rolesets per word
SELECT word,COUNT(*) AS c FROM pb_rolesets LEFT JOIN pb_words USING (pbwordid) GROUP BY pbwordid HAVING c > 1 ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 20
rolesetheads matching several lemmas
SELECT rolesethead, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT word),COUNT(*) AS c FROM pb_rolesets LEFT JOIN pb_words USING (pbwordid) GROUP BY rolesethead HAVING c > 1 ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 20
rolesetheadGROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT word)c
rolesets headed by "go"
SELECT * FROM pb_rolesets LEFT JOIN pb_words USING (pbwordid) WHERE rolesethead = 'go'
46434006gogo.02self-directed motion, disapear or go away60084go
46434007gogo.03pursue (often with after)60084go
46434008gogo.04modal / future60084go
46434009gogo.05serial verb construction60084go
46434010gogo.06proceed (with a variety of prepositions)60084go
46434016gogo.12experience, undergo60084go
46434017gogo.14be left60084go
46434018gogo.21have on your side60084go
46434019gogo.22go with, match, accompany60084go
46434023gogo.31an attempt, effort60084go
46434024gogo.32attack or insult60084go
46444025gogo_back.19return to beinggo_back
46474028gogo_off.16become ongo_off
46484029gogo_on.15go on: occur, continuego_on
46484030gogo_on.25continue speakinggo_on
46504034gogo_over.26review, discuss, analyze, explaingo_over
46504035gogo_over.30be received, create an impressiongo_over
46514036gogo_through.20come to completiongo_through
46614045gogone.33telling time: after X o'clock60494gone
1146310001goundergo.28experience, undergo141844undergo
word's roleset
SELECT * FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (pbwordid) WHERE word = 'accompany'
841105accompany65accompanyaccompany.01go along with
word's rolesets
SELECT * FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (pbwordid) WHERE word = 'admit'
1792105admit136admitadmit.01acknowledge truth
1792105admit137admitadmit.02allow to enter
word having multiple rolesets
SELECT word,GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(rolesetname,' (',rolesetdescr,')')) FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (pbwordid) GROUP BY word HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY word LIMIT 20
wordGROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(rolesetname,' (',rolesetdescr,')'))
abandonabandon.01 (leave behind),abandon.02 (exchange),abandon.03 (surrender, give_over)
abductabduct.01 (to carry someone off by force),abduct.02 (move away from a central axis)
ablateablate.01 (surgical removal of a body part; controlled surgical removal),ablate.02 (erode)
aboutabout.01 (located 'around', in the general vicinity),about.02 (about to __)
abuseabuse.01 (mistreat a person or animal, often repeatedly, with violence or with cruelty),abuse.02 (use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse),abuse.03 (use offending language)
abysmalabysmal.01 (generally terrible, in the absolute lowest ranges),abysmal.02 (be extremely unskilled at)
accordaccord.01 (to give),accord.02 (follow a procedure; be in line with expectations or other facts),accord.03 (create or agree to a pact)
actact.01 (play a role; behave),act.02 (do something, perform an action),act.05 (thing done)
addadd.01 (say),add.02 (mathematics, mixing, add something to something else, increase),add.03 (achieve or gain)
addressaddress.01 (put an address on, or speak to),address.02 (deal with),address.03 (answer, pay attention to)
adhereadhere.01 (stick (to)),adhere.02 (follow (policy, etc))
adjournadjourn.01 ((bring to a) close),adjourn.02 (go from one location to another)
admitadmit.01 (acknowledge truth),admit.02 (allow to enter)
admonishadmonish.01 (persuade warningly),admonish.02 (chastise)
advanceadvance.01 (move forward or upward),advance.03 (pay out a portion of wages/credit before they are due)
affairaffair.01 (an illicit romantic relationship),affair.02 (matter, occurance)
affectaffect.01 (have an effect on, have an effect on),affect.02 (assume, take on)
affordafford.01 (be able to spare, have the financial means),afford.02 (provide, make available)
aggressaggress.01 (hostile behavior, actively hostile),aggress.02 (fast-growing)
aheadahead.01 (proceding faster than designated schedule),ahead.02 (be spatially in front of),ahead.03 (be winning)
word having most rolesets
SELECT word, COUNT(*) AS c,GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(rolesetname,' (',rolesetdescr,')')) FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (pbwordid) GROUP BY pbwordid ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 20
wordcGROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(rolesetname,' (',rolesetdescr,')'))
go20go.01 (motion),go.02 (self-directed motion, disapear or go away),go.03 (pursue (often with after)),go.04 (modal / future),go.05 (serial verb construction),go.06 (proceed (with a variety of prepositions)),go.07 (sell),go.08 (become),go.09 (operate),go.10 (benefactive),go.11 (serve),go.12 (experience, undergo),go.14 (be left),go.21 (have on your side),go.22 (go with, match, accompany),go.23 (say),go.24 (existential),go.29 (potty),go.31 (an attempt, effort),go.32 (attack or insult)
run14run.01 (operate, proceed, operate or proceed),run.02 (walk quickly, a course or contest, run/jog, run for office),run.03 (cost),run.04 (range, extend),run.07 (encounter),run.08 (caused motion),run.09 (cause to appear in media, broadcasting),run.10 (various idioms/multi-word expressions, various idioms, multi-word expressions),run.13 (progression over a specific (maybe time) span),run.14 (earn points (on exam/competition)),run.15 (defect or hole),run.16 (nomlike-run-away),run.17 (mass mad dash to take money out of the banks),run.23 (check information against a database)
take13take.01 (take, acquire, come to have, choose, bring with you from somewhere, internalize, ingest),take.02 (tolerate),take.03 (cause (to be)),take.04 (understand to be),take.10 (need, requiring),take.14 (fixed phrase: take place),take.15 (write-off, acknowledge a (financial) loss),take.16 (take by surprise, taking by surprise (or some other manner)),take.17 (become fond of),take.25 (swindle/rob someone of something),take.32 (take after; heredity, similarity),take.34 (opinion, perspective, position),take.LV (light verb)
pass11pass.01 (bill becomes law),pass.02 (overtake),pass.03 (go by),pass.04 (allow to go by),pass.05 (give),pass.06 (suffice, get away (with)),pass.07 (pass a class, pass a test),pass.08 (push through a passage (like a clot)),pass.20 (die),pass.21 (overtake),pass.22 (make a pass at, attempt something (esp flirtation))
have11have.01 (auxiliary),have.02 (modal),have.03 (own, possess),have.04 (caused action),have.05 (birthing sense),have.06 (light verb-- FOR AMR USE ONLY),have.07 (semi-modal: had better/best),have.08 (have at you! (tackle)),have.09 (have_one's_way_with: have sex with, possibly rape-ily),have.10 (have a go at; attempt, try out),have.11 (have yet to)
leave11leave.02 (bequeath, as in a will),leave.05 (lack; leave something to be desired),leave.09 (absence from work),leave.10 (permission),leave.11 (depart, physically go away from a place),leave.12 (put in a location/state when physically leaving),leave.13 (resulting from an event or situation),leave.14 (allow to remain or to continue by inaction, agent cannot be moving),leave.15 (abandon something in exchange for another; permanently leave an association/relationship/way of living),leave.16 (Put off or postpone something),leave.17 (exist or remain (potentially after others were removed))
get10get.01 (transfer of goods, acquire),get.02 (have-got: already possess),get.03 (become),get.04 (cause to do or be something),get.05 (move),get.06 (must),get.22 (have the pleasure of doing something, "i gettuh..."),get.24 (auxiliary usage (rel followed by a vp)),get.28 (get to: aggravate, annoy),get.30 (understand, grasp conceptually)
call10call.01 (label),call.02 (summon, perhaps to or by phone),call.03 (demand),call.07 (say across a distance),call.09 (call into question, doubt),call.10 (prediction, decision),call.11 (call (the shots); decide, dictate, officiate),call.13 (call someone out on something (non-VPC version)),call.14 (claim (like dibs)),call.16 (visit)
blow10blow.01 (cause motion by air current),blow.02 (create, shape by blowing air),blow.03 (oral sex),blow.04 (like the wind),blow.08 (explode, explosion),blow.09 (sound, like a trumpet),blow.10 (make an error),blow.11 (waste, consume, use),blow.13 (suck, be bad),blow.14 (strike)
come9come.01 (motion),come.02 (pursue (often with after), pursuing),come.03 (arise (from)),come.04 (become, various near-idioms),come.05 (pertaining to a purchase),come.12 (come to: speaking of),come.14 (idiom: come to terms with),come.16 (amount to),come.28 (serial verb construction)
work9work.01 (work, being employed, acts, deeds (no physical parts or gov't departments!)),work.06 (move with purpose),work.07 (put, manipulate, inserting),work.08 (confused with wreak),work.09 (function, operate),work.10 (resultative construction),work.11 ('in the works'),work.12 (work-of-art),work.13 ('at-work' cause change, at/in play)
close8close.01 (shut, closure of an entity, not open),close.02 (terminate),close.03 (come about, come to completion (as of deals)),close.06 (become nearer),close.10 (spatially close, of concrete or abstract things),close.11 (similar, a near approximation,),close.12 (evenly matched, difficult to decide),close.13 (affectionate)
break8break.01 (break, cause to not be whole),break.02 (break_in: gain entry),break.13 (happen, come to light, onset, beginning),break.16 (separate one entity from another),break.18 (violate (the law, an oath, trust, etc)),break.19 (to suspend an action, take a break from something, pause, musical interlude),break.20 (Break into motion, for a goal or from a source location),break.21 (notable occurance; point at which one's luck turns (bad break, lucky break, etc))
make8make.01 (create),make.02 (cause (to be)),make.05 (earn cash or wages, earning),make.06 (achieve being, seem),make.18 (arrive at, achieve),make.19 ("way" construction: make one's way, travel),make.27 (interpret, have an understanding of),make.LV (light verb)
open8open.01 ((cause to) become open; change of state, free for passage/entry),open.02 (begin),open.04 (freely giving of info, feelings, free to be seen),open.05 (open-minded, freely accepting of input),open.06 (spacious, unenclosed),open.07 (available),open.08 (vulnerable/subject to, exposed),open.09 (free for passage, entry)
right7right.01 (make right, correct),right.02 (morally/legally appropriate),right.03 (suited to),right.04 (be located on the right side),right.05 (something due to you by law, tradition or moral principle),right.06 (correct, accurate),right.08 (politically leaning towards conservative)
short7short.01 (sell stocks short),short.02 (short-circuit),short.03 (short change),short.05 (crumbly due to heavy fat content (as pie crust)),short.06 (not having enough to reach a goal),short.07 (minimal length/duration),short.08 (snippy, brusk)
charge7charge.01 (asking price),charge.02 (walk quickly),charge.03 (supply, as with electricity),charge.04 (buy on credit),charge.05 (make an allegation or criminal charge against someone),charge.06 (allege (an utterance or complement clause)),charge.08 (to be in charge of something, have a responsibility or role)
clear7clear.01 (clean, make clear or open),clear.02 (approve, permit),clear.03 (escape, avoid, get past or through),clear.06 (apparent, obvious, well-explained, ),clear.07 (translucent),clear.08 (unobstructed, clean, open),clear.09 (having avoided obstruction)
stand7stand.01 ((cause to) be in a vertical position),stand.02 (be poised for an action),stand.03 (tolerate),stand.04 (be),stand.08 (represent),stand.11 (have a strong stance, having a strong position on a subject matter),stand.12 (balance upside down)
word's roles
SELECT word,rolesetid,rolesetname,rolesetdescr,argtypeid,roledescr,theta FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (pbwordid) LEFT JOIN pb_roles USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_thetas USING (thetaid) WHERE word = 'abandon' ORDER BY rolesetid,argtypeid
abandon5abandon.01leave behind0abandonerTheme
abandon5abandon.01leave behind1thing abandoned, left behind
abandon5abandon.01leave behind2attribute of arg1
abandon6abandon.02exchange1thing abandoned, left behind
abandon6abandon.02exchange2preferred item
abandon7abandon.03surrender, give_over0entity abandoning something
abandon7abandon.03surrender, give_over1thing abandoned
abandon7abandon.03surrender, give_over2benefactive, abandoned-to
word's roles by roleset
SELECT word,rolesetid,rolesetname,rolesetdescr,GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(argtypeid,'-',roledescr,'-',IFNULL(theta, '?')) ORDER BY argtypeid SEPARATOR ' / ') FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (pbwordid) LEFT JOIN pb_roles USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_thetas USING (thetaid) WHERE word = 'abandon' GROUP BY rolesetid ORDER BY rolesetid
wordrolesetidrolesetnamerolesetdescrGROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(argtypeid,'-',roledescr,'-',IFNULL(theta, '?')) ORDER BY argtypeid SEPARATOR ' / ')
abandon5abandon.01leave behind0-abandoner-Theme / 1-thing abandoned, left behind-? / 2-attribute of arg1-?
abandon6abandon.02exchange0-abandoner-? / 1-thing abandoned, left behind-? / 2-preferred item-?
abandon7abandon.03surrender, give_over0-entity abandoning something-? / 1-thing abandoned-? / 2-benefactive, abandoned-to-?
word's examples
SELECT word,rolesetname,rolesetdescr,exampleid,`text`,form,aspect,tense,person,voice FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (pbwordid) LEFT JOIN pb_examples USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_aspects USING (aspectid) LEFT JOIN pb_forms USING (formid) LEFT JOIN pb_tenses USING (tenseid) LEFT JOIN pb_voices USING (voiceid) LEFT JOIN pb_persons USING (personid) WHERE word = 'abandon' ORDER BY rolesetid, exampleid
abandonabandon.01leave behind5Consumers Power Co. , now the main unit of CMS Energy , ran into financial problems over its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant , which was abandoned as a nuclear facility in 1984 because of construction delays and high costs .
abandonabandon.01leave behind6And they believe the Big Board, under Mr. Phelan, has abandoned their interest.
abandonabandon.02exchange7One Colombian drug boss, upon hearing in 1987 that Gen. Noriega was negotiating with the U.S. [*] to abandon his command for a comfortable exile, sent him a hand-sized mahogany coffin engraved with his name.infinitiveactive
abandonabandon.03surrender, give_over8Once he had abandoned himself to the very worst, once he had quieted all the dragons of worry and suspense, there would n't be very much for Mae to do.
SELECT word,rolesetname,rolesetdescr,exampleid,`text`,form,aspect,tense,person,voice FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (pbwordid) LEFT JOIN pb_examples USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_aspects USING (aspectid) LEFT JOIN pb_forms USING (formid) LEFT JOIN pb_tenses USING (tenseid) LEFT JOIN pb_voices USING (voiceid) LEFT JOIN pb_persons USING (personid) WHERE exampleid IS NOT NULL AND word LIKE 'ab%' ORDER BY rolesetid, exampleid LIMIT 20
abandonabandon.01leave behind5Consumers Power Co. , now the main unit of CMS Energy , ran into financial problems over its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant , which was abandoned as a nuclear facility in 1984 because of construction delays and high costs .
abandonabandon.01leave behind6And they believe the Big Board, under Mr. Phelan, has abandoned their interest.
abandonabandon.02exchange7One Colombian drug boss, upon hearing in 1987 that Gen. Noriega was negotiating with the U.S. [*] to abandon his command for a comfortable exile, sent him a hand-sized mahogany coffin engraved with his name.infinitiveactive
abandonabandon.03surrender, give_over8Once he had abandoned himself to the very worst, once he had quieted all the dragons of worry and suspense, there would n't be very much for Mae to do.
abaseabase.01to lower in estimation, humble9If He seem to frown, you are then to abase yourselves as miserable wretches.
abaseabase.01to lower in estimation, humble10He felt they were degrading him by making him report to a supervisor.
abashabash.01cause shame11Naturally, John-1 was rather abashed *-1 at the prospect of meeting a couple who had taken an interest in him and the college.
abateabate.01to decrease, become less strong12Economists consider that a sign that inflationary pressures are abating .participleprogressivepresentactive
abateabate.01to decrease, become less strong13What [*T*-1] 's more , the corporate borrowing binge has n't abated in the past two years .participleperfectpresentthirdactive
abbreviateabbreviate.01make shorter, especially words14He secretly planned and founded the "Palestinian National Liberation Movement," abbreviated *none* the "FATAH."fullpastpassive
abbreviateabbreviate.01make shorter, especially words15His abbreviation of urethral catheter out to UCO was confused for urinary catheter out.
abdicateabdicate.01to relinquish (power or responsibility)16Which Bourbon king was restored to the French throne during Napoleon 's abdication ?
abdicateabdicate.01to relinquish (power or responsibility)17By [*-1] ignoring costs , U.S. strategists abdicate their responsibility for hard decisions .fullpresentactive
abdominalabdominal.01of the abdomen18*PRO* Abdominal :
abductabduct.01to carry someone off by force19There are several accounts of this event; however, all center around his abduction of an Amazon queen.
abductabduct.01to carry someone off by force20His solicitor wrote him a letter at the airport, with a copy to the customs authorities, saying that Bella had evidence he was drinking and unfit to have the care of [the child], whom-1 he had anyway abducted *trace*-1 without written consent.
abductabduct.02move away from a central axis21His abduction of the left arm is impaired.
aberrateaberrate.01diverge from what is expected22"Ymirites do not aberrate in such fashion," said Thua stiffly.
aberrateaberrate.01diverge from what is expected23Few words have aberrated from their primaries less than this
aberrateaberrate.01diverge from what is expected24This apparent ellipse of motion of the star is called the aberration of starlight.
examples with passive
SELECT word,rolesetname,rolesetdescr,exampleid,`text`,form,aspect,tense,person,voice FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (pbwordid) LEFT JOIN pb_examples USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_aspects USING (aspectid) LEFT JOIN pb_forms USING (formid) LEFT JOIN pb_tenses USING (tenseid) LEFT JOIN pb_voices USING (voiceid) LEFT JOIN pb_persons USING (personid) WHERE voice = 'passive' ORDER BY rolesetid, exampleid LIMIT 50,70
autographautograph.01to sign1173`` I feel like a little kid , '' says a gleeful Alex de Castro , a car salesman , who has stopped by a workout of the Suns to slip six Campaneris cards to the Great Man Himself [0] [*T*-4]to be autographed [*-30] .infinitivepassive
autopsyautopsy.01perform a post-mortem dissection in search of cause of death1179[Twenty-two]-1 patients were autopsied *trace*-1 for brain damage.participlepastthirdpassive
bakebake.01create via heat1313[The bread]*-2 baked [*-2]from this mixture is light in color and fragrant in aroma.participlepassive
bakebake.01create via heat1314Today whole grains are freshly ground every day and baked into bread.participlepresentpassive
balancebalance.01establish a balance13182 . In seeking approval of a TRO, the prosecutor must articulate [any anticipated impact that forfeiture and the TRO would have on innocent third parties]-2, balanced *trace*-2 against the government's need to preserve the assets.participlepassive
ballyhooballyhoo.01advertise noisily or blatantly1334[The problem]-1 is being ballyhooed *trace*-1, experts say, because the 486 is Intel's future flagship.participleprogressivepresentthirdpassive
bandage_upbandage_up.03bandage completely1345But she 's like she had to have [her hand]-1 bandaged *trace*-1 up and stuffparticiplepastthirdpassive
bandy_aboutbandy_about.01discuss casually1346Some investors [whose names]*-1 [*T*-2] were bandied [*-1] about by traders as potential UAL stock buyers said [0] they weren't buying .participlepastpassive
banishbanish.01send away, expel1356Meanwhile, they tackle the mounds of paper -- and fantasize about a dream world where [bulk-mail postal regulations and government inspectors]*-1 are banished [*-1].participlepresentpassive
bank_upbank_up.03create an embankment1367It was a long, low room, like a root cellar, for [it]*-1 was banked [*-1]up with soil, and vines had run [*-2] rampant over that, too.participlepastthirdpassive
barbbarb.01cause to have barbs1380The company claims a 40% share of the U.S. field fence business, a 35% share of poultry netting sales and a 30% share of barbed wire sales.participlepassive
barterbarter.01trade1414[What Aeroflot doesn't pour into its own gas-guzzling Ilyushins]*-1 is bartered [*-1]to the airport authority, which resells it to 11 Western carriers including Air France, Trans World Airlines and Pakistan International Airlines.participlepresentthirdpassive
bastebaste.01moisten periodically with liquid while cooking1429[The chicken]-1 must be repeatedly basted *trace*-1.participlepresentthirdpassive
bastebaste.03stitch together loosely1434[The waist]-1 may be basted *trace*-1 to the outside piece of the bandparticiplepresentthirdpassive
bat_inbat_in.03bring in runs by hitting a baseball1445They combined for 25 hits, six home runs and [24 runs]*-1 batted in [*-1]in the five games against the Cubs.participlepassive
bathebathe.01have a bath, giving or having a that the whole place was bathed in the maximum of light without any point admitting even so much as a crack of glare.participlepastthirdpassive
beadbead.02apply beads to1490[Faux pearls]-1 were beaded *trace*-1 onto slightly stretchy jewelry sting.participlepresentthirdpassive
beadbead.02apply beads to1491[Seed pearls]-1 were beaded *trace*-1 into patterns to create fanciful images of flowers.participlepastthirdpassive
beambeam.01to emit or transmit1493He gives pep talks in [periodic `` family briefings '']*-1 beamed [*-1]internationally on `` FXTV , '' the company 's own television network .participlepassive
beleaguerbeleaguer.01harass1597American Express Co. and General Motors Corp.'s beleaguered Buick division are joining forces in a promotion aimed at boosting Buick's sales while encouraging broader use of the American Express card.participlepassive
beltbelt.02deliver a blow to, possibly with a belt1619A split second before [he]-1 was belted *trace*-1, Crompton unloaded a pass to Williams.participlepastthirdpassive
beltbelt.02deliver a blow to, possibly with a belt1620[Inland regions]-1 were belted *trace*-1 with wet snow, while rain, slush socked the shoreline.participlepresentthirdpassive
beltbelt.03fasten with a belt1622[The waist]-1 is belted *trace*-1 with a matching suede sash.participlepresentthirdpassive
besiegebesiege.01to surround or harass (as with questions or requests)1663GE Chairman John Welch has been `` besieged with phone calls '' complaining about his unit 's program trading , according to a person close to him .participleperfectpresentthirdpassive
bestowbestow.01to present, give as a gift1667[The Bravo Zulu award , the Navy accolade for a `` job well done [*] , '']*-1 is bestowed [*-1] on Federal 's workers who [*T*-2] surpass the call of duty .participlepresentpassive
betraybetray.01treason1684Next, he continued to court the communists -- many of whom [*T*-1] feel betrayed by the left-right coalition's birth -- by bringing into PASOK a well-respected Communist Party candidate.participlepassive
betraybetray.01treason1685``I felt betrayed,'' he later said.participlepassive
bewitchbewitch.01entrance1697That list includes last season's champs, the Los Angeles Dodgers, who rode a miracle home run by Kirk Gibson and two faultless pitching performances by Orel Hershiser to a five-game triumph over a bewitched, bothered Oakland crew.participlepassive
biasbias.01display a bias1698Obviously I am biased as I am an independant mortgage adviser but...participlepassive
biasbias.01display a bias1702The department's Office of Thrift Supervision said that doesn't necessarily mean [thrifts]*-1 are biased [*-1], but conceded that it doesn't have data about applicants to determine why blacks are rejected more often.participlepassive
billbill.02describe1750[That complex bid]-1 was billed *trace*-1 as France's largest takeover ever (this one is slightly smaller).participlepastpassive
bindbind.01attach tightly, physically or metaphorically., constricting physically1758He was bound by a recognizance to not communicate with his ex-girlfriend.infinitivepassive
bindbind.01attach tightly, physically or metaphorically., constricting physically1762The fundamental rule of contract law applied to both cases was that courts will not enforce agreements to which [the parties]-1 did not intend *trace*-1 to be bound *[*T] *.infinitivepassive
bindbind.01attach tightly, physically or metaphorically., constricting physically1763In the Pennzoil/Texaco litigation, the courts found [Pennzoil and Getty Oil]-3 intended *trace* to be bound *trace*-3; in Arcadian Phosphates they found there was no intention to be bound.infinitivepassive
bitebite.01to cut or tear with or as if with the teeth, nom/partitive-quant1795When it comes to money [*T*-1] : Once [*-3]bitten [*-2] , [*] 2,000 times shy .participlepassive
black_outblack_out.03cause to not emit light1815In this way, while the Stick itself was blacked out, we kept up to date on events.participlepastthirdpassive
blackenblacken.01(cause to) become black in color1817Although Exxon spent heavily during the latest quarter [*-2] to clean up [the Alaskan shoreline]*-2 blackened [*-2] by its huge oil spill , those expenses as well as the cost of a continuing spill-related program are covered [*-1] by $ 880 million [*U*] in charges taken [*] during the first half .participlepresentpassive
blessbless.01bless, act of saying prayer, bestowing happiness/wellbeing1895To Mr. Engelken, it is also a story ``about love, because I'm blessed to have a wife who still thinks her slightly eccentric husband's 50th birthday deserves the ultimate present.''participlepresentpassive
blessbless.01bless, act of saying prayer, bestowing happiness/wellbeing1898Though [I've]-1 been blessed *trace*-1 with academic degrees and some success in the materialistic world, I've never forgotten or lost contact with those memories of the 1930s.participleperfectpresentpassive
blindblind.01cause to be unable to see1900He was blinded to the law by his own obsessions.participlepassive
blindblind.01cause to be unable to see1902Clearly you are too blinded by your personal selfishness and greed to see and feel the rain falling on your head from your Tea Party overlords.participlepastthirdpassive
blindblind.01cause to be unable to see1904[One man]*-2, badly burned about the face and eyes by an arc welding torch, was blinded [*-2]and could not find a doctor at the time.participlepastthirdpassive
blindblind.01cause to be unable to see1905[She]*-1 lived by the rules, [*-1]never compromising, never blinded or diverted [*-2] by circumstance.participlepassive
blindfoldblindfold.01cover the eyes1908When it comes to investing, trying to weigh risk and reward can seem like [*] throwing darts blindfolded: Investors don't know the actual returns that securities will deliver, or the ups and downs that will occur along the way.participlepassive
blowblow.01cause motion by air current1954Battle-tested Japanese industrial managers here always buck up nervous newcomers with the tale of the first of their countrymen to visit Mexico , [a boatload]-3 of samurai warriors blown *trace*-3 ashore 375 years ago.participlepresentpassive
blow_upblow_up.05inflate1982``[The balloon]-2 had been blown *trace*-2 up so big that when somebody came along with a pin -- in this case the UAL deal -- we got a little pop.''participleperfectpastpassive
bludgeonbludgeon.01hit hard1991First Interstate said [the unit]-2, bludgeoned *trace*-2 by Arizona's worsening real-estate woes, will have a $174 million loss for the quarter.participlepassive
bombbomb.01to attack or damage, attacking with bombs2052And only last week [the newspaper Vanguardia Liberal in the city of Bucaramanga]*-1 was bombed [*-1], and its installations destroyed [*-2] .participlepastpassive
bondbond.02secure with financial bond2060The air-waybill number was changed en route, and paper work showing that the crates had cleared customs was misplaced, so it was a week before three of the four crates could be located in a bonded warehouse and the Gauguin discovered missing.participlepassive
booboo.01express disapproval, express disapproval by saying "boooooo"2067[John]-1 was booed *trace*-1 for playing to the peanut gallery.participlepastthirdpassive
bootlegbootleg.01copy or manufacture illegally2106In September 1971 California officials seized ``bootlegged''lenses -- made by unlicensed companies -- after some showed traces ofbacteria.participlepassive
borderborder.01(cause to) be one the edge of2112Still, it was in Argentine editions that his countrymen first read his story of Pascal Duarte, a field worker who stabbed his mother to death and has no regrets as he awaits his end in a prison cell: ``Fate directs some men down the flower-bordered path, and others down [the road]-1 bordered *trace*-1 with thistles and prickly pears.participlepresentpassive
borebore.08be dull, experiencing boredom2120But she was bored with him and ended the relationship.participlepastthirdpassive
borebore.08be dull, experiencing boredom2123Mr. Azoff reportedly was bored and frequently clashed with top MCA management over a number of issues such as compensation and business plans.participlepastthirdpassive
borebore.08be dull, experiencing boredom2127Ettore would say it was boring to have a normal house, you have to change things around all the time.participlepastthirdpassive
boundbound.05be destined for2157Reports are flying that pop princess Britney Spears is bound for bachelorette-hood once again.infinitivepassive
boundbound.05be destined for2158[It]-1 is rumored *trace* to be bound *trace*-1 for a newmodel in the luxury Acura line in the U.S., but Honda officialswouldn't comment.infinitivepassive
boycottboycott.01avoid for political reasons, avoid, in protest2184[The vote in Ankara]-2 was boycotted *trace*-2 by opposition politicians, who vowed to oust Ozal.participlepastthirdpassive
breadbread.01coat/cover with bread2223Using direct mail for a TV show is like fishing for whale with a breaded hook.participlepassive
briefbrief.01give a summary of information2330Administration officials say [President Bush]-1 was briefed *trace*-1 throughout Friday afternoon and evening, even after leaving for Camp David.participlepresentpassive
bring_onbring_on.06cause onset2352I do n't want to guess their specific motives , but it seems to me that such an arrangement could be very advanategous for those nations in the event of a crisis brought * on by peak oil .participlepastthirdpassive
broadcastbroadcast.01to transmit or announce2375[Last year 's series]*-1, broadcast [*-1]by General Electric Co. 's NBC , was the lowest-rated Series in four years ; instead of [*] featuring a major East Coast team against a West Coast team , it pitted the Los Angeles Dodgers against the losing Oakland A's .participlepassive
bruisebruise.01bruise, causing to become or becoming bruised2404NO MORE STUBBED toes or bruised shins, promises Geste Corp. of Goshen, Ind., the designer of a bed support to replace traditional frames.participlepassive
brushbrush.01to rub, clean, or remove with or as if with a brush, rubbing2409Mr. Broderick , the Massachusetts grower , says [0] the `` big boss '' at a supermarket chain even rejected his Red Delicious recently because [they]*-1 were n't waxed and brushed [*-1] for extra shine .participlepastpassive
budgetbudget.01allocate money to some purpose2441Knowledgeable employees said the retrofitting, which *trace* hadn't yet been budgeted *trace*-1, was part of a planned, three-stage reinforcement of the Cypress structure begun by the California transportation department several years ago.participleperfectpastpassive
budgetbudget.01allocate money to some purpose2442[The move]-1, budgeted *trace*-1 at about $7 million, actually came in at about $10 million, he said.participlepassive
budgetbudget.01allocate money to some purpose2443Mitsubishi is also pushing ahead with a controversial plan to redevelop Marunouchi into a business center of high-tech buildings, [a project]-2 budgeted *trace*-2 for 30 years and six trillion yen.participlepresentpassive
bulldozebulldoze.01destroy with a bulldozer2478``If Flynn hadn't lived there, the property might have been priced $1 million lower,'' says Mr. Rambo, noting that [Flynn's house]*-1 has been bulldozed [*-1], and only the swimming pool remains.participleperfectpresentthirdpassive
bumpbump.02move slightly2492Conceivably, in a scaled-back buy-out, [they]-2 could be bumped *trace*-2 back to coach seats for life.participlepassive
bunch_upbunch_up.02bunch up (completive)2499Most new saloons were small and the bars short , accommodating with difficulty the many bunched up *trace*, in ranks , if you will , calling for whiskey .participlepastthirdpassive
examples with infinitive
SELECT word,rolesetname,rolesetdescr,exampleid,`text`,form,aspect,tense,person,voice FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (pbwordid) LEFT JOIN pb_examples USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_aspects USING (aspectid) LEFT JOIN pb_forms USING (formid) LEFT JOIN pb_tenses USING (tenseid) LEFT JOIN pb_voices USING (voiceid) LEFT JOIN pb_persons USING (personid) WHERE form = 'infinitive' ORDER BY rolesetid, exampleid LIMIT 20
abandonabandon.02exchange7One Colombian drug boss, upon hearing in 1987 that Gen. Noriega was negotiating with the U.S. [*] to abandon his command for a comfortable exile, sent him a hand-sized mahogany coffin engraved with his name.infinitiveactive
abideabide.01conform to29Saturday, he amended his remarks to say that [he]-1 would continue *trace*-1 to abide by the cease-fire if the U.S. ends its financial support for the Contras.infinitive
absorbabsorb.01suck up76[Allstate]-1 is expected *trace*-1 to absorb another big hit in the fourth quarter as claims pour in from the San Francisco earthquake.infinitive
accessaccess.01access, gain entry129Disk drives, which allow a computer to access its memory, generated 38% more revenue in the most recent period compared with the fiscal first quarter a year earlier.infinitive
acclaimacclaim.01approve of loudly139On Oct. 3, following conversations with Secretary of State James Baker,[Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze]-1 arrived in Managua [*-1} to acclaim ``Nicaragua's great peace efforts.''infinitiveactive
accommodateaccommodate.01allow, be helpful142It was that oddly shaped space at the very top of the house , where ceiling heights had *PRO* to accommodate themselves to the varying angles of roof slope .infinitivepastthirdactive
accordaccord.01to give155Several of the city's black leaders, including Democratic mayoralnominee David Dinkins, have spoken out for racial gerrymandering [*0][*T*-1]to accord blacks and Hispanics ``the fullest opportunity forrepresentation.''infinitiveactive
acquiesceacquiesce.01comply passively220A key is whether [House Republicans]-2 are willing *trace*-2 to acquiesce to their Senate colleagues' decision to drop many pet provisions.infinitive
acquitacquit.01relieve of guilt226Ultimately, [that carefully picked jury]-1 deadlocked with a 10-2 vote *trace* *trace*-1 to acquit, and the prosecution decided not to retry the case.infinitiveactive
adaptadapt.01make (more) suitable, becoming or making more accustomed or suitable, cause to fit259And [surprising numbers of small investors]-1 seem *trace*-1 to be adapting to greater stock market volatility and say they can live with program trading.infinitiveactive
addressaddress.02deal with299[Digital]-2 hopes *trace*-2 to address that with the debut of its first mainframe-class computers next Tuesday.infinitive
adhereadhere.02follow (policy, etc)310Opponents of the project had claimed that [the city and the state of New York, which are co-sponsoring the project,]-2 had failed [*-2]to adhere to environmental guidelines.infinitiveactive
administeradminister.01to manage, distribute, or apply338Worse , it remained to [a well-meaning but naive president of the United States]-1 *PRO*-1 to administer the final infamy upon those who fought and died in Vietnam .infinitiveactive
administeradminister.01to manage, distribute, or apply339The idea would be *PRO* to administer to patients the growth-controlling proteins made [*] by healthy versions of the damaged genes .infinitiveactive
aidaid.01help495The Fed chairman 's caution was apparent again on the Monday morning after the market 's plunge , when the central bank took only modest steps [0] [*T*-2]to aid the markets [*T*-1] .infinitive
aidaid.01help496The House , meanwhile , approved $ 2.85 billion [*U*] [0][*T*-1] to aid in the recovery from the temblor and from Hurricane Hugo as state legislators moved toward a temporary sales-tax increase .infinitiveactive
airliftairlift.01to transport in an airlift515Rebel artillerists bombarded the capital of Afghanistan , killing at least 12 people , as [the Soviet Union]-1 was reported [*-1]to be airlifting arms and food to Kabul 's forces .infinitiveprogressiveactive
alertalert.01alert, warn525After discovering that the hacker had taken over the dormant account of a legitimate user named Joe Sventek, he rigged up [an alarm system]-2, including a portable beeper, *trace* *trace*-2 to alert him when Sventek came on the line.infinitive
alertalert.01alert, warn532When the hacker moved, [Mr. Stoll]-1 moved too, *trace* calling up other systems managers *trace*-1 to alert them but keeping his own system open to avoid arousing suspicion.infinitive
allayallay.01to relieve, calm550[*] Seeking [*-3]to allay European concerns , [U.S. Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter]*-3 said in Washington that the new U.S. plan would n't `` put farmers out of business '' but would encourage them to `` grow what the markets desire [*T*-1] instead of what the government wants [*T*-2] . ''infinitiveactive
word's examples broken into arguments
SELECT word,rolesetname,rolesetdescr,exampleid,e.`text`,rel,arg,argtypeid,func FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets AS s USING (pbwordid) LEFT JOIN pb_examples AS e USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_rels AS r USING (exampleid) LEFT JOIN pb_args AS a USING (exampleid) LEFT JOIN pb_funcs AS f ON (f.funcid = a.funcid) WHERE word IN ('abandon','admit','accept') ORDER BY rolesetid, e.exampleid, a.argtypeid
abandonabandon.01leave behind5Consumers Power Co. , now the main unit of CMS Energy , ran into financial problems over its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant , which was abandoned as a nuclear facility in 1984 because of construction delays and high costs .abandoned[which][its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant]1
abandonabandon.01leave behind5Consumers Power Co. , now the main unit of CMS Energy , ran into financial problems over its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant , which was abandoned as a nuclear facility in 1984 because of construction delays and high costs .abandonedas a nuclear facility2
abandonabandon.01leave behind5Consumers Power Co. , now the main unit of CMS Energy , ran into financial problems over its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant , which was abandoned as a nuclear facility in 1984 because of construction delays and high costs .abandonedin 1984MTMP
abandonabandon.01leave behind5Consumers Power Co. , now the main unit of CMS Energy , ran into financial problems over its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant , which was abandoned as a nuclear facility in 1984 because of construction delays and high costs .abandonedbecause of construction delays and high costsMCAU
abandonabandon.01leave behind6And they believe the Big Board, under Mr. Phelan, has abandoned their interest.abandonedthe Big Board0
abandonabandon.01leave behind6And they believe the Big Board, under Mr. Phelan, has abandoned their interest.abandonedtheir interest1
abandonabandon.01leave behind6And they believe the Big Board, under Mr. Phelan, has abandoned their interest.abandonedunder Mr. PhelanMADV
abandonabandon.02exchange7One Colombian drug boss, upon hearing in 1987 that Gen. Noriega was negotiating with the U.S. [*] to abandon his command for a comfortable exile, sent him a hand-sized mahogany coffin engraved with his name.abandon[*] -> Gen. Noriega0
abandonabandon.02exchange7One Colombian drug boss, upon hearing in 1987 that Gen. Noriega was negotiating with the U.S. [*] to abandon his command for a comfortable exile, sent him a hand-sized mahogany coffin engraved with his name.abandonhis command1
abandonabandon.02exchange7One Colombian drug boss, upon hearing in 1987 that Gen. Noriega was negotiating with the U.S. [*] to abandon his command for a comfortable exile, sent him a hand-sized mahogany coffin engraved with his name.abandonfor a comfortable exile2
abandonabandon.03surrender, give_over8Once he had abandoned himself to the very worst, once he had quieted all the dragons of worry and suspense, there would n't be very much for Mae to do.abandonedhe0
abandonabandon.03surrender, give_over8Once he had abandoned himself to the very worst, once he had quieted all the dragons of worry and suspense, there would n't be very much for Mae to do.abandonedhimself1
abandonabandon.03surrender, give_over8Once he had abandoned himself to the very worst, once he had quieted all the dragons of worry and suspense, there would n't be very much for Mae to do.abandonedto the very worst2
acceptaccept.01take willingly113At a glance you can find information such as regional and seasonal variations in sales , or market acceptance of a given product .acceptancemarket0
acceptaccept.01take willingly113At a glance you can find information such as regional and seasonal variations in sales , or market acceptance of a given product .acceptanceof a given product1
acceptaccept.01take willingly114Their acceptance of the literal truth of the Bible made them reject any theory of natural evolution.acceptanceTheir0
acceptaccept.01take willingly114Their acceptance of the literal truth of the Bible made them reject any theory of natural evolution.acceptanceof the literal truth of the Bible1
acceptaccept.01take willingly115government acceptance of its bid for control of Jaguaracceptancegovernment0
acceptaccept.01take willingly115government acceptance of its bid for control of Jaguaracceptanceof its bid for control of Jaguar1
acceptaccept.01take willingly116In accordance with our acceptance of funds from the U.S. Treasury, cash dividends on common stock are not permitted without prior approval from the U.S.acceptanceOur0
acceptaccept.01take willingly116In accordance with our acceptance of funds from the U.S. Treasury, cash dividends on common stock are not permitted without prior approval from the U.S.acceptanceof funds1
acceptaccept.01take willingly116In accordance with our acceptance of funds from the U.S. Treasury, cash dividends on common stock are not permitted without prior approval from the U.S.acceptancefrom the U.S. Treasury2
acceptaccept.01take willingly117The acceptance of the baby as her own required the lamb to smell the same as the ewe's own offspring.acceptanceof the baby1
acceptaccept.01take willingly117The acceptance of the baby as her own required the lamb to smell the same as the ewe's own offspring.acceptanceas her own3
acceptaccept.01take willingly118The companies prevent [them]-1 from *trace*-1 accepting our superior cash offer.accepting*trace*-1 (= them)0
acceptaccept.01take willingly118The companies prevent [them]-1 from *trace*-1 accepting our superior cash offer.acceptingour superior cash offer1
acceptaccept.01take willingly119There are [many practices]-1 historically accepted *trace*-1 as normal here.accepted*trace*-1 (= many practices)1
acceptaccept.01take willingly119There are [many practices]-1 historically accepted *trace*-1 as normal here.acceptedas normal3
acceptaccept.01take willingly119There are [many practices]-1 historically accepted *trace*-1 as normal here.acceptedhereMLOC
acceptaccept.01take willingly119There are [many practices]-1 historically accepted *trace*-1 as normal here.acceptedhistoricallyMTMP
acceptaccept.01take willingly120He wouldn't accept anything of value from those he was writing about.acceptHe0
acceptaccept.01take willingly120He wouldn't accept anything of value from those he was writing about.acceptanything of value1
acceptaccept.01take willingly120He wouldn't accept anything of value from those he was writing about.acceptfrom those he was writing about2
acceptaccept.01take willingly120He wouldn't accept anything of value from those he was writing about.acceptn'tMNEG
acceptaccept.01take willingly120He wouldn't accept anything of value from those he was writing about.acceptwouldMMOD
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth345Peter Li , the Singaporean who produced both Sun Yan Zi and My Desire Happiness for Sun , admits that she was n't an outstanding student at his music academy , and that her rapid success has surprised many people .admitsPeter Li , the Singaporean who produced both Sun Yan Zi and My Desire Happiness for Sun ,0
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth345Peter Li , the Singaporean who produced both Sun Yan Zi and My Desire Happiness for Sun , admits that she was n't an outstanding student at his music academy , and that her rapid success has surprised many people .admitsthat she was n't an outstanding student at his music academy , and that her rapid success has surprised many people1
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth346Only once we admit this to ourselves individually and as a nation can the true healing begin .admitwe0
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth346Only once we admit this to ourselves individually and as a nation can the true healing begin .admitthis1
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth346Only once we admit this to ourselves individually and as a nation can the true healing begin .admitto ourselves2
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth346Only once we admit this to ourselves individually and as a nation can the true healing begin .admitindividually and as a nationMMNR
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth347Kemmick's blog entry starts with his admission of addiction to the Montana News.admissionhis0
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth347Kemmick's blog entry starts with his admission of addiction to the Montana News.admissionof addiction1
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth347Kemmick's blog entry starts with his admission of addiction to the Montana News.admissionto the Montana News2
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth348any admission or denial of guilt by Mr. Holmesadmissionby Mr. Holmes0
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth348any admission or denial of guilt by Mr. Holmesadmissionof guilt1
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth349Ramon Garcia, the Asset Trust's executive trustee, admits to what he calls ``temporary setbacks.''admitsRamon Garcia, the Asset Trust's executive trustee,0
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth349Ramon Garcia, the Asset Trust's executive trustee, admits to what he calls ``temporary setbacks.''admitsto what he calls ``temporary setbacks1
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth350The charity admits spending a lot on fund raising, but says that was necessary to establish a donor base it can tap at much lower cost in years to come.admitsThe charity0
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth350The charity admits spending a lot on fund raising, but says that was necessary to establish a donor base it can tap at much lower cost in years to come.admitsspending a lot on fund raising1
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth351``[We've had a few bombs]-1,'' admits *trace*-1 Mr. Peters.admitsMr. Peters0
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth351``[We've had a few bombs]-1,'' admits *trace*-1 Mr. Peters.admits*trace*-11
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth352Do the mavs want Josh Howard gone because of his admitting that he smokes weed in the off-season?admittinghis0
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth352Do the mavs want Josh Howard gone because of his admitting that he smokes weed in the off-season?admittingthat he smokes weed in the off-season1
admitadmit.02allow to enter353For example , P.K. Chiang , chairman of the Council for Economic Planning and Development , visited Macau shortly before the handover , and even figures such as mainland democracy activist Wu'er Kaixi have been admitted to Macau on their way to the mainland - though the mainland authorities of course refused to allow Wu'er to cross into the PRC .admittedeven figures such as mainland democracy activist Wu'er Kaixi1
admitadmit.02allow to enter353For example , P.K. Chiang , chairman of the Council for Economic Planning and Development , visited Macau shortly before the handover , and even figures such as mainland democracy activist Wu'er Kaixi have been admitted to Macau on their way to the mainland - though the mainland authorities of course refused to allow Wu'er to cross into the PRC .admittedto Macau2
admitadmit.02allow to enter353For example , P.K. Chiang , chairman of the Council for Economic Planning and Development , visited Macau shortly before the handover , and even figures such as mainland democracy activist Wu'er Kaixi have been admitted to Macau on their way to the mainland - though the mainland authorities of course refused to allow Wu'er to cross into the PRC .admittedon their way to the mainlandMTMP
admitadmit.02allow to enter353For example , P.K. Chiang , chairman of the Council for Economic Planning and Development , visited Macau shortly before the handover , and even figures such as mainland democracy activist Wu'er Kaixi have been admitted to Macau on their way to the mainland - though the mainland authorities of course refused to allow Wu'er to cross into the PRC .admittedthough the mainland authorities of course refused to allow Wu'er to cross into the PRCMADV
admitadmit.02allow to enter354Sally was a little jealous of Jane's admission to the Academy of Sciences.admissionJane's1
admitadmit.02allow to enter354Sally was a little jealous of Jane's admission to the Academy of Sciences.admissionto the Academy of Sciences2
admitadmit.02allow to enter355Her condition required frequent hospital admissions.admissionshospital2
admitadmit.02allow to enter355Her condition required frequent hospital admissions.admissionsfrequentMTMP
admitadmit.02allow to enter356Their nation is seeking admission into the EU.admissioninto the EU2
admitadmit.02allow to enter357the doctors wouldn't admit him to the hospitaladmitthe doctors0
admitadmit.02allow to enter357the doctors wouldn't admit him to the hospitaladmithim1
admitadmit.02allow to enter357the doctors wouldn't admit him to the hospitaladmitto the hospital2
admitadmit.02allow to enter357the doctors wouldn't admit him to the hospitaladmitn'tMNEG
admitadmit.02allow to enter357the doctors wouldn't admit him to the hospitaladmitwouldMMOD
admitadmit.02allow to enter358Previous to their admitting him to the hospital, they had telephoned social services.admittingtheir0
admitadmit.02allow to enter358Previous to their admitting him to the hospital, they had telephoned social services.admittinghim1
admitadmit.02allow to enter358Previous to their admitting him to the hospital, they had telephoned social services.admittingto the hospital2
word's examples broken down into logical formid
SELECT word,rolesetname,rolesetdescr,exampleid,e.`text`,CONCAT(rel,'(',GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('[',a.argtypeid,']{',r.roledescr,'}->',arg) ORDER BY a.argtypeid),')') AS analysis FROM pb_words LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets AS s USING (pbwordid) LEFT JOIN pb_examples AS e USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_rels AS f USING (exampleid) LEFT JOIN pb_args AS a USING (exampleid) LEFT JOIN pb_roles AS r ON (s.rolesetid = r.rolesetid AND r.argtypeid = a.argtypeid) WHERE word IN ('abandon','admit','accept') GROUP BY exampleid,e.`text`,word,s.rolesetid,rolesetname,rolesetdescr,e.`text`,rel ORDER BY s.rolesetid, e.exampleid
abandonabandon.01leave behind5Consumers Power Co. , now the main unit of CMS Energy , ran into financial problems over its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant , which was abandoned as a nuclear facility in 1984 because of construction delays and high costs .abandoned([1]{thing abandoned, left behind}->[which][its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant],[2]{attribute of arg1}->as a nuclear facility)
abandonabandon.01leave behind6And they believe the Big Board, under Mr. Phelan, has abandoned their interest.abandoned([0]{abandoner}->the Big Board,[1]{thing abandoned, left behind}->their interest)
abandonabandon.02exchange7One Colombian drug boss, upon hearing in 1987 that Gen. Noriega was negotiating with the U.S. [*] to abandon his command for a comfortable exile, sent him a hand-sized mahogany coffin engraved with his name.abandon([0]{abandoner}->[*] -> Gen. Noriega,[1]{thing abandoned, left behind}->his command,[2]{preferred item}->for a comfortable exile)
abandonabandon.03surrender, give_over8Once he had abandoned himself to the very worst, once he had quieted all the dragons of worry and suspense, there would n't be very much for Mae to do.abandoned([0]{entity abandoning something}->he,[1]{thing abandoned}->himself,[2]{benefactive, abandoned-to}->to the very worst)
acceptaccept.01take willingly113At a glance you can find information such as regional and seasonal variations in sales , or market acceptance of a given product .acceptance([0]{acceptor}->market,[1]{thing accepted}->of a given product)
acceptaccept.01take willingly114Their acceptance of the literal truth of the Bible made them reject any theory of natural evolution.acceptance([0]{acceptor}->Their,[1]{thing accepted}->of the literal truth of the Bible)
acceptaccept.01take willingly115government acceptance of its bid for control of Jaguaracceptance([0]{acceptor}->government,[1]{thing accepted}->of its bid for control of Jaguar)
acceptaccept.01take willingly116In accordance with our acceptance of funds from the U.S. Treasury, cash dividends on common stock are not permitted without prior approval from the U.S.acceptance([0]{acceptor}->Our,[1]{thing accepted}->of funds,[2]{accepted-from}->from the U.S. Treasury)
acceptaccept.01take willingly117The acceptance of the baby as her own required the lamb to smell the same as the ewe's own offspring.acceptance([1]{thing accepted}->of the baby,[3]{attribute}->as her own)
acceptaccept.01take willingly118The companies prevent [them]-1 from *trace*-1 accepting our superior cash offer.accepting([0]{acceptor}->*trace*-1 (= them),[1]{thing accepted}->our superior cash offer)
acceptaccept.01take willingly119There are [many practices]-1 historically accepted *trace*-1 as normal here.accepted([1]{thing accepted}->*trace*-1 (= many practices),[3]{attribute}->as normal)
acceptaccept.01take willingly120He wouldn't accept anything of value from those he was writing about.accept([0]{acceptor}->He,[1]{thing accepted}->anything of value,[2]{accepted-from}->from those he was writing about)
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth345Peter Li , the Singaporean who produced both Sun Yan Zi and My Desire Happiness for Sun , admits that she was n't an outstanding student at his music academy , and that her rapid success has surprised many people .admits([0]{admitter}->Peter Li , the Singaporean who produced both Sun Yan Zi and My Desire Happiness for Sun ,,[1]{truth}->that she was n't an outstanding student at his music academy , and that her rapid success has surprised many people)
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth346Only once we admit this to ourselves individually and as a nation can the true healing begin .admit([0]{admitter}->we,[1]{truth}->this,[2]{hearer}->to ourselves)
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth347Kemmick's blog entry starts with his admission of addiction to the Montana News.admission([0]{admitter}->his,[1]{truth}->of addiction,[2]{hearer}->to the Montana News)
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth348any admission or denial of guilt by Mr. Holmesadmission([0]{admitter}->by Mr. Holmes,[1]{truth}->of guilt)
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth349Ramon Garcia, the Asset Trust's executive trustee, admits to what he calls ``temporary setbacks.''admits([0]{admitter}->Ramon Garcia, the Asset Trust's executive trustee,,[1]{truth}->to what he calls ``temporary setbacks)
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth350The charity admits spending a lot on fund raising, but says that was necessary to establish a donor base it can tap at much lower cost in years to come.admits([0]{admitter}->The charity,[1]{truth}->spending a lot on fund raising)
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth351``[We've had a few bombs]-1,'' admits *trace*-1 Mr. Peters.admits([0]{admitter}->Mr. Peters,[1]{truth}->*trace*-1)
admitadmit.01acknowledge truth352Do the mavs want Josh Howard gone because of his admitting that he smokes weed in the off-season?admitting([0]{admitter}->his,[1]{truth}->that he smokes weed in the off-season)
admitadmit.02allow to enter353For example , P.K. Chiang , chairman of the Council for Economic Planning and Development , visited Macau shortly before the handover , and even figures such as mainland democracy activist Wu'er Kaixi have been admitted to Macau on their way to the mainland - though the mainland authorities of course refused to allow Wu'er to cross into the PRC .admitted([1]{enterer}->even figures such as mainland democracy activist Wu'er Kaixi,[2]{place entered}->to Macau)
admitadmit.02allow to enter354Sally was a little jealous of Jane's admission to the Academy of Sciences.admission([1]{enterer}->Jane's,[2]{place entered}->to the Academy of Sciences)
admitadmit.02allow to enter355Her condition required frequent hospital admissions.admissions([2]{place entered}->hospital)
admitadmit.02allow to enter356Their nation is seeking admission into the EU.admission([2]{place entered}->into the EU)
admitadmit.02allow to enter357the doctors wouldn't admit him to the hospitaladmit([0]{allower (ticket)}->the doctors,[1]{enterer}->him,[2]{place entered}->to the hospital)
admitadmit.02allow to enter358Previous to their admitting him to the hospital, they had telephoned social services.admitting([0]{allower (ticket)}->their,[1]{enterer}->him,[2]{place entered}->to the hospital)
SELECT * FROM pb_funcs
1ADVadverbial modification
9MODgeneral modification
11PNCpurpose no cause
12PRDsecondary predication
13PRPpurpose (deprecated)
14RCLrelative clause
funcid distribution
SELECT funcid, func, funcdescr, COUNT(*) AS c FROM pb_roles LEFT JOIN pb_funcs USING (funcid) GROUP BY funcid ORDER BY c DESC
12PRDsecondary predication1106
13PRPpurpose (deprecated)118
1ADVadverbial modification14
funcid having 1 occurrence
SELECT func,GROUP_CONCAT(argid) FROM pb_args LEFT JOIN pb_funcs USING (funcid) GROUP BY funcid HAVING COUNT(*)=1
location of funcid having 1 occurrence
SELECT func,GROUP_CONCAT(argid),GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(rolesethead,'.xml')) FROM pb_args LEFT JOIN pb_funcs USING (funcid) LEFT JOIN pb_examples USING (exampleid) LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (rolesetid) GROUP BY funcid HAVING COUNT(*)=1
distribution of argtypeid in roles
SELECT argtypeid, argtype, COUNT(*) AS c FROM pb_roles LEFT JOIN pb_argtypes USING (argtypeid) GROUP BY argtypeid ORDER BY c DESC
distribution of argtypeid in args
SELECT argtypeid, argtype, COUNT(*) AS c FROM pb_args LEFT JOIN pb_argtypes USING (argtypeid) GROUP BY argtypeid ORDER BY c DESC
verbnet through semlink
propbank-verbnet through semlink
SELECT rolesetname,argtypeid,theta,classtag,roletype FROM pb_pbroles_vnroles AS m LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_roles USING (roleid) LEFT JOIN pb_thetas USING (thetaid) LEFT JOIN vn_classes AS c ON (m.vnclassid = c.classid) LEFT JOIN vn_roles AS r ON (m.vnroleid = r.roleid) LEFT JOIN vn_roletypes AS t ON (r.roletypeid = t.roletypeid) ORDER BY m.rolesetid, argtypeid LIMIT 20
propbank-verbnet through semlink, where roles differ
SELECT rolesetname,argtypeid,theta,classtag,roletype FROM pb_pbroles_vnroles AS m LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_roles USING (roleid) LEFT JOIN pb_thetas USING (thetaid) LEFT JOIN vn_classes AS c ON (m.vnclassid = c.classid) LEFT JOIN vn_roles AS r ON (m.vnroleid = r.roleid) LEFT JOIN vn_roletypes AS t ON (r.roletypeid = t.roletypeid) WHERE roletype <> theta ORDER BY m.rolesetid, argtypeid LIMIT 20
propbank-verbnet through semlink, how roles differ
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pb_pbroles_vnroles AS m LEFT JOIN pb_rolesets USING (rolesetid) LEFT JOIN pb_roles USING (roleid) LEFT JOIN pb_thetas USING (thetaid) LEFT JOIN vn_classes AS c ON (m.vnclassid = c.classid) LEFT JOIN vn_roles AS r ON (m.vnroleid = r.roleid) LEFT JOIN vn_roletypes AS t ON (r.roletypeid = t.roletypeid) WHERE roletype <> theta ORDER BY m.rolesetid, argtypeid
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pb_pbroles_vnroles