[until].Dep,PP[with].Dep,PP[without].Dep,PPing[for].Dep,PPing[than].Dep,PPing[to].Dep,Poss.Dep,Poss.Gen,Sfin.Dep,Sfin.Ext,Sforto.Dep,Sub.Dep,VPed.Dep,VPed.Head,VPing.Dep,VPto.Dep,unknown.Dep,unknown.Gen | 9 |
avoid.v | 29484 | Explanation | 2nd.--,A.Dep,AJP.Dep,AVP.Dep,DEN.--,DNI.--,INI.--,N.Dep,NP.Dep,NP.Ext,NP.Head,PP[about].Dep,PP[after].Dep,PP[against].Dep,PP[as].Dep,PP[at].Dep,PP[because of].Dep,PP[beneath].Dep,PP[by].Dep,PP[despite].Dep,PP[due].Dep,PP[for].Dep,PP[from].Dep,PP[from].Obj,PP[in].Dep,PP[inside].Dep,PP[of].Dep,PP[on].Dep,PP[out].Dep,PP[over].Dep,PP[since].Dep,PP[through].Dep,PP[to].Dep,PP[under].Dep,PP[until].Dep,PP[upon].Dep,PP[with].Dep,PP[without].Dep,PPing[after].Dep,PPing[at].Dep,PPing[for].Dep,PPing[from].Dep,PPing[with].Dep,Sbrst.Dep,Sfin.Dep,Sfin.Head,Sfin.Obj,Sforto.Dep,Sing.Dep,Sinterrog.Dep,Srel.Dep,Sub.Dep,Swhether.Dep,VPed.Dep,VPfin.Dep,VPing.Dep,VPto.Dep | 3 |
avoid.v | 29485 | Manner | --.--,2nd.--,A.Dep,AJP.Dep,AJP.Head,AVP.Dep,AVP.Ext,AVP.Obj,CNI.--,DEN.--,DNI.--,INC.--,INI.--,N.Dep,NP.Dep,NP.Ext,NP.Obj,PP[about].Dep,PP[above].Dep,PP[according to].Dep,PP[across].Dep,PP[after].Dep,PP[against].Dep,PP[along].Dep,PP[amidst].Dep,PP[among].Dep,PP[around].Dep,PP[as].Dep,PP[at].Dep,PP[away].Dep,PP[before].Dep,PP[behind].Dep,PP[beneath].Dep,PP[by].Dep,PP[for].Dep,PP[from].Dep,PP[in].Dep,PP[like].Dep,PP[of].Dep,PP[off].Dep,PP[on].Dep,PP[out].Dep,PP[over].Dep,PP[through].Dep,PP[to].Dep,PP[under].Dep,PP[until].Dep,PP[up].Dep,PP[via].Dep,PP[while].Dep,PP[with].Dep,PP[within].Dep,PP[without].Dep,PPing[as].Dep,PPing[by].Dep,PPing[in].Dep,PPing[like].Dep,PPing[on].Dep,PPing[through].Dep,PPing[with].Dep,PPing[without].Dep,Poss.Gen,QUO.Dep,Sfin.Dep,Sinterrog.Dep,Srel.Dep,Sub.Dep,Sub.Obj,VPbrst.Dep,VPed.Dep,VPfin.Dep,VPing.Dep,VPing.Head,VPto.Dep,unknown.Dep | 12 |
avoid.v | 29486 | Means | 2nd.--,A.Dep,AJP.Dep,AVP.Dep,CNI.--,DEN.--,DNI.--,INC.--,INI.--,N.Dep,N.Head,NP.Dep,NP.Ext,NP.Head,NP.Obj,PP[aboard].Dep,PP[along].Dep,PP[as].Dep,PP[as].Ext,PP[at].Dep,PP[behind].Dep,PP[by].Dep,PP[during].Dep,PP[except].Dep,PP[for].Dep,PP[from].Dep,PP[in].Dep,PP[like].Dep,PP[of].Dep,PP[off].Dep,PP[on].Dep,PP[over].Dep,PP[through].Dep,PP[to].Dep,PP[under].Dep,PP[upon].Dep,PP[via].Dep,PP[with].Dep,PP[without].Dep,PPing[by].Dep,PPing[from].Dep,PPing[in].Dep,PPing[of].Dep,PPing[through].Dep,PPing[with].Dep,Poss.Gen,Sfin.Dep,Sfin.Head,Sinterrog.Dep,Sub.Dep,Swhether.Dep,VPbrst.Dep,VPed.Dep,VPed.Ext,VPed.Head,VPfin.Dep,VPfin.Head,VPing.Dep,VPing.Ext,VPing.Head,VPing.Obj,VPto.Dep,VPto.Ext,VPto.Head,unknown.Dep | 18 |
avoid.v | 29487 | Place | 2nd.--,A.Dep,AJP.Dep,AVP.Dep,AVP.Obj,CNI.--,DEN.--,DNI.--,INC.--,INI.--,N.Dep,N.Ext,N.Head,NP.Dep,NP.Ext,NP.Head,NP.Obj,PP[aboard].Dep,PP[about].Dep,PP[above].Dep,PP[across].Dep,PP[against].Dep,PP[along].Dep,PP[alongside].Dep,PP[amid].Dep,PP[among].Dep,PP[amongst].Dep,PP[around].Dep,PP[as].Dep,PP[at].Dep,PP[at].Obj,PP[before].Dep,PP[behind].Dep,PP[below].Dep,PP[beneath].Dep,PP[beside].Dep,PP[between].Dep,PP[beyond].Dep,PP[by].Dep,PP[down].Dep,PP[during].Dep,PP[for].Dep,PP[from].Dep,PP[in].Dep,PP[in].Obj,PP[inside].Dep,PP[into].Dep,PP[like].Dep,PP[near].Dep,PP[nearby].Dep,PP[of].Dep,PP[off].Dep,PP[on].Dep,PP[onto].Dep,PP[out].Dep,PP[outside].Dep,PP[over].Dep,PP[round].Dep,PP[than].Dep,PP[through].Dep,PP[through].Ext,PP[throughout].Dep,PP[to].Dep,PP[towards].Dep,PP[under].Dep,PP[up].Dep,PP[upon].Dep,PP[with].Dep,PP[within].Dep,PPadjP.Dep,PPing[at].Dep,PPing[in].Dep,Poss.Dep,Poss.Gen,Sinterrog.Dep,Sub.Dep,VPfin.Dep,VPing.Dep | 11 |
avoid.v | 29488 | Purpose | 2nd.--,A.Dep,AJP.Dep,AJP.Ext,AVP.Dep,AVP.Ext,CNI.--,DEN.--,DNI.--,INC.--,INI.--,N.Dep,N.Head,NP.Dep,NP.Ext,NP.Obj,PP[about].Dep,PP[according to].Dep,PP[after].Dep,PP[against].Dep,PP[as].Dep,PP[at].Dep,PP[because of].Dep,PP[by].Dep,PP[except].Dep,PP[for].Dep,PP[for].Gen,PP[from].Dep,PP[in].Dep,PP[into].Dep,PP[of].Dep,PP[on].Dep,PP[onto].Dep,PP[to].Dep,PP[toward].Dep,PP[towards].Dep,PP[under].Dep,PP[until].Dep,PP[with].Dep,PPing[at].Dep,PPing[for].Dep,PPing[in].Dep,PPing[of].Dep,Sbrst.Dep,Sfin.Dep,Sfin.Ext,Sfin.Head,Sforto.Dep,Srel.Dep,Sub.Dep,Sub.Ext,VPbrst.Dep,VPed.Dep,VPed.Ext,VPfin.Dep,VPfin.Ext,VPing.Dep,VPing.Head,VPto.--,VPto.Dep,VPto.Ext,VPto.Head,unknown.Dep | 2 |
avoid.v | 29489 | Time | 2nd.--,3rd.--,A.Dep,AJP.Dep,AVP.Dep,AVP.Ext,AVP.Obj,DEN.--,DNI.--,INC.--,INI.--,N.Dep,N.Head,NP.Appositive,NP.Dep,NP.Ext,NP.Obj,Num.Dep,PP[about].Dep,PP[after].Dep,PP[against].Dep,PP[ago].Dep,PP[amid].Dep,PP[among].Dep,PP[around].Dep,PP[as].Dep,PP[at].Dep,PP[before].Dep,PP[behind].Dep,PP[between].Dep,PP[by].Dep,PP[during].Dep,PP[earlier].Dep,PP[following].Dep,PP[for].Dep,PP[from].Dep,PP[from].Ext,PP[from].Obj,PP[in].Dep,PP[inside].Dep,PP[into].Dep,PP[later].Dep,PP[of].Dep,PP[on].Dep,PP[on].Obj,PP[outside].Dep,PP[over].Dep,PP[past].Dep,PP[since].Dep,PP[than].Dep,PP[through].Dep,PP[throughout].Dep,PP[till].Dep,PP[to].Dep,PP[towards].Dep,PP[until].Dep,PP[up].Dep,PP[upon].Dep,PP[while].Dep,PP[whilst].Dep,PP[with].Dep,PP[within].Dep,PP[within].Ext,PP[without].Dep,PPing[after].Dep,PPing[at].Dep,PPing[before].Dep,PPing[during].Dep,PPing[for].Dep,PPing[in].Dep,PPing[later].Dep,PPing[on].Dep,PPing[outside].Dep,PPing[upon].Dep,PPing[while].Dep,Poss.Gen,Sabs.Dep,Sfin.Dep,Sfin.Ext,Sfin.Obj,Sforto.Dep,Sing.Dep,Sinterrog.D | 15 |
avoid.v | 29490 | Undesirable_situation | AJP.Dep,DNI.--,INI.--,N.Dep,NP.Ext,NP.Obj,PP[about].Dep,PP[around].Dep,PP[from].Dep,PP[including].Dep,PP[of].Dep,PP[out].Dep,PP[round].Dep,PPing[of].Dep,Poss.Gen,Sing.Dep,VPing.Dep | 145 |
fetype | GROUP_CONCAT(frame) |
Abundant_entities | Roadways |
Abuser | Abusing |
Accessibility | Interior_profile_relation,Non-gradable_proximity,Spatial_contact,Gradable_proximity,Spatial_co-location,Locative_relation,Directional_locative_relation,Adjacency,Surrounding,Location_on_path |
Accessory | Hair_configuration |
Accoutrement | Accoutrements |
Accuracy | Predicting,Remembering_information |
Accused | Bail_decision,Notification_of_charges,Entering_of_plea,Guilt_or_innocence |
Act | Compliance,Intentionally_act,Justifying,Terrorism,Responsibility |
Action | Bungling,Daring,Fairness_evaluation,Contrition,Hindering,Legality,Reason,Thwarting,Deny_or_grant_permission,Deserving,Run_risk,Practice,Losing_it,Subjective_influence,Remembering_to_do,Level_of_force_exertion,Emphasizing,Rashness,Taking_sides,Result_of_attempt_scenario,Dynamism,Protest |
Activists | Political_actions |
Activity | Activity,Activity_ongoing,Activity_stop,Activity_start,Activity_prepare,Activity_pause,Activity_finish,Activity_done_state,Difficulty,Taking_time,Craft,Subversion,Activity_resume,Project,Fields,Being_up_to_it,Rising_to_a_challenge,Infrastructure,Activity_ready_state,Withdraw_from_participation,Being_active,Willingness,Activity_paused_state,Activity_abandoned_state,Lively_place,Leadership,Heat_potential,Function,Standing_by,Temporary_leave,Be_on_alert,Aiming,Team |
Actor | Fairness_evaluation,Causation,Interrupt_process,Cause_to_perceive,Triggering,Cause_to_burn |
Added_set | Increment |
Addict | Addiction |
Addictant | Addiction |
Address | Contacting |
Address_term | Attention_getting |
Addressee | Communication,Body_movement,Candidness,Commitment,Gesture,Communication_manner,Communication_noise,Questioning,Request,Communication_response,Statement,Attempt_suasion,Suasion,Talking_into,Encoding,Judgment_communication,Communication_means,Text_creation,Contacting,Prevarication,Reasoning,Judgment_direct_address,Telling,Make_noise,Spelling_and_pronouncing,Reveal_secret,Renunciation,Convey_importance,Adducing,Complaining,Expressing_publicly,Bragging,Successfully_communicate_message,Summarizing,Mention,Reading_aloud,Warning,Affirm_or_deny |
Adequacy | Successfully_communicate_message |
Adversity | Contrary_circumstances |
frame | lexunit | luid | incorporatedfe | ludefinition |
Causation | consequence.n | 17002 | Effect | a situation or entity that results from some event |
Motion | meander.v | 12973 | Path_shape | follow a winding course, or wander aimlessly |
Posture | crouch.v | 131 | Point_of_contact | to be in a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down |
Posture | kneel.v | 134 | Point_of_contact | fall or rest on a knee or the knees |
Posture | lie.v | 136 | Point_of_contact | to be in a horizontal position on a supporting surface |
Posture | sit.v | 137 | Point_of_contact | to be in a position in which one's weight is supported by one's buttocks rather than one's feet and one's back is upright |
Posture | squat.v | 140 | Point_of_contact | to be in a position low to the ground in which one's knees are bent and the heels close to or touching the buttocks or thighs |
Posture | stand.v | 141 | Point_of_contact | be in or rise to an upright position, supported by one's feet |
Posture | seated.a | 9422 | Point_of_contact | sitting |
Encoding | misword.v | 10421 | Manner | express incorrectly |
Emptying | disembowel.v | 2479 | Theme | cut open and remove the internal organs of |
Emptying | skin.v | 2480 | Theme | remove the skin from |
Emptying | core.v | 2481 | Theme | remove the core from (a fruit) |
Emptying | peel.v | 2482 | Theme | remove the outer covering or skin from (a fruit, vegetable, etc.) |
Emptying | bone.v | 2485 | Theme | remove the bones from (meat or fish) before cooking |
Emptying | debug.v | 2593 | Theme | remove a bug from; generally used metaphorically concerning incorrect computer code or concealed listening devices |
Emptying | deforest.v | 2594 | Theme | clear of forest or trees |
Emptying | degrease.v | 2595 | Theme | remove grease from |
Emptying | descale.v | 2596 | Theme | remove deposits of scale from |
Emptying | scalp.v | 2597 | Theme | take the scalp of (an enemy) |
frame | lexunit | luid | ludefinition | feid | incorporatedfe | feabbrev | coreset | fedefinition |
Operate_vehicle | balloon.v | 1265 | move by operating a balloon | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | bicycle.v | 1266 | ride a bicycle | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | bike.v | 1267 | ride a bicycle or motorcycle | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | boat.v | 1268 | travel in a boat | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | canoe.v | 1269 | travel in or paddle a canoe | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | caravan.v | 1270 | (of a group) to travel in a line of separate vehicles | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | cycle.v | 1273 | ride a bicycle | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | parachute.v | 1280 | drop or cause to drop by parachute | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | raft.v | 1283 | travel or transport on or as if on a raft | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | skate.v | 1287 | move on ice skates or roller skates in a gliding fashion | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | sledge.v | 1288 | ride or carry on a sledge | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> | |
Operate_vehicle | toboggan.v | 1291 | ride on a toboggan | 294 | Vehicle | Veh | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the <fen>Driver</fen>. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, <fen>Vehicle</fen> is usually expressed as Object: <ex>I <t>drove</t> <fex name='Vehicle'>my car</fex> to Canada.</ex> |
lexunit | fegrid | patternid | fetype | realizations |
avoid.v | 34894 | 61708 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34894 | 61708 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34894 | 61708 | Manner | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34894 | 61708 | Undesirable_situation | VPing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34895 | 61709 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34895 | 61709 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34895 | 61709 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34896 | 61710 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34896 | 61710 | Circumstances | PPing[in].Dep |
avoid.v | 34896 | 61710 | Degree | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34896 | 61710 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34896 | 61710 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61711 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61711 | Circumstances | PP[at].Dep |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61711 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61712 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61712 | Circumstances | PP[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61712 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61713 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61713 | Circumstances | PP[without].Dep |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61713 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61714 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61714 | Circumstances | Sub.Dep |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61714 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61715 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61715 | Circumstances | PP[as].Dep |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61715 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61716 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61716 | Circumstances | Sfin.Dep |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61716 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61717 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61717 | Circumstances | Sinterrog.Dep |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61717 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61718 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61718 | Circumstances | Sinterrog.Dep |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61718 | Undesirable_situation | VPing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34898 | 61719 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34898 | 61719 | Circumstances | PP[at].Dep |
avoid.v | 34898 | 61719 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34898 | 61719 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34899 | 61720 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34899 | 61720 | Degree | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34899 | 61720 | Place | PP[around].Dep |
avoid.v | 34899 | 61720 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61721 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61721 | Degree | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61721 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61722 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61722 | Degree | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61722 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61723 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61723 | Degree | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61723 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61724 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61724 | Explanation | PP[for].Dep |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61724 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61725 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61725 | Explanation | PP[for].Dep |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61725 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61726 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61726 | Explanation | PP[out].Dep |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61726 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61727 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61727 | Manner | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61727 | Means | PPing[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61727 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61728 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61728 | Manner | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61728 | Means | PP[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61728 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61729 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61729 | Manner | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61729 | Means | PPing[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61729 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34903 | 61730 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34903 | 61730 | Manner | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34903 | 61730 | Place | PP[in].Dep |
avoid.v | 34903 | 61730 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61731 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61731 | Manner | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61731 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61732 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61732 | Manner | PP[like].Dep |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61732 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61733 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61733 | Manner | PP[without].Dep |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61733 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61734 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61734 | Manner | QUO.Dep |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61734 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34905 | 61735 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34905 | 61735 | Means | PP[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34905 | 61735 | Place | PP[in].Dep |
avoid.v | 34905 | 61735 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34906 | 61736 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34906 | 61736 | Means | PPing[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34906 | 61736 | Time | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34906 | 61736 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61737 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61737 | Means | PP[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61737 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61738 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61738 | Means | PPing[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61738 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61739 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61739 | Means | PP[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61739 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61740 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61740 | Means | PPing[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61740 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61741 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61741 | Means | PPing[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61741 | Undesirable_situation | VPing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34908 | 61742 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34908 | 61742 | Place | PP[at].Dep |
avoid.v | 34908 | 61742 | Time | PP[in].Dep |
avoid.v | 34908 | 61742 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61743 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61743 | Place | PP[at].Dep |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61743 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61744 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61744 | Place | PP[in].Dep |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61744 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61745 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61745 | Place | PP[on].Dep |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61745 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34910 | 61746 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34910 | 61746 | Place | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34910 | 61746 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34910 | 61746 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34910 | 61747 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34910 | 61747 | Place | PP[at].Dep |
avoid.v | 34910 | 61747 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34910 | 61747 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34911 | 61748 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34911 | 61748 | Purpose | VPto.Dep |
avoid.v | 34911 | 61748 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34912 | 61749 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34912 | 61749 | Time | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34912 | 61749 | Time | PP[before].Dep |
avoid.v | 34912 | 61749 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61750 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61750 | Time | PP[after].Dep |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61750 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61751 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61751 | Time | PP[at].Dep |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61751 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61752 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61752 | Time | AVP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61752 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61753 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61753 | Time | NP.Dep |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61753 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61754 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61754 | Time | PP[at].Dep |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61754 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61755 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61755 | Time | PP[for].Dep |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61755 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61756 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61756 | Time | PP[in].Dep |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61756 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61757 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61757 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61758 | Agent | CNI.-- |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61758 | Undesirable_situation | VPing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61759 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61759 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61760 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61760 | Undesirable_situation | PP[including].Dep |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61761 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61761 | Undesirable_situation | Sing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61762 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61762 | Undesirable_situation | VPing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61763 | Agent | PP[by].Dep |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61763 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34915 | 61764 | Agent | NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34915 | 61764 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34915 | 61764 | Undesirable_situation | NP.Obj |
lexunit | fegrid | patternid | annotated | realizations |
avoid.v | 34894 | 61708 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.VPing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34895 | 61709 | 3 | Agent.NP.Ext,Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34896 | 61710 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.PPing[in].Dep,Degree.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61711 | 2 | Agent.CNI.--,Circumstances.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61712 | 1 | Agent.CNI.--,Circumstances.PP[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61713 | 2 | Agent.CNI.--,Circumstances.PP[without].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61714 | 1 | Agent.CNI.--,Circumstances.Sub.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61715 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.PP[as].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61716 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.Sfin.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61717 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.Sinterrog.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34897 | 61718 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.Sinterrog.Dep,Undesirable_situation.VPing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34898 | 61719 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34899 | 61720 | 1 | Agent.CNI.--,Degree.AVP.Dep,Place.PP[around].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61721 | 2 | Agent.CNI.--,Degree.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61722 | 2 | Agent.CNI.--,Degree.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34900 | 61723 | 3 | Agent.NP.Ext,Degree.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61724 | 1 | Agent.CNI.--,Explanation.PP[for].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61725 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Explanation.PP[for].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34901 | 61726 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Explanation.PP[out].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61727 | 1 | Agent.CNI.--,Manner.AVP.Dep,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61728 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.AVP.Dep,Means.PP[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34902 | 61729 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.AVP.Dep,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34903 | 61730 | 1 | Agent.CNI.--,Manner.AVP.Dep,Place.PP[in].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61731 | 2 | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61732 | 3 | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.PP[like].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61733 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.PP[without].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34904 | 61734 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.QUO.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34905 | 61735 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Means.PP[by].Dep,Place.PP[in].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34906 | 61736 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Time.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61737 | 1 | Agent.CNI.--,Means.PP[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61738 | 3 | Agent.CNI.--,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61739 | 2 | Agent.NP.Ext,Means.PP[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61740 | 6 | Agent.NP.Ext,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34907 | 61741 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.VPing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34908 | 61742 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.PP[at].Dep,Time.PP[in].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61743 | 2 | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61744 | 2 | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.PP[in].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34909 | 61745 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.PP[on].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34910 | 61746 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34910 | 61747 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34911 | 61748 | 2 | Agent.NP.Ext,Purpose.VPto.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34912 | 61749 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.AVP.Dep,Time.PP[before].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61750 | 1 | Agent.CNI.--,Time.PP[after].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61751 | 2 | Agent.CNI.--,Time.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61752 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61753 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.NP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61754 | 3 | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61755 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.PP[for].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34913 | 61756 | 3 | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.PP[in].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61757 | 12 | Agent.CNI.--,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61758 | 2 | Agent.CNI.--,Undesirable_situation.VPing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61759 | 36 | Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61760 | 1 | Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.PP[including].Dep |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61761 | 3 | Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.Sing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61762 | 10 | Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.VPing.Dep |
avoid.v | 34914 | 61763 | 3 | Agent.PP[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext |
avoid.v | 34915 | 61764 | 2 | Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj |
lexunit | fegrid | GROUP_CONCAT(realizations SEPARATOR ' | ') | SUM(annotated) |
avoid.v | 34894 | Agent.NP.Ext,Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.VPing.Dep | 1 |
avoid.v | 34895 | Agent.NP.Ext,Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 3 |
avoid.v | 34896 | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.PPing[in].Dep,Degree.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 1 |
avoid.v | 34897 | Agent.CNI.--,Circumstances.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | Agent.CNI.--,Circumstances.PP[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | Agent.CNI.--,Circumstances.PP[without].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | Agent.CNI.--,Circumstances.Sub.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.PP[as].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.Sfin.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.Sinterrog.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.Sinterrog.Dep,Undesirable_situation.VPing.Dep | 10 |
avoid.v | 34898 | Agent.NP.Ext,Circumstances.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 1 |
avoid.v | 34899 | Agent.CNI.--,Degree.AVP.Dep,Place.PP[around].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | 1 |
avoid.v | 34900 | Agent.NP.Ext,Degree.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.CNI.--,Degree.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.CNI.--,Degree.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | 7 |
avoid.v | 34901 | Agent.CNI.--,Explanation.PP[for].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | Agent.NP.Ext,Explanation.PP[for].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Explanation.PP[out].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 3 |
avoid.v | 34902 | Agent.CNI.--,Manner.AVP.Dep,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.AVP.Dep,Means.PP[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.AVP.Dep,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 3 |
avoid.v | 34903 | Agent.CNI.--,Manner.AVP.Dep,Place.PP[in].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | 1 |
avoid.v | 34904 | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.PP[like].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.PP[without].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Manner.QUO.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 7 |
avoid.v | 34905 | Agent.NP.Ext,Means.PP[by].Dep,Place.PP[in].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 1 |
avoid.v | 34906 | Agent.NP.Ext,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Time.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 1 |
avoid.v | 34907 | Agent.CNI.--,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | Agent.NP.Ext,Means.PP[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Means.PPing[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.VPing.Dep | Agent.CNI.--,Means.PP[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | 13 |
avoid.v | 34908 | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.PP[at].Dep,Time.PP[in].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 1 |
avoid.v | 34909 | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.PP[on].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.PP[in].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 5 |
avoid.v | 34910 | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Place.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 2 |
avoid.v | 34911 | Agent.NP.Ext,Purpose.VPto.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 2 |
avoid.v | 34912 | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.AVP.Dep,Time.PP[before].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 1 |
avoid.v | 34913 | Agent.CNI.--,Time.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.PP[in].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.PP[for].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.PP[at].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.NP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Time.AVP.Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.CNI.--,Time.PP[after].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | 12 |
avoid.v | 34914 | Agent.CNI.--,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.CNI.--,Undesirable_situation.VPing.Dep | Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.PP[including].Dep | Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.Sing.Dep | Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.VPing.Dep | Agent.PP[by].Dep,Undesirable_situation.NP.Ext | 67 |
avoid.v | 34915 | Agent.NP.Ext,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj,Undesirable_situation.NP.Obj | 2 |