members of vn_classes
SELECT class,COUNT(vnwordid) AS N,SUBSTRING(GROUP_CONCAT(word) FROM 1 FOR 80) FROM vn_members INNER JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_words USING (vnwordid) GROUP BY classid ORDER BY N DESC LIMIT 20
animal_sounds-3875animal sounds,baa,bark,bay,bellow,blat,bleat,boom,bray,buzz,cackle,call,caw,chat
judgment-33.1-173acclaim,applaud,approve of,assail,attack,belittle,berate,bless,calumniate,castig
contiguous_location-47.845bestride,blanket,border,bound,bracket,bridge,cap,circle,cloak,contiguous locatio
vn_classes of verb
SELECT word,COUNT(classid) N,SUBSTRING(GROUP_CONCAT(class) FROM 1 FOR 80) FROM vn_members INNER JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_words USING (vnwordid) GROUP BY vnwordid ORDER BY N DESC LIMIT 20
vn class members
SELECT * FROM vn_members LEFT JOIN vn_words USING (vnwordid) ORDER BY classid, word LIMIT 20
131556abide by
541adhere to
22791keep to
vn class member senses
SELECT * FROM vn_members_senses LEFT JOIN vn_words USING (vnwordid) ORDER BY classid, word LIMIT 20
131155643863abide_by%2:41:00::1556abide by
13101556abide by
5413196410847adhere%2:30:00::1adhere to
5411196446862adhere%2:42:00::1adhere to
5412196445481adhere%2:42:02::1adhere to
2279101keep to
vn class "accompany-51.27", selected by id
SELECT * FROM vn_classes INNER JOIN vn_members_senses USING (classid) LEFT JOIN vn_words USING (vnwordid) WHERE classid = 2 ORDER BY word
vn class "accompany-51.27", selected by name
SELECT * FROM vn_classes INNER JOIN vn_members_senses USING (classid) LEFT JOIN vn_words USING (vnwordid) WHERE class LIKE 'accompany%' ORDER BY word
vn class, word, senses
SELECT class,word, GROUP_CONCAT(sensekey) FROM vn_members_senses LEFT JOIN vn_words USING (vnwordid,wordid) LEFT JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) GROUP BY wordid,word,classid,class ORDER BY classid, word LIMIT 20
abide_by-93.2abide byabide_by%2:41:00::
vn role types
SELECT * FROM vn_roletypes
get verbnet thematic roles for verb "want"
SELECT v.word,SUBSTRING(definition FROM 1 FOR 32),class,roletype,restrs FROM words AS w LEFT JOIN senses USING (wordid) LEFT JOIN synsets USING (synsetid) LEFT JOIN vn_words AS v USING (wordid) INNER JOIN vn_members USING (vnwordid) INNER JOIN vn_roles USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_roletypes USING (roletypeid) LEFT JOIN vn_restrs USING (restrsid) INNER JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) WHERE posid='v' AND w.word='want' ORDER BY synsetid,classid,roletype
wordSUBSTRING(definition FROM 1 FOR 32)classroletyperestrs
wantwish or demand the presence ofappoint-29.1Agent<+animate> or <+organization>
wantwish or demand the presence ofappoint-29.1Attribute
wantwish or demand the presence ofappoint-29.1Theme
wantwish or demand the presence ofwant-32.1Pivot<+animate>
wantwish or demand the presence ofwant-32.1Theme
wantwish or demand the presence ofwant-32.1-1Pivot<+animate>
wantwish or demand the presence ofwant-32.1-1Theme
wantwish or demand the presence ofwant-32.1-1-1Pivot<+animate>
wantwish or demand the presence ofwant-32.1-1-1Theme
wanthave need ofappoint-29.1Agent<+animate> or <+organization>
wanthave need ofappoint-29.1Attribute
wanthave need ofappoint-29.1Theme
wanthave need ofwant-32.1Pivot<+animate>
wanthave need ofwant-32.1Theme
wanthave need ofwant-32.1-1Pivot<+animate>
wanthave need ofwant-32.1-1Theme
wanthave need ofwant-32.1-1-1Pivot<+animate>
wanthave need ofwant-32.1-1-1Theme
wanthunt or look for; want for a parappoint-29.1Agent<+animate> or <+organization>
wanthunt or look for; want for a parappoint-29.1Attribute
wanthunt or look for; want for a parappoint-29.1Theme
wanthunt or look for; want for a parwant-32.1Pivot<+animate>
wanthunt or look for; want for a parwant-32.1Theme
wanthunt or look for; want for a parwant-32.1-1Pivot<+animate>
wanthunt or look for; want for a parwant-32.1-1Theme
wanthunt or look for; want for a parwant-32.1-1-1Pivot<+animate>
wanthunt or look for; want for a parwant-32.1-1-1Theme
wantfeel or have a desire for; want appoint-29.1Agent<+animate> or <+organization>
wantfeel or have a desire for; want appoint-29.1Attribute
wantfeel or have a desire for; want appoint-29.1Theme
wantfeel or have a desire for; want want-32.1Pivot<+animate>
wantfeel or have a desire for; want want-32.1Theme
wantfeel or have a desire for; want want-32.1-1Pivot<+animate>
wantfeel or have a desire for; want want-32.1-1Theme
wantfeel or have a desire for; want want-32.1-1-1Pivot<+animate>
wantfeel or have a desire for; want want-32.1-1-1Theme
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iappoint-29.1Agent<+animate> or <+organization>
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iappoint-29.1Attribute
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iappoint-29.1Theme
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iwant-32.1Pivot<+animate>
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iwant-32.1Theme
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iwant-32.1-1Pivot<+animate>
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iwant-32.1-1Theme
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iwant-32.1-1-1Pivot<+animate>
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iwant-32.1-1-1Theme
vn class (and word members) having "Stimulus" role
SELECT class,GROUP_CONCAT(w.word) FROM words AS w LEFT JOIN senses USING (wordid) LEFT JOIN synsets USING (synsetid) LEFT JOIN vn_words AS v USING (wordid) INNER JOIN vn_members USING (vnwordid) INNER JOIN vn_roles USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_roletypes USING (roletypeid) LEFT JOIN vn_restrs USING (restrsid) INNER JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) WHERE roletype = 'Stimulus' GROUP BY class,roleid
change_bodily_state-40.8.4pale,pale,pale,pale,pale,pale,pass out,pass out,pass out,sicken,sicken,sicken,sicken,swoon,swoon,zonk out,zonk out,pale,nod off,black out,black out,black out,blanch,blanch,blench,doze off,drift off,drowse off,faint,faint,faint,faint,faint,faint,faint,faint
encounter-30.5happen upon,find,find,find,find,find,find,find,find,find,find,find,find,meet,meet,meet,meet,meet,meet,meet,meet,meet,meet,meet,meet,meet,find,chance upon,come across,come across,come across,come across,come across,discover,discover,discover,discover,discover,discover,discover,encounter,find,find,find,find,encounter,encounter,encounter,encounter,encounter,encounter,encounter,encounter
marvel-31.3react,reflect,reflect,reflect,reflect,reflect,reflect,reflect,rejoice,rejoice,puzzle,rejoice,react,react,rage,rage,rage,rage,rage,rage,rage,rage,puzzle,seethe,start,hurt,sorrow,sorrow,sorrow,sorrow,sorrow,sicken,sicken,sicken,sicken,revel,seethe,seethe,seethe,salivate,salivate,sadden,sadden,ruminate,ruminate,revel,revel,marvel,mind,mind,mind,mind,mind,mind,mind,mind,mind,mind,mind,mind,marvel,marvel,madden,madden,madden,luxuriate,luxuriate,luxuriate,lose it,hurt,moon,puzzle,obsess,obsess,muse,muse,muse,mourn,mourn,mope,mope,mope,puzzle,moon,moon,moon,moon,moon,moon,moon,moon,moon,mind,tire,wallow,wallow,wallow,triumph,triumph,triumph,triumph,triumph,triumph,tire,tire,wallow,tire,tire,thrill,thrill,thrill,thrill,thrill,thrill,thrill,swoon,swoon,wonder,ache,worry,worry,worry,worry,worry,worry,worry,worry,wonder,wonder,sulk,wonder,wonder,wonder,weep,weary,weary,weary,wallow,wallow,wallow,start,stew,stew,stew,start,start,start,start,start,start,start,start,stew,start,start,start,start,start,start,start,start,star
sight-30.2sight,spot,sniff,sniff,sniff,spot,spot,spot,spot,spot,spot,spot,spot,spot,spot,spot,savor,scent out,sight,savor,scent,scent,scent,scent,scent,scent,sight,sight,sight,sight,sight,sight,sight,sight,view,view,view,view,view,view,view,view,view,view,witness,witness,witness,witness,witness,witness,witness,spot,view,view,view,spy,spy,spy,spy,spy,spy,spot,spot,spot,spot,spot,spot,make out,glimpse,glimpse,glimpse,glimpse,make out,make out,make out,make out,eye,make out,make out,make out,make out,make out,note,note,note,experience,behold,descry,espy,experience,experience,experience,experience,experience,savor,experience,experience,eye,eye,eye,eye,eye,recognize,observe,overhear,perceive,note,perceive,recognize,recognize,recognize,note,recognize,recognize,recognize,recognize,recognize,savor,savor,observe,observe,note,note,note,note,note,note,note,note,observe,observe,observe,observe,observe,observe
vn roles for "guide" by synset
SELECT synsetid,class,w.word,GROUP_CONCAT(roletype ORDER BY roletype),SUBSTRING(definition FROM 1 FOR 64) FROM words AS w LEFT JOIN senses USING (wordid) LEFT JOIN synsets USING (synsetid) LEFT JOIN vn_words AS v USING (wordid) INNER JOIN vn_members USING (vnwordid) INNER JOIN vn_roles USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_roletypes USING (roletypeid) LEFT JOIN vn_restrs USING (restrsid) INNER JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) WHERE w.word = 'guide' GROUP BY synsetid,classid ORDER BY synsetid,classid
synsetidclasswordGROUP_CONCAT(roletype ORDER BY roletype)SUBSTRING(definition FROM 1 FOR 64)
22356accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themepass over, across, or through
33756accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themedirect the course; determine the direction of travelling
34850accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themetake somebody somewhere
37519accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themeuse as a guide
42184accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themebe a guiding or motivating force or drive
54506accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themea structure or marking that serves to direct the motion or posit
68072accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themea model or standard for making comparisons
70288accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themesomething that offers basic information or instruction
90397accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themesomeone who shows the way by leading or advising
92820accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themesomeone who can find paths through unexplored territory
93904accompany-51.7guideAgent,Destination,Themesomeone employed to conduct others
vn roles for "guide" by synset (VerbNet-like entry)
SELECT w.word,class,sensekey,roletype,restrs FROM words AS w LEFT JOIN senses USING (wordid) LEFT JOIN synsets USING (synsetid) LEFT JOIN vn_words AS v USING (wordid) INNER JOIN vn_members USING (vnwordid) INNER JOIN vn_roles USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_roletypes USING (roletypeid) LEFT JOIN vn_restrs USING (restrsid) INNER JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) WHERE w.word = 'guide' ORDER BY classid,sensekey,roletype,restrs
get verbnet frame (syntax/semantics/example) for verb "want"
SELECT w.word,SUBSTRING(definition FROM 1 FOR 32),framename,framesubname,syntax,semantics,example FROM words AS w LEFT JOIN senses USING (wordid) LEFT JOIN synsets USING (synsetid) LEFT JOIN vn_words AS v USING (wordid) INNER JOIN vn_members USING (vnwordid) INNER JOIN vn_classes_frames USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_frames USING (frameid) INNER JOIN vn_syntaxes USING (syntaxid) INNER JOIN vn_semantics USING (semanticsid) INNER JOIN vn_framenames USING (framenameid) LEFT JOIN vn_framesubnames USING (framesubnameid) LEFT JOIN vn_frames_examples USING (frameid) LEFT JOIN vn_examples USING (exampleid) INNER JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) WHERE posid='v' AND w.word='want'
wordSUBSTRING(definition FROM 1 FOR 32)framenameframesubnamesyntaxsemanticsexample
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Agent VERB NP Theme!has_organization_role(Theme, ?Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, ?Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)They elected John
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP NPNP-NPNP Agent VERB NP Theme NP Attribute!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected him governor
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP PP.ATTRIBUTENP-PP; AS-PPNP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP as | to NP Attribute {-sentential}!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected him as governor
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP TO BE NPINFINITIVAL COPULAR CLAUSENP Agent VERB NP Theme LEX to LEX be NP Attribute {-sentential}!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected Alan to be our new governor
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V FOR NP S_INFFOR-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+for_comp}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed for her to be happy
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP ADJNP-ADJP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Theme ADJdesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)She wanted the meat red
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP ADJNP-VEN-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_ppart}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed the children found
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP ADVNP-ADVP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him here
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP S_INGPOSSINGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+poss_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed his cooking
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V S_INFTO-INF-SCNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+sc_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed to come
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V S_INGING-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_omit_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed exercising
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V S_INGNP-INGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+ac_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him cooking
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V FOR NP S_INFFOR-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+for_comp}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed for her to be happy
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP ADJNP-ADJP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Theme ADJdesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)She wanted the meat red
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP ADJNP-VEN-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_ppart}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed the children found
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP ADVNP-ADVP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him here
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP S_INFNP-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him to go
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP S_INGPOSSINGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+poss_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed his cooking
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V NP TO BE ADJNP-TOBENP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+to_be}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I need him to be nice
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V S_INFTO-INF-SCNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+sc_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed to come
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V S_INGING-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_omit_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed exercising
wantwish or demand the presence ofNP V S_INGNP-INGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+ac_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him cooking
wanthave need ofNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Agent VERB NP Theme!has_organization_role(Theme, ?Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, ?Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)They elected John
wanthave need ofNP V NP NPNP-NPNP Agent VERB NP Theme NP Attribute!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected him governor
wanthave need ofNP V NP PP.ATTRIBUTENP-PP; AS-PPNP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP as | to NP Attribute {-sentential}!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected him as governor
wanthave need ofNP V NP TO BE NPINFINITIVAL COPULAR CLAUSENP Agent VERB NP Theme LEX to LEX be NP Attribute {-sentential}!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected Alan to be our new governor
wanthave need ofNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wanthave need ofNP V FOR NP S_INFFOR-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+for_comp}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed for her to be happy
wanthave need ofNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wanthave need ofNP V NP ADJNP-ADJP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Theme ADJdesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)She wanted the meat red
wanthave need ofNP V NP ADJNP-VEN-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_ppart}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed the children found
wanthave need ofNP V NP ADVNP-ADVP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him here
wanthave need ofNP V NP S_INGPOSSINGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+poss_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed his cooking
wanthave need ofNP V S_INFTO-INF-SCNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+sc_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed to come
wanthave need ofNP V S_INGING-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_omit_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed exercising
wanthave need ofNP V S_INGNP-INGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+ac_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him cooking
wanthave need ofNP V FOR NP S_INFFOR-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+for_comp}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed for her to be happy
wanthave need ofNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wanthave need ofNP V NP ADJNP-ADJP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Theme ADJdesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)She wanted the meat red
wanthave need ofNP V NP ADJNP-VEN-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_ppart}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed the children found
wanthave need ofNP V NP ADVNP-ADVP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him here
wanthave need ofNP V NP S_INFNP-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him to go
wanthave need ofNP V NP S_INGPOSSINGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+poss_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed his cooking
wanthave need ofNP V NP TO BE ADJNP-TOBENP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+to_be}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I need him to be nice
wanthave need ofNP V S_INFTO-INF-SCNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+sc_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed to come
wanthave need ofNP V S_INGING-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_omit_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed exercising
wanthave need ofNP V S_INGNP-INGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+ac_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him cooking
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Agent VERB NP Theme!has_organization_role(Theme, ?Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, ?Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)They elected John
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP NPNP-NPNP Agent VERB NP Theme NP Attribute!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected him governor
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP PP.ATTRIBUTENP-PP; AS-PPNP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP as | to NP Attribute {-sentential}!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected him as governor
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP TO BE NPINFINITIVAL COPULAR CLAUSENP Agent VERB NP Theme LEX to LEX be NP Attribute {-sentential}!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected Alan to be our new governor
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V FOR NP S_INFFOR-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+for_comp}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed for her to be happy
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP ADJNP-ADJP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Theme ADJdesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)She wanted the meat red
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP ADJNP-VEN-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_ppart}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed the children found
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP ADVNP-ADVP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him here
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP S_INGPOSSINGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+poss_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed his cooking
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V S_INFTO-INF-SCNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+sc_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed to come
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V S_INGING-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_omit_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed exercising
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V S_INGNP-INGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+ac_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him cooking
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V FOR NP S_INFFOR-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+for_comp}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed for her to be happy
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP ADJNP-ADJP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Theme ADJdesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)She wanted the meat red
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP ADJNP-VEN-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_ppart}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed the children found
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP ADVNP-ADVP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him here
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP S_INFNP-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him to go
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP S_INGPOSSINGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+poss_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed his cooking
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V NP TO BE ADJNP-TOBENP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+to_be}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I need him to be nice
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V S_INFTO-INF-SCNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+sc_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed to come
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V S_INGING-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_omit_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed exercising
wanthunt or look for; want for a parNP V S_INGNP-INGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+ac_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him cooking
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Agent VERB NP Theme!has_organization_role(Theme, ?Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, ?Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)They elected John
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP NPNP-NPNP Agent VERB NP Theme NP Attribute!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected him governor
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP PP.ATTRIBUTENP-PP; AS-PPNP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP as | to NP Attribute {-sentential}!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected him as governor
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP TO BE NPINFINITIVAL COPULAR CLAUSENP Agent VERB NP Theme LEX to LEX be NP Attribute {-sentential}!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected Alan to be our new governor
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V FOR NP S_INFFOR-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+for_comp}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed for her to be happy
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP ADJNP-ADJP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Theme ADJdesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)She wanted the meat red
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP ADJNP-VEN-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_ppart}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed the children found
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP ADVNP-ADVP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him here
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP S_INGPOSSINGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+poss_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed his cooking
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V S_INFTO-INF-SCNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+sc_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed to come
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V S_INGING-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_omit_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed exercising
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V S_INGNP-INGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+ac_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him cooking
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V FOR NP S_INFFOR-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+for_comp}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed for her to be happy
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP ADJNP-ADJP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Theme ADJdesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)She wanted the meat red
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP ADJNP-VEN-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_ppart}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed the children found
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP ADVNP-ADVP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him here
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP S_INFNP-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him to go
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP S_INGPOSSINGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+poss_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed his cooking
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V NP TO BE ADJNP-TOBENP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+to_be}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I need him to be nice
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V S_INFTO-INF-SCNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+sc_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed to come
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V S_INGING-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_omit_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed exercising
wantfeel or have a desire for; want NP V S_INGNP-INGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+ac_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him cooking
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Agent VERB NP Theme!has_organization_role(Theme, ?Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, ?Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)They elected John
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP NPNP-NPNP Agent VERB NP Theme NP Attribute!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected him governor
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP PP.ATTRIBUTENP-PP; AS-PPNP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP as | to NP Attribute {-sentential}!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected him as governor
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP TO BE NPINFINITIVAL COPULAR CLAUSENP Agent VERB NP Theme LEX to LEX be NP Attribute {-sentential}!has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E1, ) do(Agent, event:E2) has_organization_role(Theme, Attribute, event:E3, ) cause(event:E2, event:E3)We elected Alan to be our new governor
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V FOR NP S_INFFOR-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+for_comp}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed for her to be happy
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP ADJNP-ADJP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Theme ADJdesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)She wanted the meat red
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP ADJNP-VEN-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_ppart}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed the children found
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP ADVNP-ADVP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him here
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP S_INGPOSSINGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+poss_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed his cooking
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V S_INFTO-INF-SCNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+sc_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed to come
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V S_INGING-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_omit_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed exercising
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V S_INGNP-INGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+ac_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him cooking
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V FOR NP S_INFFOR-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+for_comp}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed for her to be happy
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVENP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)Dorothy needed new shoes
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP ADJNP-ADJP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Theme ADJdesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)She wanted the meat red
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP ADJNP-VEN-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_ppart}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed the children found
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP ADVNP-ADVP-PREDNP Pivot VERB NP Themedesire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him here
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP S_INFNP-TO-INFNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him to go
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP S_INGPOSSINGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+poss_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed his cooking
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V NP TO BE ADJNP-TOBENP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+to_be}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I need him to be nice
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V S_INFTO-INF-SCNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+sc_to_inf}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed to come
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V S_INGING-NP-OMITNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+np_omit_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed exercising
wantbe without, lack; be deficient iNP V S_INGNP-INGNP Pivot VERB NP Theme {+ac_ing}desire(Pivot, Theme, event:E) has_emotional_state(Pivot, event:E, verbspecific:V_Emotion)I needed him cooking
word whose frames have semantics involving the "rotational_motion" predicate
SELECT w.word,SUBSTRING(definition FROM 1 FOR 32),framename,framesubname,frameid,SUBSTRING(semantics FROM 1 FOR 32) FROM words AS w LEFT JOIN senses USING (wordid) LEFT JOIN synsets USING (synsetid) LEFT JOIN vn_words AS v USING (wordid) INNER JOIN vn_members USING (vnwordid) INNER JOIN vn_classes_frames USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_frames USING (frameid) INNER JOIN vn_syntaxes USING (syntaxid) INNER JOIN vn_semantics USING (semanticsid) INNER JOIN vn_framenames USING (framenameid) LEFT JOIN vn_framesubnames USING (framesubnameid) LEFT JOIN vn_frames_examples USING (frameid) LEFT JOIN vn_examples USING (exampleid) INNER JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_predicates_semantics USING (semanticsid) INNER JOIN vn_predicates USING (predicateid) WHERE predicate='rotational_motion' ORDER BY word,framename,framesubname
wordSUBSTRING(definition FROM 1 FOR 32)framenameframesubnameframeidSUBSTRING(semantics FROM 1 FOR 32)
coila contraceptive device placed inNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila transformer that supplies highNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila round shape formed by a seriesNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilwind around something in coils oNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilmake without a potter's wheelNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilto wind or move in a spiral courNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coiltubing that is wound in a spiralNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilreactor consisting of a spiral oNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila structure consisting of somethNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila transformer that supplies highNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilreactor consisting of a spiral oNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coiltubing that is wound in a spiralNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila contraceptive device placed inNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila round shape formed by a seriesNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilwind around something in coils oNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilmake without a potter's wheelNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilto wind or move in a spiral courNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila structure consisting of somethNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilmake without a potter's wheelNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilwind around something in coils oNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila round shape formed by a seriesNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila transformer that supplies highNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila contraceptive device placed inNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coiltubing that is wound in a spiralNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila structure consisting of somethNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilreactor consisting of a spiral oNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilto wind or move in a spiral courNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila structure consisting of somethNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilto wind or move in a spiral courNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilmake without a potter's wheelNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilwind around something in coils oNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila round shape formed by a seriesNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila transformer that supplies highNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila contraceptive device placed inNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coiltubing that is wound in a spiralNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilreactor consisting of a spiral oNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilmake without a potter's wheelNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila structure consisting of somethNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilreactor consisting of a spiral oNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coiltubing that is wound in a spiralNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila contraceptive device placed inNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila transformer that supplies highNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coila round shape formed by a seriesNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilwind around something in coils oNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
coilto wind or move in a spiral courNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curla round shape formed by a seriesNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlform a curl, curve, or kinkNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlplay the Scottish game of curlinNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curltwist or roll into coils or ringNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlwind around something in coils oNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlshape one's body into a curlNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlAmerican chemist who with RicharNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curllock of hair in the shape of a sNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curltwist or roll into coils or ringNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curllock of hair in the shape of a sNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlAmerican chemist who with RicharNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curla round shape formed by a seriesNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlform a curl, curve, or kinkNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlplay the Scottish game of curlinNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlshape one's body into a curlNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlwind around something in coils oNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlplay the Scottish game of curlinNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curllock of hair in the shape of a sNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlAmerican chemist who with RicharNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curla round shape formed by a seriesNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlform a curl, curve, or kinkNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curltwist or roll into coils or ringNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlwind around something in coils oNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlshape one's body into a curlNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlplay the Scottish game of curlinNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curltwist or roll into coils or ringNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlwind around something in coils oNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlshape one's body into a curlNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curla round shape formed by a seriesNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlAmerican chemist who with RicharNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curllock of hair in the shape of a sNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlform a curl, curve, or kinkNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlplay the Scottish game of curlinNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curllock of hair in the shape of a sNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlAmerican chemist who with RicharNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curla round shape formed by a seriesNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlshape one's body into a curlNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlwind around something in coils oNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curlform a curl, curve, or kinkNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
curltwist or roll into coils or ringNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookrip off; ask an unreasonable priNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookmake off with belongings of otheNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka short swinging punch deliveredNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka golf shot that curves to the lNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka basketball shot made over the NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka curved or bent implement for sNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka mechanical device that is curvNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka catch for locking a doorNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookanything that serves as an enticNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka sharp curve or crook; a shape NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookapproach with an offer of sexualNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookentice and trapNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooksecure with the footNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookto cause (someone or oneself) toNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookfasten with a hookNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookcatch with a hookNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookhit with a hookNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookhit a ball and put a spin on it NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookmake a piece of needlework by inNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooktake by theftNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka mechanical device that is curvNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka golf shot that curves to the lNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookrip off; ask an unreasonable priNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooktake by theftNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookmake off with belongings of otheNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookmake a piece of needlework by inNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookhit a ball and put a spin on it NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookhit with a hookNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookcatch with a hookNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookfasten with a hookNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookto cause (someone or oneself) toNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookentice and trapNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooksecure with the footNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka basketball shot made over the NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka curved or bent implement for sNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka short swinging punch deliveredNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka catch for locking a doorNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookanything that serves as an enticNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka sharp curve or crook; a shape NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookapproach with an offer of sexualNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookcatch with a hookNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookhit with a hookNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookrip off; ask an unreasonable priNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooktake by theftNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookmake off with belongings of otheNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookmake a piece of needlework by inNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookhit a ball and put a spin on it NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka short swinging punch deliveredNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka golf shot that curves to the lNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka basketball shot made over the NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka mechanical device that is curvNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka catch for locking a doorNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookanything that serves as an enticNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka sharp curve or crook; a shape NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookapproach with an offer of sexualNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookentice and trapNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooksecure with the footNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookto cause (someone or oneself) toNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookfasten with a hookNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka curved or bent implement for sNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookmake off with belongings of otheNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookapproach with an offer of sexualNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookmake a piece of needlework by inNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookhit a ball and put a spin on it NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookhit with a hookNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookcatch with a hookNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookfasten with a hookNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookto cause (someone or oneself) toNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooksecure with the footNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookentice and trapNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooktake by theftNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookrip off; ask an unreasonable priNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka sharp curve or crook; a shape NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookanything that serves as an enticNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka catch for locking a doorNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka mechanical device that is curvNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka curved or bent implement for sNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka basketball shot made over the NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka golf shot that curves to the lNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka short swinging punch deliveredNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka golf shot that curves to the lNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka basketball shot made over the NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka curved or bent implement for sNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka mechanical device that is curvNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka catch for locking a doorNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookanything that serves as an enticNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka sharp curve or crook; a shape NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookapproach with an offer of sexualNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookentice and trapNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooksecure with the footNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookto cause (someone or oneself) toNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooka short swinging punch deliveredNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookfasten with a hookNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookcatch with a hookNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookhit with a hookNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookhit a ball and put a spin on it NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookmake a piece of needlework by inNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookmake off with belongings of otheNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hooktake by theftNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
hookrip off; ask an unreasonable priNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn outwardNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateexchange on a regular basisNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn on or around an axis or a cNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateperform a job or duty on a rotatNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotatecause to turn on an axis or centNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn on or around an axis or a cNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn outwardNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateexchange on a regular basisNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateplant or grow in a fixed cyclic NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateperform a job or duty on a rotatNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotatecause to turn on an axis or centNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateplant or grow in a fixed cyclic NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateexchange on a regular basisNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn outwardNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn on or around an axis or a cNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotatecause to turn on an axis or centNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateplant or grow in a fixed cyclic NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateexchange on a regular basisNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn outwardNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn on or around an axis or a cNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotatecause to turn on an axis or centNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateperform a job or duty on a rotatNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateplant or grow in a fixed cyclic NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateperform a job or duty on a rotatNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateexchange on a regular basisNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotatecause to turn on an axis or centNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn outwardNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateplant or grow in a fixed cyclic NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateperform a job or duty on a rotatNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotatecause to turn on an axis or centNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn on or around an axis or a cNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateplant or grow in a fixed cyclic NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateperform a job or duty on a rotatNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn on or around an axis or a cNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn outwardNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateexchange on a regular basisNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateexchange on a regular basisNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn outwardNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn on or around an axis or a cNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotatecause to turn on an axis or centNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateperform a job or duty on a rotatNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateplant or grow in a fixed cyclic NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn on or around an axis or a cNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateplant or grow in a fixed cyclic NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateperform a job or duty on a rotatNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotatecause to turn on an axis or centNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateturn outwardNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
rotateexchange on a regular basisNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina swift whirling motion (usuallyNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinthe act of rotating rapidlyNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina short drive in a carNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinrapid descent of an aircraft in NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina distinctive interpretation (esNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinprolong or extendNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spintwist and turn so as to give an NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinwork natural fibers into a threaNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinform a web by making a threadNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinmake up a storyNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinstream in jets, of liquidsNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinrevolve quickly and repeatedly aNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spincause to spinNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinthe act of rotating rapidlyNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina short drive in a carNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinrapid descent of an aircraft in NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina distinctive interpretation (esNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina swift whirling motion (usuallyNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinprolong or extendNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spintwist and turn so as to give an NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinwork natural fibers into a threaNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinform a web by making a threadNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinmake up a storyNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinstream in jets, of liquidsNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spincause to spinNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinrevolve quickly and repeatedly aNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spintwist and turn so as to give an NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinprolong or extendNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina swift whirling motion (usuallyNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina distinctive interpretation (esNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinrapid descent of an aircraft in NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina short drive in a carNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinthe act of rotating rapidlyNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinwork natural fibers into a threaNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinform a web by making a threadNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinmake up a storyNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinstream in jets, of liquidsNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinrevolve quickly and repeatedly aNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spincause to spinNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinform a web by making a threadNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinthe act of rotating rapidlyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina short drive in a carNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinrapid descent of an aircraft in NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina distinctive interpretation (esNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina swift whirling motion (usuallyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinprolong or extendNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spintwist and turn so as to give an NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinwork natural fibers into a threaNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinmake up a storyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spincause to spinNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinrevolve quickly and repeatedly aNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinstream in jets, of liquidsNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinrapid descent of an aircraft in NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina short drive in a carNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinthe act of rotating rapidlyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spincause to spinNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinrevolve quickly and repeatedly aNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinstream in jets, of liquidsNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinmake up a storyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina distinctive interpretation (esNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spina swift whirling motion (usuallyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinprolong or extendNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spintwist and turn so as to give an NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinwork natural fibers into a threaNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
spinform a web by making a threadNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga jaunty rhythm in musicNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghave a certain musical rhythmNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinglive in a lively, modern, and reNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghang looselyNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinginfluence decisivelyNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingbe a social swinger; socialize aNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingchange direction with a swingingNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmove in a curve or arc, usually NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingplay with a subtle and intuitiveNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga style of jazz played by big baNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmechanical device used as a playNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga sweeping blow or strokeNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga square dance figure; a pair ofNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingthe act of swinging a golf club NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingin baseball; a batter's attempt NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingchanging location by moving backNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga state of steady vigorous actioNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingalternate dramatically between hNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghit or aim at with a sweeping arNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmake a big sweeping gesture or mNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingengage freely in promiscuous sexNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmove or walk in a swinging or swNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingchanging location by moving backNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingin baseball; a batter's attempt NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingthe act of swinging a golf club NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga square dance figure; a pair ofNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga sweeping blow or strokeNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmechanical device used as a playNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga jaunty rhythm in musicNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga style of jazz played by big baNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga state of steady vigorous actioNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinginfluence decisivelyNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingalternate dramatically between hNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghave a certain musical rhythmNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinglive in a lively, modern, and reNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghang looselyNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingbe a social swinger; socialize aNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingchange direction with a swingingNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmove in a curve or arc, usually NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmove or walk in a swinging or swNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingplay with a subtle and intuitiveNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingengage freely in promiscuous sexNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmake a big sweeping gesture or mNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghit or aim at with a sweeping arNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmake a big sweeping gesture or mNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingchange direction with a swingingNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingengage freely in promiscuous sexNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingplay with a subtle and intuitiveNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmove or walk in a swinging or swNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmove in a curve or arc, usually NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingbe a social swinger; socialize aNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinginfluence decisivelyNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghang looselyNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinglive in a lively, modern, and reNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghave a certain musical rhythmNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingalternate dramatically between hNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghit or aim at with a sweeping arNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingchanging location by moving backNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingin baseball; a batter's attempt NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingthe act of swinging a golf club NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga square dance figure; a pair ofNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga sweeping blow or strokeNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmechanical device used as a playNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga jaunty rhythm in musicNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga style of jazz played by big baNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga state of steady vigorous actioNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingchanging location by moving backNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingin baseball; a batter's attempt NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingthe act of swinging a golf club NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga square dance figure; a pair ofNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga sweeping blow or strokeNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmechanical device used as a playNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga jaunty rhythm in musicNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga style of jazz played by big baNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga state of steady vigorous actioNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingalternate dramatically between hNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghit or aim at with a sweeping arNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmake a big sweeping gesture or mNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingengage freely in promiscuous sexNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingplay with a subtle and intuitiveNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmove or walk in a swinging or swNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmove in a curve or arc, usually NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingchange direction with a swingingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingbe a social swinger; socialize aNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinginfluence decisivelyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghang looselyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinglive in a lively, modern, and reNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghave a certain musical rhythmNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingbe a social swinger; socialize aNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingin baseball; a batter's attempt NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingchanging location by moving backNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingengage freely in promiscuous sexNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingplay with a subtle and intuitiveNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmove or walk in a swinging or swNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmove in a curve or arc, usually NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghave a certain musical rhythmNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinglive in a lively, modern, and reNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghang looselyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinginfluence decisivelyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingchange direction with a swingingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinghit or aim at with a sweeping arNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmake a big sweeping gesture or mNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingthe act of swinging a golf club NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga square dance figure; a pair ofNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga sweeping blow or strokeNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingmechanical device used as a playNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga jaunty rhythm in musicNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga style of jazz played by big baNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swinga state of steady vigorous actioNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
swingalternate dramatically between hNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause (an object) to assume a crNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto break and turn over earth espNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto change orientation or directiNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move around a center soNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move around or rotateNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnbecome officially one year olderNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnpass to the other side ofNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnmove around an axis or a centerNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto send or let goNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move along an axis or iNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchannel one's attention, interesNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnget by buying and sellingNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnaccomplish by rotatingNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnundergo a change or developmentNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to change or turn into somNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnlet (something) fall or spill frNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnthe act of changing or reversingNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnthe act of turning away or in thNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turntaking a short walk out and backNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna favor for someoneNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turn(game) the activity of doing somNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnturning or twisting around (in pNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna short performance that is partNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna movement in a new directionNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnan unforeseen developmentNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna circular segment of a curveNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turn(sports) a division of a game duNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna time period for working (afterNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turntwist suddenly so as to sprainNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchange to the contraryNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turngo sour or spoilNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnpass into a condition gradually,NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnundergo a transformation or a chNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchange colorNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnhave recourse to or make an appeNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turndirect at someoneNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnshape by rotating on a lathe or NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnalter the functioning or settingNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turn(game) the activity of doing somNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto send or let goNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnlet (something) fall or spill frNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnalter the functioning or settingNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause (an object) to assume a crNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto break and turn over earth espNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto change orientation or directiNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move around a center soNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move around or rotateNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnpass to the other side ofNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnmove around an axis or a centerNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turntaking a short walk out and backNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move along an axis or iNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchannel one's attention, interesNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnget by buying and sellingNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnaccomplish by rotatingNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnundergo a change or developmentNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to change or turn into somNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnthe act of turning away or in thNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnthe act of changing or reversingNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turndirect at someoneNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna favor for someoneNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnturning or twisting around (in pNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna short performance that is partNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna movement in a new directionNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnan unforeseen developmentNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna circular segment of a curveNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turn(sports) a division of a game duNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna time period for working (afterNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turntwist suddenly so as to sprainNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchange to the contraryNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turngo sour or spoilNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnpass into a condition gradually,NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnundergo a transformation or a chNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchange colorNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnbecome officially one year olderNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnhave recourse to or make an appeNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnshape by rotating on a lathe or NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna favor for someoneNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turn(game) the activity of doing somNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move along an axis or iNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnalter the functioning or settingNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause (an object) to assume a crNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto break and turn over earth espNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto change orientation or directiNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move around a center soNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move around or rotateNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnpass to the other side ofNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnmove around an axis or a centerNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto send or let goNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnturning or twisting around (in pNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchannel one's attention, interesNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnget by buying and sellingNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnaccomplish by rotatingNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnundergo a change or developmentNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to change or turn into somNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turntaking a short walk out and backNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnthe act of turning away or in thNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnthe act of changing or reversingNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnshape by rotating on a lathe or NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna short performance that is partNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna movement in a new directionNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnan unforeseen developmentNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna circular segment of a curveNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turn(sports) a division of a game duNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna time period for working (afterNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turntwist suddenly so as to sprainNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchange to the contraryNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turngo sour or spoilNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnpass into a condition gradually,NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnundergo a transformation or a chNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchange colorNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnbecome officially one year olderNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnhave recourse to or make an appeNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turndirect at someoneNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnlet (something) fall or spill frNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turndirect at someoneNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turntwist suddenly so as to sprainNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnhave recourse to or make an appeNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnbecome officially one year olderNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchange colorNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnundergo a transformation or a chNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnpass into a condition gradually,NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turngo sour or spoilNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchange to the contraryNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto send or let goNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnshape by rotating on a lathe or NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnlet (something) fall or spill frNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnalter the functioning or settingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause (an object) to assume a crNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto break and turn over earth espNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto change orientation or directiNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move around a center soNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move around or rotateNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnpass to the other side ofNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnmove around an axis or a centerNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turn(sports) a division of a game duNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move along an axis or iNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to change or turn into somNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnundergo a change or developmentNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnaccomplish by rotatingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnget by buying and sellingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchannel one's attention, interesNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnthe act of changing or reversingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnthe act of turning away or in thNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turntaking a short walk out and backNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna favor for someoneNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turn(game) the activity of doing somNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnturning or twisting around (in pNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna short performance that is partNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna movement in a new directionNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnan unforeseen developmentNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna circular segment of a curveNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna time period for working (afterNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnpass into a condition gradually,NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turntwist suddenly so as to sprainNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnundergo a transformation or a chNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turngo sour or spoilNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchange to the contraryNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnlet (something) fall or spill frNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchange colorNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnbecome officially one year olderNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnhave recourse to or make an appeNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turndirect at someoneNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnshape by rotating on a lathe or NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna favor for someoneNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna time period for working (afterNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turn(sports) a division of a game duNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna circular segment of a curveNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnan unforeseen developmentNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna movement in a new directionNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turna short performance that is partNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnturning or twisting around (in pNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turn(game) the activity of doing somNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnthe act of changing or reversingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnthe act of turning away or in thNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turntaking a short walk out and backNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause (an object) to assume a crNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnalter the functioning or settingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to change or turn into somNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnundergo a change or developmentNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnaccomplish by rotatingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnget by buying and sellingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnchannel one's attention, interesNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move along an axis or iNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto send or let goNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnmove around an axis or a centerNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnpass to the other side ofNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move around or rotateNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turncause to move around a center soNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto change orientation or directiNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
turnto break and turn over earth espNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirla sharp bend in a line produced NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlcause to spinNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlturn in a twisting or spinning mNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlthe act of rotating rapidlyNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlthe act of rotating rapidlyNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirla sharp bend in a line produced NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlturn in a twisting or spinning mNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlcause to spinNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlcause to spinNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlturn in a twisting or spinning mNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirla sharp bend in a line produced NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlthe act of rotating rapidlyNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlcause to spinNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlturn in a twisting or spinning mNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirla sharp bend in a line produced NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlthe act of rotating rapidlyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlcause to spinNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlthe act of rotating rapidlyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirla sharp bend in a line produced NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twirlturn in a twisting or spinning mNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistcause (an object) to assume a crNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twisttwist or pull violently or suddeNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistto move in a twisting or contortNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistdo the twistNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistextend in curves and turnsNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistan interpretation of a text or aNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistturn in the opposite directionNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistsocial dancing in which couples NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistany clever maneuverNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistthe act of rotating rapidlyNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistturning or twisting around (in pNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistthe act of winding or twistingNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista hairdo formed by braiding or tNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistan unforeseen developmentNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista miniature whirlpool or whirlwiNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista jerky pulling movementNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista sharp bend in a line produced NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista circular segment of a curveNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista sharp strain on muscles or ligNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twisttwist suddenly so as to sprainNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistform into twistsNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistpractice sophistry; change the mNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistform into a spiral shapeNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistan interpretation of a text or aNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twisttwist or pull violently or suddeNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistsocial dancing in which couples NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistany clever maneuverNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistform into a spiral shapeNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistturn in the opposite directionNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistpractice sophistry; change the mNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistform into twistsNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twisttwist suddenly so as to sprainNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista sharp strain on muscles or ligNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista circular segment of a curveNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista sharp bend in a line produced NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista jerky pulling movementNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistan unforeseen developmentNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistcause (an object) to assume a crNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistto move in a twisting or contortNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistdo the twistNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistextend in curves and turnsNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistthe act of winding or twistingNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistturning or twisting around (in pNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistthe act of rotating rapidlyNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista hairdo formed by braiding or tNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista miniature whirlpool or whirlwiNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistto move in a twisting or contortNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista miniature whirlpool or whirlwiNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista jerky pulling movementNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista sharp bend in a line produced NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista circular segment of a curveNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista sharp strain on muscles or ligNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twisttwist suddenly so as to sprainNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistextend in curves and turnsNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistan unforeseen developmentNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistan interpretation of a text or aNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista hairdo formed by braiding or tNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistthe act of winding or twistingNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistturning or twisting around (in pNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistthe act of rotating rapidlyNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistany clever maneuverNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistsocial dancing in which couples NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistform into twistsNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistdo the twistNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twisttwist or pull violently or suddeNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistcause (an object) to assume a crNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistform into a spiral shapeNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistturn in the opposite directionNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistpractice sophistry; change the mNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistan unforeseen developmentNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistany clever maneuverNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistextend in curves and turnsNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistdo the twistNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistto move in a twisting or contortNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twisttwist or pull violently or suddeNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistcause (an object) to assume a crNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistform into a spiral shapeNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistturn in the opposite directionNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistpractice sophistry; change the mNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistform into twistsNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twisttwist suddenly so as to sprainNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista sharp strain on muscles or ligNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista circular segment of a curveNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista sharp bend in a line produced NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista jerky pulling movementNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista miniature whirlpool or whirlwiNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistan interpretation of a text or aNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista hairdo formed by braiding or tNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistthe act of winding or twistingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistturning or twisting around (in pNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistthe act of rotating rapidlyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistsocial dancing in which couples NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistpractice sophistry; change the mNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistextend in curves and turnsNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistdo the twistNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistto move in a twisting or contortNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistcause (an object) to assume a crNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistsocial dancing in which couples NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistany clever maneuverNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistthe act of rotating rapidlyNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistturning or twisting around (in pNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistthe act of winding or twistingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista hairdo formed by braiding or tNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistan interpretation of a text or aNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistan unforeseen developmentNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista miniature whirlpool or whirlwiNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista sharp bend in a line produced NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista circular segment of a curveNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista sharp strain on muscles or ligNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twisttwist suddenly so as to sprainNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistform into twistsNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twisttwist or pull violently or suddeNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistturn in the opposite directionNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twistform into a spiral shapeNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
twista jerky pulling movementNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windan indication of potential opporNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windempty rhetoric or insincere or eNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windair moving (sometimes with consiNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda tendency or force that influenNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windcoil the spring of (some mechaniNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windcatch the scent of; get wind ofNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windform into a wreathNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windraise or haul up with or as if wNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windarrange or coil aroundNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windto move or cause to move in a siNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windextend in curves and turnsNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda musical instrument in which thNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda reflex that expels intestinal NP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windbreathNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windthe act of winding or twistingNP V ADV-MIDDLEMIDDLE CONSTRUCTION141!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda tendency or force that influenNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windextend in curves and turnsNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windcoil the spring of (some mechaniNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windcatch the scent of; get wind ofNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windto move or cause to move in a siNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windarrange or coil aroundNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windraise or haul up with or as if wNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windform into a wreathNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windthe act of winding or twistingNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windbreathNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda reflex that expels intestinal NP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda musical instrument in which thNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windan indication of potential opporNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windempty rhetoric or insincere or eNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windair moving (sometimes with consiNP V NP.EXTENTTRANSITIVE: WITHOUT DESTINATION878!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windextend in curves and turnsNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windcatch the scent of; get wind ofNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windto move or cause to move in a siNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windarrange or coil aroundNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windraise or haul up with or as if wNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windform into a wreathNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windcoil the spring of (some mechaniNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda tendency or force that influenNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windair moving (sometimes with consiNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windempty rhetoric or insincere or eNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windan indication of potential opporNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda musical instrument in which thNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda reflex that expels intestinal NP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windbreathNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windthe act of winding or twistingNP V NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-PP; TRAJECTORY-PP879!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windthe act of winding or twistingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windextend in curves and turnsNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windcatch the scent of; get wind ofNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windto move or cause to move in a siNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windarrange or coil aroundNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windraise or haul up with or as if wNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windform into a wreathNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windcoil the spring of (some mechaniNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda tendency or force that influenNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windair moving (sometimes with consiNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windempty rhetoric or insincere or eNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windan indication of potential opporNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda musical instrument in which thNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda reflex that expels intestinal NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windbreathNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENTNP-NP1435!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windextend in curves and turnsNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windthe act of winding or twistingNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windbreathNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda reflex that expels intestinal NP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda musical instrument in which thNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windan indication of potential opporNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windempty rhetoric or insincere or eNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windair moving (sometimes with consiNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
winda tendency or force that influenNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windcoil the spring of (some mechaniNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windform into a wreathNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windraise or haul up with or as if wNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windarrange or coil aroundNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windto move or cause to move in a siNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
windcatch the scent of; get wind ofNP.AGENT V NP.THEME NP.EXTENT PP.TRAJECTORYNP-NP1436!has_orientation(Theme, event:E1
vn groupings
SELECT * FROM vn_members_groupings LEFT JOIN vn_groupings USING(groupingid) LEFT JOIN vn_words USING(vnwordid) LEFT JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) ORDER BY groupingid LIMIT 20
1135abide.03556abide byabide_by-93.293.2
vn groupings: grouping, class, word
SELECT groupingid,`grouping`, class, word FROM vn_members_groupings LEFT JOIN vn_groupings USING(groupingid) LEFT JOIN vn_words USING(vnwordid) LEFT JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) ORDER BY groupingid LIMIT 20
5abide.03abide_by-93.2abide by
vn groupings: grouping, classes, word
SELECT word,`grouping`,GROUP_CONCAT(class) FROM vn_members_groupings LEFT JOIN vn_groupings USING(groupingid) LEFT JOIN vn_words USING(vnwordid) LEFT JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) GROUP BY word,`grouping`,groupingid ORDER BY groupingid LIMIT 20
abide byabide.03abide_by-93.2
vn roles/frames for "guide%2:38" (VerbNet-like entry)
SELECT sensekey,class,framename,framesubname,number,xtag,syntax,semantics,exampleset,roletype,restrs FROM words AS w LEFT JOIN senses USING (wordid) LEFT JOIN synsets USING (synsetid) LEFT JOIN vn_words AS v USING (wordid) INNER JOIN vn_members USING (vnwordid) INNER JOIN vn_classes_frames USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_roles USING (classid) INNER JOIN vn_roletypes USING (roletypeid) LEFT JOIN vn_restrs USING (restrsid) INNER JOIN vn_frames USING (frameid) INNER JOIN vn_syntaxes USING (syntaxid) INNER JOIN vn_semantics USING (semanticsid) INNER JOIN vn_framenames USING (framenameid) LEFT JOIN vn_framesubnames USING (framesubnameid) LEFT JOIN vn_frames_examples USING (frameid) LEFT JOIN vn_examples USING (exampleid) INNER JOIN vn_classes USING (classid) LEFT JOIN vnexamplesets USING (frameid) WHERE sensekey LIKE 'guide%%2:38%' GROUP BY sensekey,synsetid,class,frameid,framename,framesubname,number,xtag,syntax,semantics,exampleset,roletypeid,roletype,restrs ORDER BY synsetid,class ASC,frameid ASC,roletypeid ASC
guide%2:38:01::accompany-51.7NP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVE0.20.2NP Agent VERB NP Themehas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë3, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, ?Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, ?Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied RoseAgent<+animate>
guide%2:38:01::accompany-51.7NP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVE0.20.2NP Agent VERB NP Themehas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë3, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, ?Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, ?Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied RoseDestination
guide%2:38:01::accompany-51.7NP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVE0.20.2NP Agent VERB NP Themehas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë3, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, ?Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, ?Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied RoseTheme<+animate>
guide%2:38:01::accompany-51.7NP V NP PP.DESTINATIONNP-PP; PATH-PP0.2NP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP <+spatial> NP Destinationhas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë3, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied Rose to the storeAgent<+animate>
guide%2:38:01::accompany-51.7NP V NP PP.DESTINATIONNP-PP; PATH-PP0.2NP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP <+spatial> NP Destinationhas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë3, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied Rose to the storeDestination
guide%2:38:01::accompany-51.7NP V NP PP.DESTINATIONNP-PP; PATH-PP0.2NP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP <+spatial> NP Destinationhas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë3, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied Rose to the storeTheme<+animate>
guide%2:38:00::accompany-51.7NP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVE0.20.2NP Agent VERB NP Themehas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë3, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, ?Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, ?Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied RoseAgent<+animate>
guide%2:38:00::accompany-51.7NP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVE0.20.2NP Agent VERB NP Themehas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë3, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, ?Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, ?Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied RoseDestination
guide%2:38:00::accompany-51.7NP V NPBASIC TRANSITIVE0.20.2NP Agent VERB NP Themehas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë3, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, ?Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, ?Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied RoseTheme<+animate>
guide%2:38:00::accompany-51.7NP V NP PP.DESTINATIONNP-PP; PATH-PP0.2NP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP <+spatial> NP Destinationhas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë3, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied Rose to the storeAgent<+animate>
guide%2:38:00::accompany-51.7NP V NP PP.DESTINATIONNP-PP; PATH-PP0.2NP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP <+spatial> NP Destinationhas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë3, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied Rose to the storeDestination
guide%2:38:00::accompany-51.7NP V NP PP.DESTINATIONNP-PP; PATH-PP0.2NP Agent VERB NP Theme PREP <+spatial> NP Destinationhas_location(Theme, event:E1, ) has_location(Agent, event:E2, ) motion(Agent, event:Ë3, ) !has_location(Agent, event:Ë3, ) motion(Theme, event:Ë4, ) !has_location(Theme, event:Ë4, ) co-temporal(event:Ë3, event:Ë4) has_location(Theme, Destination, event:E5) has_location(Agent, Destination, event:E6)Jackie accompanied Rose to the storeTheme<+animate>
stats: frame maps
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vn_classes_frames