
sql unified xnet - queries
Bernard Bou


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all see PDF
oewn see PDF, Open English Wordnet only
basic see basic usage
dict see dictionary-like usage (views)
relations see relations
cased see cased forms
misc see adjective position
morph see morphology
vframe see verb frames
legacy see legacy WordNet
vn see VerbNet
pb see PropBank
fn see FrameNet (frame)
fn see FrameNet (lexical unit)
fn see FrameNet (FE realization)
fn see FrameNet (annotation)
fn see FrameNet (semtype)
fn see FrameNet (fulltext)
bnc see British National Corpus usage statistical data
sumo see SUMO
cardinality see cardinality of associations

Some of these queries will work only with MySQL, notably those resorting to GROUP_CONCAT specific syntax.

Views are used to make SQL queries easier to build and understand. Some of these queries will not work without them.